The Storm: Part Three

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

So I've been pretty busy at work lately but here is the next part to The Storm. Hope you enjoy!

"SADIE!" I screamed. Even though everything was wet, my throat was dry and it hurt to shout. The ground squished under my feet and my feet slipped around in my sandals. I could see glimpses of her running in between the trees and the flashes of light. Flashes of lightning, like a camera, exploded clarity into everything, leaving photos of her in front of my eyes.

"SADIE!" I screamed again. My robes were drenched. There was a smell of burnt wood in the air and something else. The smell that weighs everything down just before a thunderstorm. "COME BACK!" The moments of dark in between the light was terrifying and I couldn’t see the anything around me until it was directly in front of me. I dodged trees and bushes and jumped over fallen logs and out sticking roots.

After running for, what seemed like forever, and waiting for the next flash, my judgement slipped and my foot caught on a fallen branch. I fell face first and my splashed into a muddy puddle. There were rocks in the puddle and scraped my cheek. A trickle of blood started and mixed with the constant water running down my face. I turned onto my butt and wiped the blood off only for it to be replaced with more water. Then there was a flash again and Sadie was standing directly above me, her red robe, now drenched and looking like it was soaked in blood rather than water. Her eyes were different. They used to be blue but now the iris was a glowing ferocious red and looked like the coals of a roaring fire.

"You cannot undo what has been done," She said and it sounded like she had two voices. One was her own and the other was deep and dark and dangerous. "This is who I am, who I was, and who I will always be. This is what was meant for me. And I have you to thank for that." As she spoke the rain seemed to sizzle off of her, making her look like she was steaming. "I have seen the end and this is only the beginning."

"But Sadie," I tried, "This isn’t you. I know you and this isn’t it." The words came out shakier than I had intended and I felt a lump form in my stomach. Who was this, I thought and the tears flowed down my cheeks mixing with the rain and vanishing into nothing. "You have to come back with me." I tried to sound like I wasn’t scared or crying and failed at both.

Sadie threw her head back and let out a monstrous laugh that echoed of everything around us. Lighting flashed again and I could see that her feet were no longer on the ground. She was floating. She looked back at me and pierced me with those burning eyes.

"I shall do no such thing!" Her voice sounded angry now and the rain fell harder. A tree nearby exploded from a lightning strike and shards of wood exploded around her. One flew and smashed into my thigh bruising it and sending sharp pains up to my waist and down to my toes. "NOW! GO!" The ground shook with the words and the clouds above changed from the purple and blue that they were to a bright red color. "I AM WHO I WAS MEANT TO BE AND AM HERE TO DO WHAT I WAS MEANT TO DO. I AM THE END. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANYTHING LIKE ME BEFORE AND NOW THERE NEVER WILL BE AGAIN. GOODBYE JACOB." She lifted higher as she spoke and the words weren’t shouting but they became everything. No sound was heard other than her voice. Then she was gone. She lifted higher and higher and flew away.

"SADIE!" I screamed one last time, still sitting on the soaked ground and as she flew away I felt cold and scared. The lump in my stomach increased in weight and I let my body fall back onto the ground. "What have I done?" I said to no one.

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