The Stain of Mordred part 32.

in #fiction6 years ago

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The Mage.

George walked across the fields towards Stonehenge with Mick, he felt uncomfortable for brushing away his revelation that he was his great grandson so decided it needed to be brought into the open.
“When I returned from the Great War I was a broken man, I’d seen things I couldn’t forget. Every time I closed my eyes I was back there, treating men with the worst injuries you could imagine. I went up to the gateway to end it all but the Lady found me. I didn’t know Anne was with child, I swear I didn’t know when I left to go through the mists.” George said not looking at Mick.
“When I was little my Granddad showed me some old photographs. One was you in your uniform, he also showed me the medals you won and stories of the lives you saved. He remembered when he was young the village butcher always made sure they had fresh meat for Sunday as you saved his sons life. He had so many stories of you and you could tell how proud he was. It didn’t hit me till you told me your name who you are, you’ve not changed at all from when the photograph was taken.”
“How could he be proud, I left him, I left them both.” George said, his voice almost breaking and tears filling his eyes.
“When he was at school on the first day with a new teacher he had to give his name. All the kids were scared of this teacher, a really stern man who took no shit. This teacher asked if my granddad was your son and he said yes. The teacher looked at him and nodded before saying what a great man you were, saved his life if not his arm. Said you’d volunteer to go to the front with the stretcher bearers and personally dragged him and others off of no man’s land while bullets were flying everywhere.”
“That would be Corporal Eric Portman, took a bullet to his elbow, I can understand why the kids were scared of him. He was a teacher before the war and one of the oldest from our town to sign up, hard as nails even before going to France.” George said with a slight smile as he wiped the tears away from his eyes.
“You won the Distinguished service Order for saving those men, how could anyone not be proud of their father for winning that.” Mick said.
“It was weeks before the end of the war, I was a mess. Every night the nightmares would come even having drank myself into a stupor. I think I was hoping I’d be killed to end it all or something. I wanted to end it but didn’t have the courage so I hoped an unknown German would do it for me.” George said sadly fighting to keep his memories from engulfing him.
“I’m glad no German did end it for you. You had to survive the war so you could leave for Avalon, otherwise who would have come back to save the world.” Mick said, as always cutting through any difficult issue to make it simple.
“Your logic is as always straight to the point, you really think we will save the world?” George asked.
“It’s one of them fucking cosmic things, you come back and one of the first people you meet is your great grandson, who just happens to join you in your quest. That shit has to mean something.” Mick said with a grin.
George gave a smile as they reached the fenced area that signified they had reached the site of Stonehenge.
“Do you have a plan Gramps?” Mick asked with an even wider grin.
“Gramps?” George asked in shock.
“Go with it, I’ve not had any family in ten years since my mum died.” Mick said and for a second George saw in hint of pain in his eyes. “She’d be so proud I was finally doing something with my life other than stealing cars and getting off my face.”
“Gramps it is then, We head for the Heelstone, I do my thing while you keep your distance. When the sun rises hopefully we will have rebooted the earth power.” George said as he climbed over the fence.
“I haven’t followed you all this way to stay back, even when you’re still avoiding telling me your full plan. I’m by your fucking side to the end.” Mick said also climbing over the fence.
“You know you are just like Anne, your great grandmother, she never knew when to let something go. I’d never have become a doctor without her pushing and believing in me. She was so laid back and gentle, a dreamer but when she made her mind up about something there was no moving her. It was down to her I finished medical school and started down the path to became who I am now.” George said, sadness evident in his voice.

Darkness had fallen as they reached the Heelstone, they looked back to where the stones could just be seen in the growing night.
“Did the people of Avalon build this place?” Mick asked.
“No, it was here when the first people of Avalon came through the mists to Briton, it seems even then people understood the power of earth magic, and how to harness it.” George replied.
So what now?” Mick asked.
George knelt before the Heelstone and placed his hand on it, feeling the vibration of the stone and the power that flowed through it. “ I must link myself to the power of the stones and the earth, once I start I will be in a trance and it will be difficult for me to come out. Don’t do anything stupid if Mordred finds us, just stand back as he is very dangerous. If all goes to plan I’ll see you when I’m done and we can see if it was enough to save the world.”
“It’s strange to be here on the Solstice and not be surrounded by thousands of people, I bet it’s one hell of a party in Glastonbury tonight.” Mick said looking around the empty site.”
“You can still leave and get there before the sun comes up.” George said,.
“Fuck off Gramps, I’m staying so stop trying to get rid of me.” Mick said.

to be continued.


Like the events of that part, it might be really confusing but also amazing to be able to travel in time and meet your ancestors, it is sometimes we often think what we can ask them and how they lived their life. I believe in this situation once you have that chance it is difficult to find the right question or just to start appropriate conversation. I hope they will be able to safe the world, that is actually the aim of the story and as always as a reader we hope for the best, normally it should be happy end but who knows :)

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