The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 37.

in #fiction7 years ago



Chapter 11.


In sports news the Hardstool F.A. today announced that the rebuilding work on the International sports arena will continue despite being five billion over budget and two years past the completion date. A spokesman for the supporters’ trust, New Lothian Pride claims the Hardstool F.A. could not organise a piss-up in a brewery. The original stadium was destroyed by an unknown anti-football group to cover the theft of the football relic the Wembley goal post. To date no arrests have been made over the act of sports terrorism and the whereabouts of the goalpost is still unknown.

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Ponnfarr sat staring over at the Princess, it had been decided that they needed to spend time getting to know each other. The Princess had raged for hours after her father and Kali had struck the deal, until finally the King had ordered the two escorted to the room, as he was getting a headache.
Since the door had been shut and bolted from the outside the Princess had become quiet, but Ponnfarr was not fooled. He knew she was even more dangerous now than when she had been screaming. Picking up a piece of fruit from a plate beside him, he decided it was time to strike up conversation.
“So how’s your day been?” He knew it was a stupid thing to say as he said it.
The Princess’s head snapped around and her eyes bore into him. “What?” she screamed.
He watched as she fought a losing battle to control herself. “Let me see, where should I begin?” She took a step towards him and Ponnfarr found himself trying to push himself through the heavy chair. “Well, it started quite well. We had a little bloodshed and your friend really gave the court gossips loads to mull over. Then my father sold me off in some business deal, so I have to marry some sad old gladiator.”
“I'm not old,” Ponnfarr said defensively.
“Don't interrupt me!” she screamed. Again she paused as she worked to gain control of herself. Finally she continued in a calm voice; “I am to be the next Queen. I am trained in armed combat as well as court politics. Do I look like I need someone to look after me?” She looked down at Ponnfarr in contempt. “Especially from the likes of you.”
Ponnfarr slowly stood up, holding the Princess’s gaze, his eyes blazing. He saw doubt in her eyes for an instant, but she held her ground.
“You look like someone who always got their own way by screaming and stamping her feet. I fear your father forgot to punish you often enough when you were...” He paused, considering his options. “I was going to say a child, but you still are. The worst spoilt child I've ever met.”
The Princess’s arm flew forward and Ponnfarr swayed to his left as a dagger flew past his head.
“If you ever touch me I will remove your hand,” she warned him.
Ponnfarr smiled. “If I ever touch you I will remove my own hand, Princess.”
Ponnfarr swayed to his right this time as another dagger was thrown.
“And if you throw another dagger, princess or not, I'll knock you off your feet.”

To be continued.
All images are mine.


Heehee, you could make a separate book out of those news flashes.

I do like writing the newsflashes, they give a wider idea of what is happening and the way the media reports what it's told to report.
And to think I wrote them well before fake news became so talked about.

And they make me laugh, no mean feat.

Vote and follow me plz

nice buddy

I like this story and i will stay tuned for more.

Ah, the first lovers spat, of many I am sure.

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