The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 39.

in #fiction7 years ago


The Princess stood and aimed the assault rifle towards the doorway. “As we are not married yet I will do as I please, and I've decided to counter-attack.”
With that she set off and walked through the ruined doorway. Almost immediately more battle droids came into view down the corridor. Calmly the Princess opened fire and the droids were cut down.
Ponnfarr cursed and set off after her. “Princess, we need to get to where your loyal troops are. You can't counter-attack all by yourself. You only do that when you have back up.”
“But I'm not alone. I've got my future protector with me, and you counter-attacked all by yourself many times on the Ashia minor front.” The princess threw Ponnfarr a smile. “You think I haven’t heard of your exploits many times from my father? So don’t give me that ‘get reinforcements’ crap.” She opened fire as more battle droids appeared. “What's wrong? You got gun envy? Is my gun bigger than yours?”
Ponnfarr cursed and turned the dial on his handgun again before aiming it down the hallway. “Size isn't important. I suggest you duck.”
With that he fired and the other end of the corridor disappeared in an explosion that brought down the ceiling. The Princess had crouched down as Ponnfarr had suggested and as the dust cleared she looked up to the still-standing Fo'c'sle pilot and grinned.
“You’ve got to get me one of those guns,” she said in awe.
“Who's got gun envy now?” he replied, grinning back, then both realised they were on the verge of being nice to each other and looked away, falling into silence.
Finally the Princess spoke; “The throne room then. As you’ve just demolished the most direct route, we will have to go the long way round.”

Ick frigate.jpg

Kali strode across the throne room as all around the palace guards ran to defensive positions as the attack upon the palace began. Somehow Federation battle droids had got within the walls and taken those guards upon the wall by surprise. Those droids were being quickly found and dispatched, but now new waves of attackers were approaching.
The king stood upon the dais, holding onto the arm of the throne as his aides quickly strapped on his regal body armour. In his youth he would have looked impressive, but now he looked like an old man wrapped in armour three times too large for him. He saw Kali and smiled at her.
“Would you believe this used to be fit perfectly? Either it's stretched or I've grown old,” the King said brightly, his eyes shining with excitement at the prospect of a fight.
“My dreadnought will be in the air and here within minutes, and troops loyal to your Majesty are moving up to engage the rear of the forces attacking,” Kali said with a slight smile. “And you still look impressive in your armour,” she lied.
The King smiled. “No I don't. I'm an old man, but I will die in my armour.”
“You think the battle lost already?” Kali said, surprised by the King's statement.
“Long range sensors have picked up a Federation fleet that has just jumped out of light speed. We are betrayed, and our outer defences are even now allowing the Federation through. There's heavy fighting in all our military bases as troops loyal to me are being attacked by traitors, backed up by Federation attack droids.”
“Your orders then?” asked Kali, realising that Heeter was lost, and with it also their shipyards.
The King smiled as a large sword was strapped across his back. “I made plans. The shipyards will not be captured intact; thermal devices will mean the Federation have to rebuild before they can use them, and all computers will be wiped of technical data. Our men will stand to the last while you get my daughter aboard your ship and get out of here. All loyal fleet that are able will leave with you and take up her cause in exile.”
Kali stepped forward, a look of fury on her face. “So this was your plan all along. You needed us to save your daughter’s life when you were overthrown. You dangled the shipyards in front of us to ensure we would come.”
The King met Kali's gaze and held it. “I knew this day would come the minute I was poisoned. The Heeter nobles would never accept the Princess as their ruler. My sons were killed in the battle of Dagnabbit, maybe by one of your squadron; I know they fought in that battle. It was only a matter of time before I was overthrown, but I will not lose my daughter too. She’s all I have left,” the King replied sadly, the pain of his loss evident for Kari to see. More explosions rocked the palace as Kali stepped back. She held the King’s gaze a moment longer, then nodded. She raised her wrist to speak into her com-link.
“Ponnfarr, get yourself to the throne room now, and ensure the Princess is by your side and kept safe.”
“Almost there, Commander. The Princess is with me but insists on shooting every droid we come across,” responded Ponnfarr’s voice over the com-link.

To be continued.
All images are mine.


Thanks for Great article.
Keep the good work

Such a nice story again! Upvoted.

The Heeter nobles would never accept the Princess as their ruler.

Nobles, always take the unNoble way out. I wonder if they were the first hypocrites.

very interesting .. great post thanks

Great article. Thanks for sharing with us. Keep posting.

We wait for the suite !! :)

wooow very powerful text

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