The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 42.

in #fiction7 years ago


As his ship approached the small moon that orbited a large gas planet close to the Ji border, his sensors picked up traces of a cloaked ship. He had refined and improved the sensor array of the ship so that nothing could escape detection. The ship was invisible to usual sensor sweeps, but the designers of the cloaking device had failed to anticipate one small detail; the crew would flush the toilet.
The ship had been sitting in orbit for just over a day, and so his sensors picked up tiny traces of frozen humanoid waste and pine-scented chemicals floating close to the ship. Purring in delight Mr Fluffy took his ship into orbit close to where the cloaked ship was hidden, then without warning fired a spread of torpedoes that destroyed the ship before they could react to his sudden attack. He watched the explosions as they ripped through the invisible ship, revealing it as the power supply to the cloaking device failed. Then, still purring, he teleported down to the trading post, ready to face the now alerted assassins.

dogfight 3.jpg

Death Ray sat in the small office of their agent, finishing a cup of coffee. Even had she not been human then, the still addictive effects of the illegally grown bean would not have bothered her. The Galactica had discovered the secret cure many years before and had recently pointed the Ick in the right direction. The trading post was a small nondescript outpost like many others dotted around in the less travelled areas. A giant atmospheric dome covered the trading post, giving the air a damp fusty smell.
The Galactica were taking no chances with whoever was trying to find them, as their agent network had been infiltrated further than at any time in the order’s history. Ten fully trained assassins had been dispatched with her. Even when they had carried out the attempted assassination of Wickede, she had only led a team of four assassins, with the rest of their numbers made up by trusted mercenaries. This threat was being taken very seriously, and they intended to end it here. When their ship informed them of the arrival of an unmarked ship, Death Ray sent out the assassins to take up position; not that they would need her to tell them what to do. Each one was an expert at their craft and could work alone or in a team. They would discover and kill whoever was behind the attempts to infiltrate them, and then destroy everyone connected with them. Finishing her drink, she stood ready to take up position, when their agent who was monitoring the approaching ship, gasped.
“What is it?” Death Ray asked, turning to look at him.
“It's the new arrival. It's just destroyed your ship even though it was still cloaked.” He looked up as an alarm sounded within the room. “My Lady, someone has teleported into the dome.”

To be continued.
All images are mine.


Pretty amazing!

still purring, he teleported down

I do not know how writers/authors/storytellers come up with this kind of line. I mean it says so much, I can just see a huge smug look on his face, like he just ate a canary. Very effective. It is all these little things that make this such an interesting and fun read. Thank you.

nice post.. great photos.. thanks for sharing

Battle Cat Galatica, Starring Fluffy Wiskerson

im on the Edge of my SCIFI Spaceship Seat!

I was waiting for this @alienbutt. Good on ya for posting it.

Seriously, I love ! I was waiting your part 42 today ! :)

“My Lady, someone has teleported into the dome.” A good teasing for tomorrow :D

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