The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 24.

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)



Chapter 7.


As the unofficial truce in the Outer Systems enters its second month, there have been calls from sections of the Senate for formal peace talks. Senator Gralswige moved quickly to rubbish such calls, stating that while there had been no large scale battles, Ick backed infiltration units had been extremely active, carrying out terror attacks often dressed as E.D.F. personnel. Other terror attacks have included the destruction of General Jee's personal estates on the planet AV23, which he had converted to treat soldiers of both sides injured on the front line. When asked, the General's press secretary reported the loss of life was being counted in the thousands. The estate had clear marking and signals to show it was a hospital facility and had no defences. The attack had left the General visibly shocked at the depths of terror the Ick would stoop to.


Alienbutt sat looking at the metallic hand on the table before him. The synthetic covering had been removed to reveal the skeletal frame. Stoney had removed the hand from Alienbutt’s dead cyborg father’s body and cleaned it up ready to be fitted.
“Well boy, do you know how to do this?” Stoney asked, placing a metallic wrist tube next to the hand. “That’s the cradle it attaches to. That connection array inside that tube looks like it will be painful to fit to your arm.”
Alienbutt inspected the inside of the tube that would be placed over his wrist. “I need to scan the connectors to make sure they aren’t damaged. The medical files cover how to connect it to my arm. The replicator can produce the medi-nano bots that will connect the nerves and tendons to the cradle.”
“Are you sure this is going to work?” Stoney asked, looking unconvinced.
“Computer says so. How’s the work on the ship going?” Alienbutt asked, changing the subject. A team of the frog people’s technicians had accompanied them to help fix the damage to the outside of Wickede’s ship and transfer any items of use to it. “They say another week before the ship’s spaceworthy. The light speed drives will be ready soon after. You sure we can’t fix one of the jump drives? It’d make things a lot easier for you.”
“We can make the parts for the control units, but the whole program to make them work is fried and there’s no backup,” Alienbutt said as he lifted a small cover on the cradle and connected a cable from the computer. As lights began to blink on the cradle’s control unit he began to remove the bandage from his arm.
“Won’t you need some sort of pain medication, Alienbutt?” Stoney asked, looking concerned.
“Don’t think so,” Alienbutt said as he finished removing the bandage, and then picking up a syringe, injected a green glowing liquid into a small opening on the control panel. “That’s the medi-nanos loaded up; it’s ready to go.”
“Did you read all the instructions on how to fit this cradle? I’m sure you need pain relief,” Stoney pressed, concern evident in his voice.
“Don’t worry, Stoney, I read all the technical stuff last night, I’m doing it all correctly.” Alienbutt placed the cradle onto his arm, smiling.
“What about reading about patient care?” Stoney still pressed, looking worried.
“You worry too much.” With that he pressed a button on the computer to start the meld of cradle to his arm. After a second he began to scream and jumped to his feet, just before he passed out.
“I knew it, Alienbutt, you needed pain relief,” Stoney said to the unconscious Alienbutt.

Alienbutt opened his eyes, not moving he realised something was weird. For a start the room was moving in a strange way; the walls had never rippled before, he was certain. A face appeared above him and smiled reassuringly. After a moment Alienbutt recognised that it was Stoney.
“Are you back with us this time? Man you had me worried,” Stoney said. “I thought you’d never wake up.”
“What happened?” Alienbutt asked, confused.
“You went to attach your hand without pain relief and passed out before you could add the nano stimulant. Good job I was here or you would be dead,” Stoney answered. Alienbutt raised his new hand so it was before his face and looked at the skeletal metallic hand. Wiggling the fingers, he was relieved to see them move as he wanted.
“How long have I been out?” he asked, sitting up. As he did the world around him gave another ripple as it adjusted to his new position. “And what’s wrong with my vision? It’s all wonky.”

to be continued.
All images are mine.


Hello fellow writer! :)
Like your sci-fi work. I'm more into reality mixed with some elements of fantasy, but this reads well! Thank you!

Thank you, I've followed you and will look out for your writing.

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