The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 21.

in #fiction7 years ago


Chapter 6.


Early news on the cure for coffee addiction is showing promising results. It appears a simple psychoactive stimulant added to the plant as it grows removes all symptoms of addiction but still allows the universe to enjoy its favourite beverage. Coffee House scientists are heralding the trial as a total success and will be adding the stimulant biologically to this year’s crop. Arusha Medical has cleared the treatment to be distributed across the Inner Systems, after it passed all its safety checks.
In other news the Senate today gave the go-ahead for the formation of new cyborg battle units. Experiments will start on volunteer prisoners deemed to be a threat to the Federation with no chance of redemption to normal society. The new force will be used to replace troops in the most dangerous battle arenas. Robusta Military will lead the project, working with Timor Security, who oversees the prison systems.

Nifty opened her eyes and looked up at a white ceiling and decided that these definitely weren’t her quarters, as she had painted them a pale pink with large yellow flowers while she waited for the time the Book of Ick said she should act. Hearing a soft regular beeping she turned her head and saw a medical screen showing someone’s heart rate. Sitting up she discovered a small clip on the index finger of her right hand so removed it. The heart rate on the machine went into a flat line and a red button began to flash. Swinging her legs off the bed to stand up, she had a flash of memory, a metallic cat face.
A stranger in a medical uniform ran into the room and stopped when he saw her standing by the bed. “Please could you get back into bed. You’ve been ill for quite a while and you will be feeling weak,” he said, walking over, a look of concern on his face.
Nifty sat back down as memories began to resurface; the attack by the robotic Mr Fluffy, and Blackarachnia coming to help her before someone shot her. Her hand went to her chest. Feeling nothing, she pulled forward the front of the gown she wore and looked in disbelief at the scar that wasn’t there. She looked up at the stranger, an unspoken question on her lips.
“You came in close to death, but we managed to heal the wounds,” he supplied the answer before she asked, then continued: “If you give me a moment I will put a call out for the bounty hunter that you came in with.”
“Blackarachnia is here? Thank god for that,” she said with relief.
“No, Miss, I meant Hydroponic.”
Nifty grabbed the medic by the front of his tunic and spoke dangerously low, pulling him in close so they were face to face. “I don’t know any Hydroponic. Now where’s my bloody husband?”
The medic tried to pull back, amazed and terrified by the strength the woman had, and the fury that was suddenly in her eyes. He knew of Blackarachnia; working on the bounty hunter’s space station how could he not? But he truly feared for the bounty hunter’s health if his wife was to get hold of him for not being here when she woke up.

Space station.jpg

Duke Ramboe stood explaining the events since she had arrived at the station to Nifty. Even though she was restrained, he was standing well back. Hydroponic sat on a bed at the other side of the medical ward close to the door, absently rolling up a cigarette, while six security officers stood to attention. All were wishing they weren’t on duty and trying hard to look anything but menacing after seeing what had happened to the previous squad that had first responded to the distress call from the medical ward.
Smashed equipment still littered the room and the blood splatter hadn’t been cleaned up yet. The security teams on the station prided themselves on being ready for anything, dealing with the often drunken bounty hunters, who were liable to start a fight just for fun. They were trained in stopping fights quickly, but nothing had prepared them for dealing with this patient. Never before had it taken two full squads to subdue one person, and they were thankful that she had just woken up from a coma and was still weak, or they would have needed at least another two squads. Finally Duke Ramboe finished talking and looked at Nifty, waiting for her response. At least the look of murder had disappeared from her eyes, he thought.
“So you’re telling me you allowed my husband to walk out of here in that state of mind?” The words were spoken with quiet menace.
“I think that’s a little unfair, Nifty, you know how difficult Blackarachnia can be,” responded Duke Ramboe defensively. “Now if you promise to not attack anyone else I will release the restraints.”
The security team took a step back while Hydroponic got ready to race for the exit. Nifty took a deep breath before nodding.
“There’s one last thing I need to tell you first. The rescue mission for Wickede was a success, apart from one thing; Alienbutt didn’t make it back. We think that the news coupled with your injury is what sent Blackarachnia on his rampage,” Duke Ramboe said awkwardly, taking a step further back.

To be continued.
All images are mine.


Yay! More Alienbutt! Always enjoy reading these. I love when a book can make me actually laugh out loud. I get funny looks when I'm riding the bus and just burst out in laughter for no obvious reason. Heh heh. My own private joke! Upvoted!

Glad you're enjoying it.

Almost Fluffy time, I'm thinking. And we should be getting back to Alienbutt also soon, I am still curious as to his hand situation.

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