The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 43.

in #fiction7 years ago


Death Ray walked to the door. “Stop panicking, you are a professional. Lock down this room. I want you watching all the post’s cameras.”
As soon as she was through the door it shut behind her and she heard the heavy magnetic locks thud into place. Already she heard gunfire and explosions off to her left, and began to move that way. The destruction of her ship was a shock, but she put it aside as she began to hunt, concentrating on the messages coming over the com-link from her fellow assassins. Their prey had materialised in the central square and began killing locals there.

Aircraft carrier.jpg

Mr Fluffy materialised in the centre of the trading post, a large open area with streets leading off like the spokes of a wheel. Around him three or four shocked people stood, slowly backing away from him. A quick glance showed they were unarmed and residents of the trading post. Being of no use to him Mr Fluffy casually opened fire, cutting them down. Within seconds the first assassin opened fire at him, an explosive dart detonating as it hit the shielding surrounding his battle suit. This was followed almost instantly by an electro-blast that sent sparks flying as it too hit the shield, as the assassin changed rounds, testing the shielding. Mr Fluffy looked over to where the shots had come from, and using infra-red, picked out the assassin’s hiding place. He was about three buildings back from those that faced the central square of the trading post. Zooming in on the assassin, using the battle suit’s visual sensors, Mr Fluffy began to purr as he saw the assassin taking aim again through a partially open window. In one fluid movement Mr Fluffy raised his arm and fired. The round from his arm-mounted gun punched a hole through the wall of the building before lifting the assassin off his feet, his chest exploding from the impact. Taking just two steps he came under more fire, this time from his right as an assassin fired multiple rounds; again they hit the shielding and ricocheted away.
As Mr Fluffy turned to face the new attack, a second assassin fired an incendiary grenade that engulfed him in a giant fireball. Ignoring the second attack, he focused on the first attacker as they moved to a new position. Raising his arm again a small panel slid back as a small three-inch missile slid out. Firing instantly, it shot down the street and around the corner, homing in on the fleeing assassin. Sensing something approaching him the assassin dropped to the floor hoping to dodge, but the missile changed direction to strike him in the back before exploding. Spinning around, Mr Fluffy searched for the other assassin. Infra-red showed nothing, so he began flicking through other sensors. Within seconds he discovered his hiding spot, using an object density scan to beat her cloaking device. He purred in delight that this new scan he had invented worked, and raising his other arm, sent a hail of bullets that destroyed the wall she was hiding behind, ripping the assassin to shreds. He would have to continue working on the object density scan to increase its range, he decided.

To be continued.
All images are mine.


Thanks for sharing about this. Always interesting to learn more about what's going on on Steemit

Thanks again ! I want more photo and animation like other posts before ! Keep writting !

Well looks like Mr Fluffy has most of the bases covered. Is he getting over confident? Will any of the assassins survive.

It's one of my books I'm posting onto steemit.

Well, you writing style is very special to say the least. Bizarre, but in a good way :)
Coming up with a name "Mr. Fluffy" for an assassin slayer...

Well, I'll stay tuned for more :)

Mr Fluffy is a super intelligent cat (he was abducted by aliens who did fiendish experiments on him , this led to his boost in intelligence so he is now probably the most intelligent thing in the universe. Being a cat he is convinced the universe belongs to him and aims to claim it.)

Like I said, bizarre in a good way.
Who doesn't like intelligent kitties? ;)

Great Post
Thank you for sharing

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