The Alienbutt Saga, Book 1. War of the Coffee Bean. Part 50.

in #fiction7 years ago


“Piestoff, I am your father!” the cyborg said as he moved forward and reached with his metallic arm and picked up Alienbutt, bringing them face to face.
“No!” screamed Alienbutt, and swung his head forward, headbutting the cyborg’s face, breaking the nose. With a snarl of rage, Bigrip Alienbutt threw his son to the floor and spun around to let rip with all four butts. Alienbutt felt the flesh on his back and left arm begin to burn as the toxic fumes hit, and screamed at the sudden pain. Being so close to a fart attack by an accomplished Alienbutt put a whole new element to the result. The difference between an ordinary Alienbutt fart and a fart attack was equivalent to a male lion nipping a cub to tell it to bugger off, and that same lion going for a zebra that it's decided would make a great dinner. It wasn’t just about the smell; for the first six foot range of the gas spurt it was acidic and able to melt steel plate.
“Alienbutt, we’re making the jump now. I promise I’ll come back for you.” Frank’s voice sounded distorted as it came through the half-melted wrist communicator.
Bigrip grabbed Alienbutt again with a snarl, lifting him off the floor, and threw him across the camp to slam into the side of the crashed ship. Alienbutt's body worked on instinct. He scrambled under the broken wing of the ship, feeling the heat blast of another round of Bigrip farts hitting the side of the ship where he had landed as Bigrip started to light his farts, creating an instant flame thrower of terrifying proportions. A metallic arm reached under the wing and dragged Alienbutt out, the earth and stone scraping his already injured back. Bigrip stood over his son, grinning down at him as Alienbutt battled to stay conscious. In one last attempt with his failing energy, Alienbutt struggled to free the pistol in his hip holster. As he pulled it clear, Bigrip grabbed a large piece of the ship’s wreckage and brought it down, severing the hand at the wrist. Alienbutt gritted his teeth, refusing to allow the scream to come out. He stared up at his father, a look of defiance on his face.
“I still win. Wickede is home free and has the cure for coffee,” Growled Alienbutt, battling to remain conscious, but knowing that he was about to die.
“You’re game, boy, when I left you were still in your egg and not hatched. I'm proud of you but now it’s time to finish this.” Bigrip pointed the metallic arm at Alienbutt and a gun came out of the side of the forearm. “I’ll finish it quick for you. Just know it's nothing personal against you, I'm just following my programming.” He smiled down at his son, then his head disappeared in a spray of blood and gore. After a moment the body collapsed down on itself. Alienbutt blinked trying to clear his vision of blood as he wondered what happened. He began to lose consciousness, and as he fell into a well of darkness, he saw the face of the frog princess, Isme, loom over him, Wickede’s gun in her hands.
He heard her voice following after him. “Your friends have gone Alienbutt, returned to your space, but you’re not alone. You won’t die on your own, I promise.” Carefully the other frog people advanced and after dressing the worst of his wounds lifted the unconscious Alienbutt and carried him gently away.

blackarachnia's spidership.jpg

Hydroponic sat looking at the sleeping Blackarachnia. He had been forced to sedate his old friend. Always the ice-cold hunter in total control, now Blackarachnia was close to breaking with the thought of losing his wife. Standing up, Hydroponic walked through to his sleeping quarters and lifted the lid on an ancient box sat on a small shelf by his bed. A strange white powder was within; it seemed to almost glow. The Great Ones at the temple called it Mfkzt, a product of some secret rite involving gold. This was the secret of the lost Empire of Sinai and the High Priestess Hethor, Queen of the West. Here was the power to regenerate the body, near immortality if just used on himself, but to heal someone with Nifty's injuries? It could take the entire contents of the box and the contents could not be replaced.
Placing the box back, he walked through to Blackarachnia and the stasis booth where his wife lay frozen in time, just minutes away from death if the lid was opened. It was worth a try to save her and he just hoped there was enough powder that there may be a little left for himself. They were a couple of days from the Hunters Home, the large space station that was the central base of the Outer System bounty hunters. Once there they could begin treatment on Nifty and with luck, save her life. There was, however, one small thing that worried him. Between him and the space station was the small matter of a very large Federation war fleet that would possibly be heading for the station right now.

To be continued.
Thanks for reading, all images are mine.


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