The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 35.

in #fiction7 years ago


Kali looked at the King. “What are Ponnfarr's chances against this Tallfarr?”
The King shrugged. “Fifteen years ago in his prime, pretty good. Now, I would say not quite so good to no chance at all. Tallfarr is unstoppable.”
Kali looked down toward Ponnfarr who had turned and stood facing her. He gave her a half smile before mouthing a single word: “Shit.”
“What can you do to stop this?” Kali asked.
“Nothing, it is between the Lord Malward and yourself. No one else can interfere. Only the two of you and your champions may act,” the king replied.
Kali smiled. “Well, why didn't you say that?”
In one fluid movement Kali stood and drew her handgun.Before anyone could react she put a hole in the head of Lord Malward and then another into the gladiator Tallfarr’s head. In the stunned silence she shouted out to the hall:
“If my champion is to fight any more today then it will be against someone fitting of his skill and history. He will not give anyone else a name by killing them himself. Anyone have a problem with that?”

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Silence greeted her announcement, then she heard the King begin to laugh.
“I think you have the agreement of my court. Let us all retire to my private rooms and have some food.”
Kali glanced down at Ponnfarr, who stood grinning up at her. “You're a natural at Heeter politics. I think the King will want this deal signed and you off planet before you end up ruling. Hell, you just replaced the third most powerful man on the planet and we've only been here an hour.”
Kali looked confused until a woman of stunning looks stepped towards her and smiled.
“Matters of honour are settled by our gladiators because if the nobles are killed then the winner takes over their position and lands, leaving their families with nothing. Although your actions were within the rules you have broken uncounted guides to court protocol, my Lady Malward.” She turned to Ponnfarr and smiled. “Hello Ponnfarr, long time no see.”
“Princess,” Ponnfarr replied, blushing, then he remembered to bow. “You look good, I mean well.”
The Princess smiled at Ponnfarr's discomfort before turning and following the King. Kali turned back to Ponnfarr, looking questioningly at him.
“The Princess, she is the second most powerful person on the planet,” Ponnfarr stammered.
“Why do I suspect a history between you two?” Kali looked past Ponnfarr to where Malward's surviving gladiators had advanced and now knelt before her, their swords lain on the floor before them. “What the hell is this?” she asked.
Ponnfarr turned around and looked down at them. “They are yours to command, as are all Malward's people. You own everything that was his. You're rich enough to retire and spend the rest of your life being an extravagant noble.”
“I now understand why you're so strange. You come from a planet full of nutters,” Kali said in disbelief as she turned to follow the King, ignoring the gladiators.
Ponnfarr looked at the confused gladiators and shrugged. “Don’t worry, she’s an off-worlder so a little strange. Send word about your new mistress and await her orders.”

To be continued.
All images are mine.


Such a nice stuff, upvoted still and promoted :)

Hell of a method to move up. Must be why they use champions, but still they missed one little part, the Champions masters.

Good idea for the post, I would try it 😄

Best regards
@arfa | Follow me back please 😄

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