A drone operator (An original short story)

in #fiction-trail7 years ago (edited)

This short story is an adaptation of real events augmented by some imaginary details.

A drone operator

Russell looked at his schedule. A 4:30 slot was occupied by Peter Bristle. 'Again?' a grimace of bewilderment annexed his face. This guy was coming every week, sometimes twice a week, always complaining about the same problem – pain in a lower back. Each time after an hour of massage he felt better, but then come again with the same complaint and revealing the same clinical picture. 'As if someone tightening the nut on his lower back where I was just unscrewing it.'

This time while working on Peter’s lumbar sacral region, pushing away his paravertebral muscles Russel decided to find out what’s was going on.

This is my own picture

"Listen, Peter, what do you do?"

"I am a drone operator. I mean I was. I dont do it anymore."

That didn't tell Russell too much. He couldn't see the connection between the lower back tightness and this profession and decided to find out more.

"Were you sitting in some weird way when you were operating a drone?"

"No," Peter, who laid on his stomach, lifted his face turned it to Russell. "I dont think so."

"Ok, but why in this case your back is so messed up every time?"

"Perhaps, this is because of ironing."

"Ironing?" Russell repeated the word, thinking that, maybe, Peter used a technical term.

"Ironing," Peter moved his hand forward and backward along the horizontal axis parallel to the massage table.

“Ok”, Russell even slowed down, perplexed and trying to comprehend where was the connection between a regular ironing and operating a drone. Not being able to establish this connection between such vastly different subjects Russell vocalized his doubts.

"What does ironing have to do with operating a drone? I thought drone operators sit in some bunkers and push buttons."

Peter was silent for a moment.

"I don't do any ironing at work. I do it at home. It helps me forget." Peter fidgeted on the spot as if there was something uncomfortable in his position. "I get so frustrated during the day, I mean my mind get all warped out." He tilted to one side of the table, stretched his arms, put together in a lock, toward Russell and showed him his twisted fingers and made a funny grimace.

"Forget?" Russell now was performing a petrissage on Peter's hip.

"All that shooting I do during the day. I mean I used to think this was just a game. That's how it all started, while I was in training. I see things on my monitor, you know different buildings, compounds, sometimes vehicles, and, if I get close enough, I see people. The resolution isn't great, but I still can see them. And then… I receive the command to shoot … I shoot."

While changing a position to perform trigger point elimination on the midline of Peter's flexors, Russell looked into Peters eyes and saw his gaze transfixed and his pupil slightly increased.

"But then I realized it wasn't just a computer graphics when I saw some footage on the news that looked just like the scene in my simulator screen. It was a plain terrain with some scattered houses, you know kind of broken down and speckled with holes from missiles and bombs, and scattered fires and a dense black smoke that raised to the sky, you know, when oil is burning. And the blackbirds. I, obviously, couldnt recognize what kind of bird it was from my drone. But I think it were crows or ravens they were flying everywhere."


"And that's exactly what I saw in the news. And then I understood that what I was blowing up wasn't a computer simulation, but the real thing, the real people." Peter paused. "Ouch, its kind of hurts here, where you are holding your finger," he turned his head back and looked at Russell. Russell understood that he was following Peter's narrative too closely and lost awareness of how much pressure he was applying on Peter's back.

"Sorry," Russell moved his hand away, "I guess I pressed too hard. How is it now?"

"Now its fine. Thank you."

"Go on, go on."

Peter, went silent as if arranging his thoughts.

"Yeah, just like it was in my simulation. Only the news didn't show everything. What they showed in the news was the footage taken by another scout drone, above me. From there, it was too high to see the details that I saw. That day I was ordered to navigate my drone closer to the surface and I knew I was about to shoot some moving objects like cars and people. Only, at that time, I didnt know it would be for real. So, at first, my drone was hanging out there for a while waiting, I was concentrated on the door of that house."

"What house?"

