The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 50.

in #fiction7 years ago


“A very professional-looking squad you lead, Chief Crugack,” Alienbutt lied smoothly, and saw the team straighten their stance, and the chief again puffed out his chest in pride.
“Thank you,” replied Crugack with pride. “I informed the trader Quint of your imminent arrival. He says he is busy at the moment but you can wait to see him in his outer offices and he should be able to see you later today.”
“Well if he is so busy, could you could just direct me to the market area? I will grab some fresh food. After being aboard ship with just replicator food I could do with a change and company. Maybe one of the other less busy traders would be open to doing business with the Ick Empire,” Alienbutt said pleasantly, and saw a slight flicker in Crugack’s eyes.
He had guessed right that Quint was playing games and within minutes of him sitting down to eat he would suddenly be free.
“I was told to ask for Quint by the trader Stoney, but I’m sure one trader is as good as another.” Alienbutt half-turned and pressed a button on his wrist-com. After a moment the doors to his ship began to close. Turning back he gave a smile and stood waiting.
“I’ll take you up to the market myself. So, have you travelled far? We haven’t heard of the Ick Empire before,” Crugack asked, indicating they should walk, before turning to his squad. “Return to your duties. Glarfel would you inform Quint that our new arrival is heading for the market to get something to eat.”
Glarfel looked worried, but nodded her head. Being able to sense when things were not right was vital for a bounty hunter, and Alienbutt’s senses began to wake up.

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The market area was smaller than Alienbutt would have expected for a space station of its size, but was busy without being crowded. On the way up Crugack had spoken just about non-stop, asking questions that Alienbutt gave vague replies to. He had been shown to a food court area and had gone with the recommendation of a vender his host had suggested, so now sat at a table looking at the menu. Unable to read the menu he went with the tried and tested method of all strangers in strange lands; he looked at the pictures and searched for something that at least looked familiar. As a veteran of fast food outlets he knew full well that what would be put in front of him would look nothing like the fresh, crisp item in the picture.
When his choice arrived, which in the picture vaguely resembled a burger, he said a silent prayer to Sung the One-eyed Lama that he wouldn’t die of food poisoning. After the first bite he said a second prayer that he hoped he wasn’t going to be poisoned too badly. When Crugack’s meal arrived, Alienbutt said his third prayer in as many minutes, that he was thankful that he had not allowed Crugack to order for him.
The security chief began to eat with relish a bowl of grey slime with what looked like lumps of fat floating in it.

Alienbutt noticed a change in the atmosphere of the room as voices became quieter. He looked up to see a new arrival in the food hall area. He was of a different species to the majority on the station who were from the planet below, Alienbutt presumed. He stood and looked around for a second and then his eyes found Alienbutt. Pushing his half-eaten burger into the middle of the table. Alienbutt watched him walk over. He was dressed in a dark green suit that matched his hair colour, while his skin was marble white. As he got closer Alienbutt noticed his intense bright red eyes and overlarge mouth that pulled back into a smile.

To be continued.
All images are mine.



Yeah that is a problem with food and language and lack of experience in the local food. A picture, (like you said) quite often does not match the results of the serving. At least Quint is showing up. But will it be peaceful or not?

thank you for story

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