The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 52.

in #fiction7 years ago


“I’ll be back in a few minutes, don’t worry,” Alienbutt said, and didn’t wait for an answer. Alienbutt set off for the lift that would take him back to the hangar where his ship waited. He noticed the off-worlders begin to rise but then suddenly stop. Obviously Quint had ordered them to wait.
As Alienbutt reached the lift, the doors slid open and he collided with the female security officer. With a snarl he pushed her back into the lift. “Get me to my ship or I’ll kill you,” Alienbutt hissed.
The woman looked terrified, but nodded and pressed a button to close the door. Alienbutt was thankful that no one in the food hall would have been able to see into the lift, so wouldn’t know of his hostage.
“What is going on and what the hell was in that drink?” Alienbutt said through clenched teeth, sweat pouring from his forehead.
“Quint has drugged you, it was the glass,” Glarfel said in a terrified voice. “It’s not our fault, him and his henchmen rule here. If we don’t do as he says they will kill us and use their warships against the planet.”
Alienbutt opened a small pouch on his belt and pulled out a small medi-syringe. Holding it to his neck, he pressed the button releasing the liquid into his bloodstream.
“Let’s hope Blackarachnia’s hangover cure works on this drug too,” he said to himself.
“If you were to lead us we would help you,” Glarfel pleaded. “We don’t know about how to fight, but you’re a soldier; you could help us free ourselves.”

Stelth fighter.jpg

Alienbutt began to feel better as the contents of the medi-syringe did its job. “Who are they and how many?” Alienbutt asked as the lift came to a stop.
“They are gun runners and smugglers, about thirty strong. They use our station here as their base because it’s out of the way,” Glarfel said quickly, hope lighting her face at the thought of possible help for her people.
As the doors opened and Alienbutt walked out into the hangar, he saw two of the off-worlders standing by his ship, using metal bars to try and open the door. Without thought Alienbutt pulled one of his handguns using his metallic arm and strode across the hangar towards them. He was halfway there before he was noticed. Dropping their tools, both scrambled to draw their own guns but neither made it as they joined their tools lying on the floor.
Alienbutt looked down at his gun, he had used it without conscious thought. The targeting sensors on the wrist blinked an angry red. He looked back to the two dead off-worlders. Both had been shot through the head. Alienbutt shrugged and pressed the button on his wrist-com and the door to his ship opened. Without slowing he walked inside.
Glarfel moved away from the lift nervously. She was shocked by the sudden casual violence that Alienbutt had just committed.
Moments later Alienbutt reappeared carrying an assault rifle. He looked over to the only other ship in the hangar.
“Is that their ship?” he asked. Glarfel looked over and nodded. “Well if I was you I would duck,” Alienbutt said and opened fire.
Explosions rocked the hangar as high explosive shells ripped through the unprotected ship. As the echoes died down and the space station’s emergency systems began to spray foam onto the burning ship, Alienbutt turned to the security officer.
“I suggest you tell your people to make themselves scarce, as when I come out of my ship next I’m not stopping until Quint begs for his life. I can’t stand people that put drugs in good alcohol.”
Alienbutt turned and walked to his ship, muttering, “Why can’t I ever just go somewhere and be normal? Always the same, I end up been told I’m a saviour and then have to run around blowing things up. All I wanted was the star maps and Stoney’s key so I can get home. I would have even traded fair for them.”
Glarfel watched as Alienbutt disappeared onto his ship. When he was gone, she turned and ran.

To be continued.
All images are mine.


I’m not stopping until Quint begs for his life. I can’t stand people that put drugs in good alcohol.”

Or Ice.LoL.

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