"I mean, a regular house, one of those broken down, speckled structures, just like any other in that place. So I was waiting there for two hours and then I saw … something ran out of the house. At first, I thought it was a person, and wanted to shoot, but then I realized a man couldn't have run that fast. It was a dog. And a minute after that someone else ran out of this house. This time it was moving with a human speed, but the target was too small and when I cranked the resolution to a maximum, I saw it was a little girl. Then the dog ran to the girl and they both went back into the house. I remember thinking to myself 'Those programmer guys went too far. Why in the heck do they need to simulate children and dogs - go into such minute details?'

In this moment Russell even caught himself on standing still. He cursed himself mentally. This was unprofessional. He placed his fists on both sides of the spine alone the paravertebral zones and started doing rotation movements, pushing the muscle tissue away from the spine. Only after that, making sure that he is automatic inside the protocol, he asked Peter.

"What happened next?"

"Then I saw three human figures came out from the house and started shooting up. I fired a missile and then another one and both hit the target. When the fire and dust settled, I saw that the entire building collapsed. At the moment I didn't care. Just told myself – good shot!"

"But then later on during the news, I told myself 'Shit! Did I just kill real people?' And then I thought 'What the fuck! The little girl and a dog?' And my mind went ballistic. It was a real girl, you know. I blew up a little girl and her dog, a dog... you get it?"

"Sorry about this, Peter. It wasnt your fault. You didnt know about it." Russell tapped Peter on a shoulder.

"If this wasn't my fault then whose fault was it?"

Russell didnt know what to say.

"Sure I wasn't the one who orders this, but I was the one who pulled the trigger. And I knew what I was about to do. They told us when they hired us. Only they told us that most of the flights would be scout flights and they also didn't tell us when our training missions became real."

Russell helped Peter to sit down on the massage table and was tapping on his shoulders and back.

"But you see," Peter continued, "this is my profession. It's not extremely well paid, but its secure and has good benefits. So for a while, I didn't know what to do?"

"How did you start ironing? Russell looked at the clock on the wall. He still had another 15 minutes before his next client arrived.

"Oh, by accident. I spilled something on my tie and needed to iron it. While ironing, I felt some kind of calmness, a release and a piece of mind. And then I started doing it every day after work because I had to shoot again. I mean - not always, but from time to time. But this need to ironing was becoming more and more pressing. I was just dreaming to come home and start doing this. My kids even laughed about it. And I cannot tell them, you know."

"I quit this job, you know. I mean, this was my profession and everything and the benefits, an insurance and pension plan went with it. But I just couldn't do it anymore. One day I came to work and I felt nauseous. Nauseous"; Peter put the hand on his throat and made a movement simulating vomiting.

"You can dress up now." Russell was holding his chin.

"Sure. Thank you. But you know," Peter continued, because obviously, this was his sore spot. "When I quit, I could not get rid of it and continued thinking about it… I don't even know if thinking is the right word. It became like a constant delusion or a nightmare. Sometimes, I don't know if this is a dream or what. Its like I live through this in parallel with my regular life. Not sure why, but it stayed with me. That little girl, the dog, the drone, black birds all around walking on the ground and flying around and fire and smoke everywhere. The little girl runs with her dog and the drone is getting closer and closer to her and then it fires a missile and she and dog are gone."

"Did you go to a psychiatrist?"

"Yes. We talked about it and, just like you, she told me that it wasn't my fault. And I understand that, but... Sure, I was the one who pulled the trigger but I was not the one who commanded it and who concocted the whole ordeal." Peter now stood up and as if looked at Russell, but, actually, was looking sort of through him.

"So, I am saying that I understood all this, but I still cannot get rid of this… I dont know how to call it… vision. Its chasing me."

"You know what…" Russell flipped through some addresses in his iPhone, "Ill give you a number of this one psychic. She is not a bullshit artist like many other ones. She is for real and she might help you. She releases bad energy; stuff like that. And she is very private. I mean you can be sure she wont tell anyone."


Peter set at Madame B's little office on the couch. His face was calm, but this was rather a Christian than an Olympic calmness.

