
in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

On a winter night, wrapped in his blanket, Adam was sleeping peacefully. His favourite blanket was providing him all the warmth. Suddenly he felt somebody grabbed his feet, he woke up and felt quite scared. He was shivering.
Nobody was at home and that made him more scared. He didn't know what to do.

Then he saw a cross on the table, he quickly picked it up and kept chanting the name of Jesus whole night.

In the morning when his family came back, he tried to tell them, but nobody trusted him.

horror-2581018_1280.jpg They were living in that house from number of years and nothing like that had ever happened. From that night Adam is living in a hell. Every night these demons come back to haunt him, to take everything he has, "SMILE, COURAGE, LIVELINESS, WILL POWER."
Looks like they are trying to break him, crush him.
He is suffering and everyday his suffering is on the increase.

Once the best student of the class, once the favourite of all teachers, once the charm of the friend circle, now lagging behind in studies and started living alone, away from his friends. Everyone in the school who knows him, is in a kind of shocking state.

At home things are no different, once the person who used to wake up early in the morning, now wake up around 11 o'clock, as these demons keep haunting him during the nights and leave him only at the dawn........

Now during the nights he doesn't sleep at all because of these bloody demons.

His family is extremely worried about him.

So his father decides to talk to him,

'Adam, what is happening with you my child?'

I told you father, Adam shouted upon him as he never did before.

His father trying to calm himself says,

" tell me once again my son."

These demons, they are neither killing me nor letting me live.

His father barely believes his son.
But decides to call father Anthony........

(This is the Monday morning)

Father Anthony knocks at the door of Adam's house,

His father opens the door and request him to come inside.

Father Anthony our family needs your help. My son is in a dying state and we don't know what to do, Adam's father says to the priest.

Well, let's talk to your son and let me see what can I do to help him and your family......

Adam comes downstairs.

He is sitting on a sofa

Father Anthony is trying to communicate with these inhuman spirits.

Tell me who you are????

"Well, I am fear and i am not alone, my dear friend guilt has also come with me. If you wanna save yourself stay away from all this priest. I am the most powerful, nothing can harm me. Get out, before i will hit and hit you hard."

After hearing these words of inhuman spirit, father Anthony starts shivering.

He leaves Adam as it is and starts running out of the house.

Adam's father runs behind the priest and tries to talk to him.

Priest could barely speak out but somehow manages to say only,

"Fear is most dangerous among all the demons exist in this world and guilt is with him. And from my experience I can say, there is also a third demon hiding behind these two, who rarely shows his real face but can be more deadly then these two, depression is the third one. Now even god might not help your son. Let me go, I am sorry."
He comes back with tears in his eyes and tells everything to his son.

Adam goes back in his bedroom. Sitting on his bed he starts thinking that how and when these demons has captured him????
"Fear, yes this one started capturing him from his childhood, by taking every little thing away that he loved, he made him feel insecure and that insecurity created a fear of losing his precious things. Fear of losing the biggest of all.

Last year when he wanted to propose Carol that demon appeared once again and took his love Carol away from him. From that day he is in guilt, guilt of not expressing his feelings for Carol.

Behind these two, came the third one on his feet, feet those never make any noise at all, never let anybody know that they are here. They only show themselves at the final stage and then also, only to those who have god gifted eyes."

He decides that if he has to die then he won't die in disgrace, he will face these bloody ones and kick their butt before going anywhere else.

He challenges those demons and says that,
" I will take revenge"

Second part of this story named as "revenge" will be published soon.

Image Source: and,


Father Anthony our family needs your help. My son is in a dying state and we don't know what to do, Adam's father says to the priest...
🔥 🔥 Really instresting blof my friend..
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Thanks friend

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