Pip-Squeak to the rescue - A motivational story for boys : Part 8

in #fiction6 years ago

It was Friday morning and the school hall was packed with children. Luke's stepdad stood on the stage.

"As you all know, some strange events have struck our school and our learners lately. Yesterday a criminal even threatened the lives of some of our learners. Fortunately the superhero who calls himself Mighty Pip-Squeak was there to save the day."

Luke looked around. Bret was nowhere to be seen. To make matters worse, Luke's sixth sense was tingling. Something was about to happen...

"Let me out! I feel sick!" he muttered, shoving his way past some kids to get to the aisle. A moment later he raced through the door.

In the corridor he looked around anxiously. He knew something was about to happen and then he saw something falling from the sky! What could it be?

It was a ball of flame. It hit one of the outside classrooms, which immediately burst into flames! Luke charged out of the building onto the rugby field and spotted his enemy high in the sky. Just then a second wall of fire burst from Powerman's mouth and another outside classroom burst into flames.

"Spitting fire? What sort of power do you need for that?" Luke wondered, certain he'd be unable to match that stunt. He had to turn into Mighty Pip-Squeak super-quick. He had to save the school! But what about his mom? He could imagine her strength being drained from her right now. He could save the school and everyone in it, but at what cost to his mom?


Think! Think!

Powerman was on the point of spitting a third ball of fire earthwards, this time at the school hall! Luke knew he couldn't change into Mighty Pip-Squeak - it was too much of a risk for his mom. So in his weak, defenceless form as Luke he charged towards Powerman shouting: "I'm Mighty Pip-Squeak! Fight me if you must, but leave them alone!" He then turned and ran up the hill behind the school, hoping Powerman would come after him, not daring to look back. A moment later he had his answer. A bush nearby burst into flames. Luke ran as fast as he could, knowing a flying Powerman would be much faster than him.

Finally, out of breath, he reached the top of the hill and turned to face his foe. He knew this would be the biggest test of his life. This time he had no supernatural power to help him. He had to be courageous and clever if he was going to win.

"Where do you think you're going?" sneered Powerman, now only a couple of metres from Luke.

"Bret, I know it's you," Luke panted.

Powerman laughed. "At times like this I'm not Bret. Powerman takes over. Now it's time for you all to fry!"


"Get ready to fry!"

Luke's brain raced desperately. He had only a split second to respond. Why had he been chosen to challenge Bret? he thought. Because he knew his weak points?

That was it!

His weak point! Bret's allergy to dust! Powerman must also be allergic to dust!

As Powerman leant forward to blast Luke with a fireball, Luke ducked like lightning and scooped a handful of dust up into the villain's face.

"Not dust!" Powerman yelled.

He then fell to the ground and more dust flew up.

"Atchoo! Atchoo! Atchoo!" He sneezed and sneezed and sneezed.

Luke jumped onto Bret and forced his arm up behind his back.

"Give up!"

"No! Atchoo!"

Luke applied more pressure.

"Give up now?"

"Atchoo! Yes! Yes! I give up!" Bret gasped.

Just then they heard people approaching.

"Say your magic word!" Luke hissed at Powerman, who mumbled something under his breath. A moment later he was just Bret.

"Where is that man?" Headmaster Johnson asked. "Where did he go?"

"We went after him, but he got away!" Luke said, getting up. "I don't think he'll be back," he continued, giving his stepbrother a meaningful look. "I think he got the fright of his life, don't you, Bret?"

"I think you're right," Bret mumbled. Then he let loose with a whopping sneeze.

Headmaster Johnson put an arm around each of the boys. "Thank goodness you're both all right," he said with a heartfelt relief.

To be continued

For Part 1, click here
For Part 2, click here
For Part 3, click here
For Part 4, click here
For Part 5, click here
For Part 6, click here
For Part 7, click here

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