It Awakens - Finish the Story Contest

in #fiction6 years ago

Imperceptible howl, the black omen from the stories which gives the last warning to all drifters that come this close to Tesseract 19. That must be warning before the final challenge which he must survive to be given a chance to approach the Tesseract unharmed, if everything that happened to Meister before this moment hadn’t taken a final toll, his life.
Tesseract 19 is a real tesseract created by the power of nature in incomprehensible dimensions, the world’s most famous riddle, “How can the nature create something so magnificent and complex in such a perfect way?”. It’s edges perfectly assumed form from obsidian, molten lava cooled instantaneously is the only known way to create obsidian and yet again to create it in perfect shape like this nature wonder is almost impossible.  
Stories Meister listened, about the powers and the curses of Tesseract 19, as he was a kid couldn’t evoke the real picture in kid’s head. He imagined it to be something magnificent, but this is far from magnificent this is breathtaking, astonishing and again as real as everyone he knew in his life. But none of the stories described correctly the feelings one has while looking at the abominated reproductions of his own faces around in the macabre dunes forming from the black sand.  

If Meister only had his hoverbike still with him, maybe he could surpass anything that comes in his way, but at this moment he couldn’t distinguish reality from his imagination. Because when he looked back at the immobile exoskeleton bent over the black sand, he saw his face in place where the exoskeleton should cover someone’s head. His kneels trembled, thrown him of balance and he fell to the ground. He grasped enough strength to pick him self up to kneeling position and the impossible happened. The warm winds stopped, howl wasn’t there anymore, everything stopped. Meister didn’t know is it a good omen or a bad one, and he didn’t care at the moment, he just wanted to be over really quick. He knew he wouldn’t be the one to tell stories about his trip to Tesseract, he just wanted to fulfill his last dream, to see in person and touch the world’s most famous riddle. His dream was half accomplished and somehow it was enough to Meister. Dread accompanied with satisfaction in his heart, another face in dune was formed between Meister and Tesseract. It was Meister’s face again, this time created with perfection without any wind present. Black sand was vigorously crushed by invisible force and it transformed to obsidian, the answer to the world’s most famous riddle has been shown to him, but that opens a handful of new questions. With his last breath he thanked the gods that they given him a higher purpose. 

This is my entry to "Finish the Fiction Story Contest" hosted by @f3nix.
Script, that is guideline for this story, can be found:

Image source:  


I love the sense of purpose this character has, and his acceptance of death, a profound direction to go in. I got some good existential vibes from this, life has the meaning you give it, and he found his. Beautifully done!

Nice. Check out "obsidian mirror". The ancient Mayan's used them in religious practices. Your story made me think of it.

I've looked it up. It was like a window to another realm with which the one looking in couldn't interact but could see what is happening. But it didn't influenced me directly to write this story, it just gave me a confirmation that supernatural is the correct way to go with the story :)
Really glad you liked it!

Nice ending! The knowledge is reached in the very end of life, I was inspired by the same concept 😎

Yes but what about the tower?

@anixio my friend.. this is a piece that offers great ideas, mostly about the setting: the tesseract being produced by nature, the sudden silence and the obsidian face. Did you check what a tesseract is? What is the Kunst in the "Kunst Meister"? Where are the other 18 tesseracts? What exactly is the sand made of? I think that, after reading your story, I got inspired and will give to these questions an answer..

@f3nix I'm really glad that you liked it and that the story inspired you. I always see that as an great achievement. To be honest I don't know what Kunst is in the "Kunst Meister" nor where are the other 18 tesseracts.
I know what obsidian is and what tesseract looks like (the shape of the object) so I got the picture about the sand and how ideally it must have been created so decided to add a little dose of supernatural to it.

You made his death seem tragic but at the same time it seemed like what had to happen, a higher purpose was served.

Good luck today. Great ending. Congrats 👏

Week #16 is out, brave storyteller!

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