Larry finds a buddy - FICTION - Chapter 21

in #fiction6 years ago

Larry felt himself begin to tremble as they crossed the bridge and passed the caravan park sign. A few kilometres further on they came across the board which said, “Venter Valley Farm”, and as Larry opened the gate and closed it again behind the red car, he kept his eyes to the ground and climbed quickly back into his seat afterwards. Making their way slowly over the dusty, corrugated track, Larry’s heart lurched within him as he caught a glimpse of a thatched roof in the bushes to their left. Resolutely he tore his eyes from it and stared stiffly ahead. On arrival at the farmhouse he kept his eyes downcast as he climbed out of the car and then turned his back to the vicinity of Max’s grave.

Mrs. Venter came running from the house, drying her hands on her apron as she ran, a big smile spread across her cheerful face. She welcomed the Lawrence’s warmly and drew Larry into a breath-stopping embrace. Embarrassed, Larry pulled himself free as soon as he politely could and positioned himself behind his parents as they made their way into the farmhouse. Mrs. Venter beamed at him. She had a grandson of Larry’s age and she understood how little boys’ minds worked.

Very soon Mr. Venter came into the lounge, pulling his hat off his head and shaking hands with Mr. Lawrence and Larry.

”It’s good to see you all again,” he boomed warmly and dropped into his favourite chair. Within a minute or so his Labrador, Betty, had followed him in and was laying in her usual spot at her master’s feet. She’s got quite thin, thought Larry as he looked at the dog.

”Anyone for a muffin?” called Mrs. Venter, pushing the door into the lounge open with a thrust of her hips, her hands supporting a huge tray of steaming tea and coffee.

With great relish they tucked into the delicious, freshly baked goods that she had prepared for them. Eventually, however, his tummy full, Larry grew tired of the adult conversation and asked if he could be excused.

”Of course, my boy!” beamed Mrs. Venter, leaning across the arm of her chair to pull the front door open.

”Oh no! That’s all right, Mrs. Venter,” said Larry quickly. ”If you don’t mind, I’ll go out the back way.”

He scurried out into the sunshine, a further muffin in his hand, pushed on him by Mrs. Venter as he left. Once in the garden his steps slowed and he made his way in a more leisurely fashion to a nearby duckpond.

Mrs. Venter watched him go thoughtfully.

”He wouldn’t go out past Max’s grave,” she observed. ”And I noticed when he arrived he wouldn’t look that way at all.”

”We’re so worried about him,” said Larry’s mother. ”As I told you on the phone the other night, he’s been like a zombie since we left here. He doesn’t get up to any mischief, he never shows any emotions and he won’t get enthusiastic about anything. We’ve tried everything we can think of to try and shake him out of it, but nothing’s worked. It’s as if a part of him died when Max did.”

”Does he talk about Max at all?” asked Mrs. Venter.

”Never! He hasn’t mentioned the name once since that day.”

”Has he cried over the dog since he left here?

”Not that we know of.” Mrs. Lawrence shook her head. ”He seems to have pushed all of that completely out of his life and mind. And yet the fact that he’s so switched off to everything else around him shows that he certainly hasn’t got over it.”

Mrs. Venter got heavily to her feet.

”You help yourselves to more tea and eats and leave Larry to me,” she said. ”And when I come back there’s something Mr. Venter and I might want to talk to you about.”

She went out of the house through the back way, as Larry had.

... to be continued in the final chapter tomorrow...

Previous Chapters:

Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -
Chapter 5 -
Chapter 6 -
Chapter 7 -
Chapter 8 -
Chapter 9 -
Chapter 10 -
Chapter 11 -
Chapter 12 -
Chapter 13 -
Chapter 14 -
Chapter 15 -
Chapter 16 -
Chapter 17 -
Chapter 18 -
Chapter 19 -
Chapter 20 -


Hope I catch with you on this interesting story, I'm still at Chapter 4.

You must read it all - it is a beautiful story

yeah, I'll try.

Ohhhh, what is she gonna say??? I can’t wait!!!!!

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