Madame B. didnt look like one would think a stereotypical psychic should look like. She neither looked solemn and mysterious nor did she appear probing or cunning. Her look was amiable, cheerful and attentive when she listened to a question or a narrative. At the same time, when she spoke on spiritual matters, her glare became transfixed and vacant, as if a point of interest located not outside of her eyes, but deeply inside her mind. Now, when she listened to Peter, it seemed that only a part of her mind followed his explanation noting and placing them in order.

My own photo

"I don’t know if I can help you, Sir. As far as PSTD is concerned, my success rate is only about 50%."

In silence, Peter made several slight rocking movements back and forth and sighed. "But I dont know where else to go. Russell told me you can help."

"I am not a magician. In certain cases, I can help in others I can't. I tell you one thing though if you will decide to try I will do everything in my power to help you."

Peter again made several other movements obviously thinking over her words.

"Ok," he finally made a decision, "lets go for it."


Madame B. closed her eyes, relaxed and focused her attention on the task at hands. In a few moments of concentration, she was able to enter Peters astral body. For that he didn't have to be located in a room with her. Astral travel has to do with relocating to a space and time in another reality, where projections of our three-dimensional subspace collapse into a point, making the travel over long distance instantaneous, similar to an electron that disappears from one orbit and appears on another one. Yet, if you would ask Madame B. to explain how she does it she wouldn't be able to. Her senses couldn't register a silver trail of her consciousness crossing the pitch black vastness of cosmic space. She suddenly just felt the connection with the person she was about to treat. This connection happened abruptly; one instance it wasn't and another one it was. For Madame B., this was quite natural just like for many other people it was to see, hear or touch.

Having entered the Peter's astral body, Madame B. made a swirl around it and saw that the colors are not in balance because of the blockage of green color on the level of solar plexus chakra.

Madame B. started to paint with the green color over shadowy darkness. As she started doing this, she felt pressure and tightness of the astral media as if she was repelled by a magnet pole of the same polarity. This resistance made her realize that right here there was the root of an emotional problem she had to investigate. As usual, in this case, Madame B. relied on her trained intuition. Being of a slender and fragile built, one would never suspect that Madame B's intuition was trained like muscles of an athlete. Like a surfer that drifts on the water surface expecting to ride a wave, Madame B. focused her concentration waiting for the next powerful surge coming from the space-time continuum. As soon this wave was passing by her spiritual presence, she settled on its crest, trusting it would take her to the right place. Slowly, the contours of the past drama began to surface, like features of a face coming gradually to a light from the darkness. The circumstances of Peter's drama started to unfold.

What she saw blocking his chakra channel was a complex scene composed on two different flows of consciousness one packed inside another one like matryoshka dolls. Both of them having a very close relation to what Peter lived through. She saw a military compound without windows, a large computer screen and a panel with a multitude of different buttons and controls. Then the vision took her inside the screen, it became larger and larger until, finally, she was the inside of the computer screen seen itself. She saw herself inside a drone and underneath her a large bare plain with islands of fire and black smoke, and another drone high in the sky. Then a dog and a little girl run out of the house, the missiles fires and the girl and the dog lay dead on the ground while black birds fly above and around them, closing to their motionless deformed bodies.


Their next session was via Skype. There was no need for Peter to come to the office. All that Madame B. requested was for him to withdraw from eating or drinking during the session and wearing something light.

Before the session, for a while, Madame B. thought of how to replace the bothersome vision? Surely, the replacement should have been accomplished on the subconscious level. But Peter's "vision" as she mentally labeled it, was complex. The two flows of consciousness packed within each other she decided to substitute also with two different flows of consciousness - only instead of the dark and gruesome one, to plant in memory bright and joyous details.

The torturing memories of the military bunker she decided to replace with the quiet room, placed a tall coffee mug on the table for comfort and replaced a mouse with a pen and a computer monitor with a nicely bind old book, opened on some accidental page. The book and a pen were her mechanisms for initiating an internal flow of consciousness, to replace the depressing and horrific one with a bright fantasy.

