The Third Book of the Alienbutt saga. Emperor of the Universe. Part 53.

in #fiction7 years ago


“If this smash and grab raid is to be successful before a fleet in orbit swoops in to level the site, we need to set up the Hitchhiker,” Major Kaela said to Alienbutt.
“What’s that?” Alienbutt asked.
“Transporter rings; when activated, the ships in orbit get a lock-on to the marine and they can then teleport them out of the area. If some of our men get cut off or are unable to reach the extraction point, they can be beamed out so we don’t lose them when the area is levelled,” Major Kaela explained. “You just activate the ring and hitch a ride out of there.”
“Sounds like a good idea, get it organised. I want the bulk of your men working on discovering any prisoners and getting them out of there through Frank’s mobile hyper-jump while another team knocks out the base shields. We don’t know what ground forces will be present so we need to go in ready for anything,” Alienbutt said.
“And what will you be doing?” Sergeant Edion asked suspiciously.
“What I always do, hovering around, hoping for once we don’t find too much trouble. This mission is to be led by Major Kaela, I’m just tagging along because I’m sick of sitting around in endless meetings while I listen to how the self-appointed Emperor Fluffy is getting stronger,” Alienbutt replied.
“I’ve got a feeling you don’t have much luck avoiding trouble.” Major Kaela said with a smile. “That’s OK though, we’re very good at dealing with trouble and have all sorts of big guns to prove it.”


Chaplain Frost stepped through the hyper-jump into a large room, it was empty apart from two figures standing behind a control unit off to his left. Within moments, two marines appeared beside him.
“Knock knock,” the chaplain said, pointing his rifle at the two figures. One looked over, his blank expression never changing. “Hello, I was wondering if you had a moment to talk about the teachings of Sung, the One Eyed Llama?” the chaplain asked but neither figure responded.
Two shots rang out and both were thrown backwards. “Don’t you love a perfect headshot?” Private Cox said with a grin; she lowered her rifle and walked forward.
The chaplain shrugged and stepped to the side as more marines came through the hyper-jump. With quick efficiency, the marines set about their allotted tasks. The first squad had taken up position by the door, ready to head down the corridor as soon as the order to move out was given. Three more squads stood ready as they waited for the layout maps of the production facility to be transferred from the control desk in the room to their handheld scanners.
The final two people through the hyper-jump were Major Kaela and the odd looking Alienbutt who looked quite marine-ish with a light armoured marine jacket and helmet; that is until you looked below the waist, he still wore his kilt and red boots.
“Trix, hurry up with that data, this isn’t a holiday we’re on,” Major Kaela ordered as he strode into the room to stand beside Sergeant Edion.
“The hack’s almost complete Major, thirty seconds until data transfer begins,” Trix said.
“As soon as we have the main power source and shield generator secured we can start with the second part of the plan of prisoner extraction,” Major Kaela said folding his arms as he waited.
“Data transfer is live, site’s internal security systems are off-line, and off-world communications are scrambled to boot. No thanks for my genius are needed,” Trix announced with pride.
“Let’s go then, it seems Private Trix is on the ball for once. Corporal Hibbs lead the way; I want both primary targets secured. All locals are classified hostiles. Frost, you and your little group stick with the Commander from here on in,” the major said as he began to stride towards the door.

To be continued.
All images are mine.



Ah, maybe something is going to go right for a change for Alienbutt. At least he has a hopeful start to the rescue.

Keep writing mate ,you got talent ,no doubt 🙂

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