The Earth Warrior

in #fiction7 years ago

He opened his blog on a new article - Freedom Fighters For The New Earth.

"Dudes. The Matrix is real. Wake up Sheeple. Can't you see the government is a lie. Don't you see that your job is your chains. You're a slave!"

He paused for thought. He'd written this all before. Time and time again nobody listened and it never seemed to do anything. Nevertheless he continued tapping.

"The mainstream media claim to be clamping down on fake news. But don't you see - everything is fake news! It's all made up by some con-artist spin doctor, PR agency propaganda machine that want to control you and your actions.

ISIS was an invention of Obama, Hillary and the CIA. 9/11 was an inside job, all used to fund illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to overthrough their dictators and plunder their oil. Don't you see guys, the whole system is sick. Everything you've ever been fed by the media is propaganda and lies.

It's designed to make you fearful, so you vote the way you're supposed to and you're afraid of speaking out. It's designed to sedate you with mind-numbing TV programming. Our whole society, all your actions are fueled by fear. Fear of standing out. Fear of speaking up. Fear of stepping out of line and being an individual!"

He took a deep breath.

"School don't educate. They're prison camps for kids. In fact, prisoners get more outside time than kids. Millions of people are employed in the brainwashing and deadening of our kids, making them ill. Instead of trusting their instincts they're told to trust teachers, trust parents, trust authority. They're tested to death and then we wonder why they've got all these mental health problems that they're guzzling down Big Pharma pills for. It shuts them down, shuts them off."

He was shaking with the force of his words and fury. He clicked the floppy disk to save it as a draft, and drifted to the kettle to make a cup of herbal tea. He pondered what to say next. He returned to the keyboard and vented.

"The problem isn't with the kids. It's with the adults - the adults who say 'sit down, shut up'. The adults who shout or hit little people. The adults who demand their children conform into something they're not or withhold their approval."

"The reason we feel powerless as adults and need approval from bosses, relationships, jobs, money, the system - is because we were never given a chance. We were never told we were powerful. There was always the impression we were never good enough. We were never told we could provide for ourselves without sacrificing our souls. Every neuron in your brain has been wired to please the man. It's been conditioned for groupthink. Which serves us well when we were cavemen in precarious societies - but we live in the wealthiest time of human history. We need individuals more than ever."

"And yet still billions of people struggle for clean water, housing and sanitation. Even in developed societies, many of us are operating from a constant stressed state of survial fight-or-flight. While at the same time a handful of billionaires hoard half the world's wealth."

What now? What next? How did he leave them with something practical?

"I'm just one lone angry voice on the internet but if I can influence you one tiny bit then that means something. First meditate. listen to your heart and your feelings. Get quiet, get still. What do you need? What do you need to hear? Be kind. Be generous. Second, get outside somewhere green. Lie on the earth and let your body sink into the gravity of the earth. It resets all your body's biorythms. Thirdly, get a blender and some fruit, then make and drink fresh juice. Your body needs clean fuel to function efficiently. Fourthly, speak out, speak your truth where you can afford to. Even if it's hard. Cry, laugh, smile. Get it out your system. Cut out toxic people and places and things. Trust your intuition even if other people doubt you."

"Lastly, have fun. Laughter is the most magical thing in their world. It resets all your mind, fills your body with endorphins and natural happy chemicals."

He added a picture of a girl in a field with her arms outstretched and pressed publish. It was probably useless and he was writing the same new age stuff that everyone else wrote. The people who were into it were doing it already, and the others wouldn't pay attention. It'd be off their radar. But it would feed some awakening souls he hoped.

He looked outside to his vegetable patch. The leeks needed harvesting at some point soon and it would be time to plant the lettuces some point soon as well. He took a deep sigh of relief and went outside his cabin.


Too real to be fiction. Great story none the less :)

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