Inside of that fantasy, she planned to replace all its elements. First, she was going to substitute the ominous drone with the whimsical old-fashioned air balloon, the burned land with well-maintained lawn, the speckled with holes, wretched building with the street lamp and black birds with bright-feathered birds – seagulls. In order to get rid of the fires, she invited a light mushroom rain.

And of course, she also was eager to resurrect the two most important principals: the dog, which in her interpretation happen to be a good-natured Weimaraner and, of course, the girl. The face of the girl was unrecognizable in Peter's nightmare. Thus, Madame B turned her away from the view and even covered her with the cute red umbrella. The girl and a dog walked together toward peaceful sunset and the mood of the entire scene would be a joyous anticipation.

Once the decision on the types of substitutions necessary was made, Madame B. focused on Peter's case, letting her intuition guide her in solidifying the technical details into one monolete mental canvas.

Then she sat for around five minutes with closed eyes motionless, while her mind floated over Peter's vision, iterating through the objects in his persistent vision.

Having entered Peters astral body, Madame B. made another swirl around it and positioned herself next to the memory location that held Peter's derogatory vision. The time for analysis and rationalizing was over. Now Madame B. delegated her entire spiritual and mental resources to her intuition and all subsequent actions underwent under its sole control.

Madame B. cleared the memory location occupied by the nightmare. Now it was critically important to replace the content of the memory location right away. Otherwise, its content could be filled by the same bad memories like a drain pipe during a heavy rain would be clogged again by leaves, dirt and conifer needles. Having cleared the memory location, Madame B. immediately placed the entire designed canvas of the happy scenario held suspended in her mind into that now empty location.

Blocking her mind from the possibility of a failure, Madame B. poured all her spiritual energy into covering this blank memory canvas with the multicolored premeditated vision of happy ending.

Unlike a Hollywood movie, there was no assurance that good will overtake evil in Peter's subconscious mind. But Madame B. felt it was her duty, as it was the duty of all the good and honest people, to try to overturn the damage done to good innocent people by hatred concocted by a clash opposing ideologies and political ambitions of rich and powerful in this World.








Very engaging writing! I felt consumed when reading it, which doesn't happen often with me.

Thank you! I am very glad you liked it. Appreciate you've stopped by and read.

Wow, what a powerful story.

You've nicely incorporated the elements of the image. Now, if it were only so easy in real life to erase the individual responsibility for such evil as your story depicts. Sadly, becoming an actor on behalf of the state in no way absolves the individual of personal responsibility for his actions. 😄😇😄


Thank you!

Yeah. This is a complicated issue. A young man goes to the army, to defend his country, and then finds out that he’s ordered to do something fishy. As a soldier, he has to follow the order of his superior. Without discipline no army in the world would work. We are lucky to live in a country where a person has some kind of a choice and, at least, can walk away from this.

War, in general, is a product of greed. That’s where the main problem resides. But what can people do about it if greed is incorporated in our very nature, which if not controlled, would lead us as species to destruction?

As for incorporating a picture, I hope that the lady, who was so angry at me for asking questions on the content of the picture, will see why I needed it. LOL

Thanks again for stopping by and reading.

Thanks for your response.

Yes, war is a product of greed. "Countries," are products of mass hallucination, and do not in reality exist. Therefore, submitting oneself to an organization (e.g., the army) and "following orders," absolves no one of moral responsibility. Agreed that no army can work without discipline, but a group of people can defend their own property by mutual agreement.

I consider the initiation of force, as depicted in your very interesting story, to be fundamentally evil.

BTW, I'll take a wild guess here that you may be a chiropractor or massage therapist of some school? :)

Yeah. Initiation is evil. However, once it's already started, it's hard to repel the aggressor without an army and a discipline, especially if the aggressor is lead by a very faulty ideology like Hitler. But yeah. Better live without wars.
As for being a massage therapist ... Not me. LOL But a dear friend of mine.

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