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RE: 5 Things You Should Know About Speculative Fiction Today

in #fiction6 years ago

I think when it comes to writing that we must be careful that we do not have so many tags that a reader can not find what they are looking for. The deeper the tag (specialization) the narrower the reader view. That being said, we do need some specific tags. #poetry, #writing, and #fiction tags are a bit to general and are used in a lot of content that to me does not really fit storytelling.

Perhaps something like the folks at photocircle do, use iw-sci-fi, iw-fantasy, iw-punk, iw-steam-punk, use iw- So a tag line could look something like this: #fiction #iw-sci-fi #iw-spec-fic #iw-steam-punk #iw-farmpunk.

Might need to make a community bot account and run it somehow like @photocircle does their contest. Set a series of recurring themes to run contest/challenges in for an auto upvote bot.

Example writing can take some time and a two week open time frame could easily be done.

Welcome to I write tag challenge

weekdayeven number dayodd number day

I think that kind of gives the idea. There are a lot of photography coving groups/individuals, not that many that cover the new writer or the reader. To pull more readers in also for the stories you would need to find a method to get them to engage leaving comments. Perhaps reserve saturday for a best 'comment' comment contest. Pull a couple of comments from all the story entries, create a post and have people vote on their choice for best comment. Of course you would need to have all the voters leave a comment like 'I voted because..' so that the vote bots and vote farmers are left out in the cold.

maybe I'll pop in the discord later today.


@bashadow, these are excellent suggestions! Your first paragraph nails it. Tags are designed to make it easy to find what you're looking for. That's why I think it may be time to add some specialty tags to Steemit. Few people look for general writing. Those that do are more interested in mainstream literature, but not all lit falls into that category.

I'm guessing "iw" stands for "i write?" The only issue is, I wouldn't expect people search for that. When I'm looking for a specific genre, I just hashtag that genre into a Google search and the domain name I hope to find it on. I assume others do the same. But you have the general idea down to create narrower tags that people will use to find the type of literature they want to read.

Thanks for the comment.

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