Dennis changed to Menace - A story for children of all ages

in #fiction7 years ago

Meet Dennis. Dennis is a 6-year old boy who loves to play. But Dennis was sad…he doesn’t have any friends. He is the new kid in the school, a bit shy and into himself but very eager to have a best friend. Ever since he can remember, all he wanted was a brother but mommy said NO so being the only child was lonely.

But today is different. Today Adam was placed next to Dennis in Mrs Kingsley’s classroom, also new in school just like Dennis. “Hello Adam, my name is Dennis. Would you like to be my friend?” Adam’s face relaxed, his mouth formed a smile as he answered: “Hello Dennis, I would love to be your friend!”


That was the start of a very happy friendship. They’ve become the closest friends and for the first time Dennis got a glimpse of how it must feel to have siblings.

There was another boy in school that wanted to be friends with Adam, his name was Morris. But Morris and Dennis didn’t like each other. Morris likes to tease Dennis for being so skinny and for that reason, Dennis hates everything about Morris.

“Dennis, can Morris play with us, he does not have any friends?” Adam asked. Although Adam didn’t like the idea, he knows the feeling of not having any friends, so reluctantly he answered: “Sure, why not.”

Because Adam was the only child, he wasn’t used to the idea of sharing, let alone how to share! He wanted Adam for himself. Weekends didn’t belong to him and Adam anymore, it was he, Adam AND Morris. If he wants to swim, Morris wants to play football and poor little Adam was always in the middle. No matter how hard Adam tried, he couldn’t keep both happy.

“That’s it! I’ve had enough of Morris Brontosaurus!” Dennis decided to take matters into his own hands. He came up with a plan. This plan will ensure the end of a friendship between Adam and Morris…forever!!

One afternoon while Adam and Dennis were playing PlayStation in Dennis’ room, he put his plan into action. “Did you know that Morris is telling everyone that you have kissed Sam in the park?” Dennis asked Adam. “No ways!”, Adam replied. “Yes ways!” Dennis responded. “And Sam wasn’t impressed..”


Adam was furious and wanted to die from shame and embarrassment. “Why though…I mean what has gotten into Morris?! Why would he go behind my back, laughing, making fun of me, spreading lies – he is supposed to be my friend?” Adam was so impressed with himself, “my plan worked like a charm! That will teach Morris!”

But little did Adam know exactly how this ‘innocent’ lie would backfire…and bite HIM!
Adam and Morris became enemies. Adam ignored Morris and refused to even give him an explanation as to why. Morris couldn’t understand why Adam wanted nothing to do with him and felt betrayed, rejected and hurt by Adam’s animosity. Hurt feelings turned into anger and anger turned into the decision to teach Adam a lesson.


Morris went out of his way to irritate and make life difficult for Adam. From sitting behind him in class kicking his chair, to taking him out on the rugby field tackling him by full force – and so this list went on and on. But the last straw was when Morris pushed Adam on the stairs and Adam losing his balance, falling and breaking his leg and his iPad landed on the floor with him, in a thousand pieces.

Adam was admitted to hospital, he had to undergo minor surgery to fix some broken bones and when he woke up, both Morris and Dennis was standing next to his bed. Dennis looked so broken, ashamed and hurt and Morris had a blank expression on his face. It was Dennis speaking, “Adam I am so sorry, it was all me. I have spread the lie that you have supposedly kissed Sam. I didn’t want to hurt you, I just wanted you to end your friendship with Morris. I was jealous and wanted you for myself, just you and me like it used to be…I’ve messed up and I’m so sorry, will you and Morris please forgive me?” Dennis was sobbing and heartbroken.

“That was a terrible thing to do Dennis,” Adam answered in disbelief. “I believed your lies and I have treated Morris very badly. How could you and how will I ever be able to trust you again?”

Dennis had to learn that there is no quick fix to things you don’t like and that sometimes you have to accept things you can’t change. He also had to learn how to share and that even though someone is your best friend, does not mean you own the person. That person still has the right to make his own choices, which you will have to respect, whether you agree or not.

Lies are easy to tell and it spreads like fire but the consequences are hard to carry. Not only did Dennis lose his best friend, he also gained a reputation of telling lies and he had to work very hard to show his classmates that he has changed and learned his lesson.


This fiction very nice,,i appreciate your writing story,,thanks for share..

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