The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 47.

in #fiction7 years ago


Ponnfarr sat silently in the meeting hall. His new wife stood ready to explode in fury. She had ordered a meeting with the commanders of the Heeter fleet that had escaped as the Federation-backed traitors had taken over their home system. After outlining her plans for the fleet’s operation, the fleet Admiral had politely just informed her that she would act only as a figurehead for her people and would have no part in the planning of the upcoming offensive. Ponnfarr was becoming quite impressed at the way she was learning to control her temper since their escape, but this meeting was a true test for her.
The new Queen took a deep breath. “Are you telling me you are refusing to follow my royal orders, Admiral?”
The Admiral smiled at her. He was now head of the Heeter forces and while not a total idiot, he still held the rank because of a noble family upbringing rather than skill. This lack of real skill and experience combined with a sexist view towards women and warfare, had him totally blind to the trap the young Queen was about to spring.
“Your Highness, planning this war is serious business, best left to experts and you do not need to worry yourself about such matters.”
“I see,” said the Queen through clenched teeth. “I suppose you mean experts such as my husband Ponnfarr?”
The Admiral grinned. “Yes, your Highness. Unfortunately your husband is a member of an off-world navy, so could not hold more than an advisory position on any war council.”

Earth orbit.jpg

“Prince Ponnfarr, my beloved husband,” the Queen said sweetly, turning to him. “Your advice then on the Admiral's plans.”
All eyes turned to Ponnfarr as he stood up. “You have fifty operational warships. With the battle plans and tactics the Admiral has put forward, you would have less than ten after the first attack, if you were lucky.”
The Admiral started to speak, but the Queen cut across him.
“And have you reviewed my plans and tactics?” the Queen asked.
“Your plans are ambitious, but you have studied the tactics used by the Ick and it has a much greater chance of keeping your fleet intact,” replied Ponnfarr.
“Good,” continued the Queen. “As you have been released from service from the Fo'c'sle you are hereby appointed my first advisor and second in charge of the fleet, answering only to me. I am commander of the fleet and I will tell you all what the plans are. Any objection can be taken up with our royal champion, as is your right as Heeter nobles. Present your champions for trial by combat with mine, which would be my husband the Prince Ponnfarr. Does anyone wish to meet him in single combat, or is this silly matter closed?”
The room remained silent as the officers quickly realised the queen had no intention of being a figurehead. With a final look around the room the Queen sat back down, indicating the meeting was over. After the last of the officers had left the Queen turned to Ponnfarr.
“Well?” she asked. “Pick fault in what I did. I’m sure this silly spoilt child got it all wrong.”
“Your officers are not stupid. They will know you put forward the better plan. They will now follow your orders. They have no love for the Admiral, but he was their commander,” Ponnfarr said honestly, secretly impressed by the plan she had put forward.
The Queen smiled, then innocently asked; “And you thought my plans were good?”
“When it comes to people’s lives I won't lie for you. Your duty is to keep your men alive and win battles with as few casualties as possible. I said your plan was better as it was,” Ponnfarr replied.
The Queen sat back hiding the smile on her face, the compliment and support from Ponnfarr pleasing her more than it should. For some reason she wanted his approval, and not just because he was a proven warrior. When he had called her a spoilt child it had struck a chord. Now she would make him see she was far more than that.

To be continued.
All images are mine.


a spoilt child it had struck a chord. Now she would make him see she was far more than that.

I think she is beginning to soften toward Ponnfarr, seeking his approval . I do not think she is going to just be a figurehead to her people when all is said and done.

good post i like its. please upvote me i have upvote and follow you thank you @alienbutt

Great post :)

Great post.
thank you

Great post :)

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