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RE: Winning: Food Fight Friday (insert fish slap here)

in #fff5 years ago

What an adventurous day. Making falafels for 15 and with the falafel QUEEN standing over you giving directions, that had to a sight. That would be like me telling my wife how to make a meal.
I find that one on the things I enjoy most about traveling is meeting other people, and realizing that there are so many different ways to go about life.
Being a gypsy hair cutter and jewelry maker, is rather different.
Now, curly hair and it's benefits is something I can relate to, not that my locks are curly, matter of fact my locks are gone. But, when it comes to a head of hair that has its own unique ability to do whatever it pleases when the weather is just right, #farm-mom's hair is second to none.
I never thought of using those golden locks to dry off my hands , but I could see the possibilities in the future.
Wandering chickens seem to be in vogue when on vacation. This guy though was not wandering, as much as he was trying to reclaim his spot on the beach, I had so rudely claimed as my own.
IMG_1465 (2).JPG

Anne Edey's board of realizations if very profound, and makes me realize that the entire planet is in a mess.
Poisons course through every vein
of every living thing
through air and earth and water too
there's almost nothing left that's clean.
We tend to forget that the footprint we are leaving is not limited to where we dwell, but rather to everywhere mankind has step foot.
Isn't if fun to indulge in those pants splitting delectable treats.
Fun read and another #fff potential belt winner.

Stay Safe!


Haha… your description of @farm-mom s hair in certain climates is spot on. I don’t know what’s up with my head. It just is what it is now. We call it Costa Rica hair and it works really well for a hand towel in a pinch. Haha

We have met some really interesting people but what we are also realizing is that a lot of people who move here just move with all of their same BS from where ever they are from. The pompous “I own everything” attitude is our least favorite. The traveling free spirit is our most favorite haha.

Not only do fat chicks roam around everywhere but so do cows. There are cows everywhere just hanging out. You could be on the beach, on the road, in a restaurant, they don’t care they are there. It’s pretty awesome! As we speak we have geckos that scale our ceilings running back and forth over our heads cleaning up the mosquito population for us. We name them. I’ll take living with lizards over tarantulas any day. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Yep, I tend to work pretty well with others until you act like you’re my boss. Sorry lady, that’s not going to work. Plus, she had never even made falafel before yet was telling me my spices were wrong.… what a funny person. Never again @thebigsweed, never again. Haha

That’s the one that got me, @thebigsweed! “There’s almost nothing left that’s clean.” The whole board was great, but that particular verse got my attention and I was “Pura, you need to go check out the chalk board on the other side of the kitchen.”

Good eye, Sweed.

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