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in #fiction5 years ago

Of course I am going to read all three books, but you also opened my eyes....

I've used fairly often for getting material, but this time, because of you uploading there, I also looked at how I can upload/place my own books and stories there. I'll probably only use .pdf, but it does mean my books will be more easily and widely available than they are at steemit.

@steeminganarchy - if I succeed, I owe you at least a big thank you, so here it is in advance:

Thank you!!!



Hi @arthur.grafo

Wow, I'm so, soooo happy to hear that your "eyes are opened"! The number one reason I've used so much of my time and attention to write stories, is to serve truth and help people "wake up". And you telling me that makes it all worthwhile.

A sincere THANK YOU.

As for the internet archive, some great news is that all I did was upload my original files (ODT format, for Linux), and made the rest of the files for me! I was surprised and very happy to see that! I suppose they do the same for word files, as it's a more common type, anyway. Or pdf, but I'm not sure.

Thanks again, and good luck with your archive.



Two questions

  1. Do all your uploads automatically get placed in the same "folder"? I ask as I would like to categorise what I upload (not necessary, would just be a nice feature). Do you know if I can? An obvious way to do so would be to open separate accounts, but that makes it more difficult for readers to find them...I think.

  2. I have tried, for many hours, to download your Bong5 book but here is an image of what I get:


Hi Arthur,

Hmmm, that's strange. I'll tell you my process of how I uploaded. I have no idea about tech specs, but I'm happy to share what I did.

I go to the upload page, where there is a drag'n'drop feature. I'll use "James Bong" as an example. I have a file folder on my laptop called "James Bong". It contains all episodes on separate documents.

I drag and drop the entire folder into the designated area on their website. prompts me for meta data and labels, which I edit (to some degree, anyway) in just a minute or two. (Name of author, title page, etc.)

Their website does the rest. That's all I know! LOL......Sorry I can't be more help, but that's pretty much the limit to my experience with that website.

As for the downloading troubles....Honestly, I've never tried to download my own stuff, LOL....

But I tried to see what experience it would give me and so I can try and help. I clicked on the "James Bong" folder on my main archive page. It took me to the James Bong main page. On the right, it says "Opendocument Text Document" and there is a downward arrow.

If you click the arrow, it gives a complete file list. You can download whatever file you want from there. I downloaded episode 5 no problem. I do not know how to download all of them in a single shot, but you could experiment with the torrent and see what happens, if ya want.

As a helpful side note, I use to convert files. It's free and easy to use!

Hope all this helps. Keep me posted.

This was a great help, you are very kind. Thank you.

Also, I need to correct something in one of my earlier comments. I didn't know this until now, but it appears that there are some differences in my uploads to Nothing major, but important.

My full-length books, "SeAgora", "Common Interests", "Will", and "Making The Oligarchy Obsolete" are all available in multiple formats, like I mentioned earlier. made these automatically. All I did was upload a PDF.

However, all of my other archives are only in ODT format! I uploaded ODT files, and that is all that appears except for the torrent file. Oh well, live and learn. I'm glad you contacted me about this!

So, based on that, I think if you upload a pdf of your writings to your archive, it should also make the other formats available automatically.

Let me know!


I was wondering why only ODT - I did not know what it is until you told me. I guess the site cannot re-format ODT.

I have decided I will only upload my main books of LC, with what I call the Satellite stories (they are stories taken out of the main books, like I tell a story to one of my characters when she is feeling a bit blue). I'll then re-register, if I'm allowed, with all other stories, poems etc. This way, those who do not like my LC books will not have to reject everything else.

Can you re-upload JBong as a pdf? I'd like to start reading from the beginning.

Cool, I'll have to check out more of your creations soon.

The thing about James Bong is that it's a series written in script form (like a TV script). There are over 30 files, and converting all to pdf and reuploading is quite time consuming. If you'd like, you can just download the odt files and open them in word. MS word can read ODT files.


If you prefer, just give me an email address and I'll gladly send you the entire collection directly. You can reach me @

[email protected]

Thanks for your interest!


[email protected]


As for reading...LC is too big a commitment for you to even think of taking on. It is the paperback equivalent of about 20,000 pages....also, it is too lovey-dovey for most people to enjoy. But then, it is about a weak man who loves a girl with the gift of empathy and she opens his mind so that he becomes the most powerful being in the universe - which scares the shit out of him.... The fact that all those he falls in love with, by choice, prefer to rejuvenate constantly, so as to remain little girls, because it triggers his 'protector' feelings make it 'non-readable' for many. It is not kid-porn; as a matter of fact, it was written, in the beginning, until I fell in love with all my characters, for the purpose of reminding paedophiles that children are precious and can reason and feel, just as they do.

It is also strange in another way. They find their diary keeps being altered, sometimes incorrectly reporting what happened - and they end up with two memories, of what actually happened and what the diary says happened. They find out I am copying their diary and it really angers them for a while...but we grow to love each other...

sort of crazy huh?

My other stories are also mostly SF or Fantasy, which is why I would like to concentrate them somewhere, as Steemit makes it hard for people to find them (scrolling only works for about 100 posts.

Hi. I shared a google docs link with the James Bong folder via email. Let me know if you got it.

I got the email. Waiting to use somebody else's pc to get it, as I avoid having anything to do with google. I'll let you know how it goes - and thanks

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