in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

This is my entry to the Steemit Virus Contest #6 right here. Hope y'all like it!

I look forward to 11PM every night. That's the time I find pleasure, leisure, passion, love, romance, excitement, thrill and peace of mind.

That's the time others will finally stop pestering me with the usual questions. 

"How are you Tom? Are you holding up okay?"

"Are you eating well?"

"You do know that you can drop me a text anytime if you need someone to talk to right?"

What utter garbage. Need someone to talk? I already do have someone to talk to. The nerves of some people, thinking that I am lonely, afraid and depressed. News flash folks, just because you live alone now doesn't mean that you're automatically depressed. I have tons of things to do! Especially at 11Pm.

Not many will be able to fully understand of course. They are usually quick to say, "Tom, we're worried about the change in you."

Well they don't simply don't understand that this is a good change. I've never been better. Truly, when you're driven close to madness, you find strength from deep within, deep within the darkness you never knew existed in you.

It was from this strength that I managed to force myself to sit through the intervention, one which the so-called friends and family whom I honestly don't think I need anymore arranged for me. It was so cliched! Each of them literally read from a piece of paper, telling me their boring life stories and their connection to me. Mom cried, obviously. Dad was firm like a rock, but his eyes never met me. My best friend talked about how the "old Tom" was gone. My sister focused on how much weight I've lost. My brother lamented on the fact that my apartment is a mess and how I've not left the room since the incident. My boss, in his shirt, suit and tie magnanimously told me how my job would be waiting for me anytime I want. My ex-shrink was even there, stepping beyond the bounds of patient-confidentiality to pull me out of the darkness, but she always said it in such insensitive tones that made it seem like a horror movie.

Fools! I have left the house! Every night! At 11PM! And what horror? This darkness is good! I've told them again again, that the darkness is where I've found real self. I told them it is the Tom that doesn't need any of them. I told them that the old Tom died along with her, when the incident happened. 

The intervention only occurred last week. Thank goodness it ended before 11PM. I must give them credit though. The intervention must have been tough on them.

Shirley, my ex-wife was raped and murdered three months ago. Her body was found deep inside the forest. 

The killer was never found, but I care not for that anymore. I care not for revenge. I care not for continuing to live a normal life. I care not to find a karmic reason behind all this. I certainly care not for the police who thinks I am their biggest suspect.

I only care about 11PM, every night, where I embrace the darkness. 

11PM is when the keeper at the cemetery, where Shirley is buried goes to sleep in his little guard house for nothing exciting ever happens there at such an hour. Only I can find the excitement. Only I am allowed.

1105PM is when I walk over to Shirley's grave.

1110PM is when I start to dig, with my bare hands, wedding ring still on my finger.

1144PM is when I hit the casket.

1151PM is when I pry it open, revealing Shirley's beautiful face.

1153PM is when I always greet her with the same words every night, "Honey? It's time to wake up now."

And from then till 5AM, we have the best conversation, one even better than the last.

It is always so romantic in the darkness.

Follow me here on Steemit! @aldentan

Support my work here on Patreon if you like my writing. Peace!

Upvote, resteem and comment ya?


I thought it was a well written piece of work. You stand a good chance of winning the contest. Thank you for the story.

Thanks! I try my best.

Damn! talk about darkness! you nailed it alliance-fam. Very nice writing, I liked how you don't know his wife died till you're well into the story. keeps some mystery! I got the chills

alliance fam yo hahaha. pleased to connect with ya!

That wwas interesting to say the least. Nice work.

Wow! I couldn't have guessed the end.
I'm loving this

Nice write up

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