Traditional Indian Somosas Paired w/ Fresh Pico de Gallo: Food Fight Friday

in #fff6 years ago

Hola Friends!

This week has been hectic and life is moving quite fast these days but I still have the time to show up to @foodfightfriday. Good thing too because I’ve been on this semi restrictive diet lately and am jonesing to see, read about, and cyber taste all of the goodies the food fight fam decides to cook up.

Remember a while ago when I said “I train for Friday’s all week…”, well I still have documented meals hanging out in my phone from several months ago. I think it’s time to dip into the arsenal.


Traditional Indian Somosas Paired w/ Fresh Pico de Gallo

Can somebody say “fusion”…

What the heck, Indian and Mexican food don’t mix one might say.… oh how that one would be mistaken. Samosas are essentially just little potato pot pie pockets of glorious goodness. When accompanied under a healthy spoonful of fresh tomatoes, mixed with red onions, spicy jalapeños and peppered in chopped cilantro, tossed amongst the juice of limes, they are transcendent.

Did I mention this was our first experience with the Samosa train? So believe me when I tell you, “these things are bomb” they are, indeed, bomb!!!

Here, see for yourself:


4 Gluten free tortillas (burrito size)
2-3 potatoes (peeled, chopped)
1 onion
4 garlic cloves (minced)
1 Tsp ginger
1 Tsp chili powder
1 Tsp curry powder
2 Tbsp cilantro (chopped)
1/4 Tsp cayenne pepper
1 Cup green peas (or less)
3 green onion stalks (chopped)
Sea salt & pepper to taste

Edible Adhesion Paste

2 Tbsp flour (gluten free)
3 Tbsp water


I like to prep everything before the magic happens so am starting by chopping my onions. Set them aside momentarily.


Peel and chop your potatoes and put them in a large pot with about 2-3 cups of water. I like to steem my potatoes soft but you can use any method you are used to.

Over medium high heat bring the water and potatoes to a boil, then cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes or until potatoes are fork tender.


These are the stars of the day so get them ready for the big game. You don’t want any of those little guys hiding in the back of your pantry to consequently miss the show.


Mince that garlic and now we are ready to play.


Check your potatoes making sure they are fork soft and set them aside to cool a bit.


In a medium sized frying pan begin to sauté your onions, garlic and spices with oil of your choice (I used olive oil). Cook until onions are soft but be careful not to burn the garlic.

Preheat your oven to 400F !


You can simultaneously chop your cilantro too!


Once the onions are soft go ahead and add the peas then subsequently the cooked potatoes.


Add your cilantro and green onion stirring everything together to make a potato stuffing. Don’t be tempted to add liquid. You can lid your pan and take it off the burner or let the ingredients meld with each other over low heat.


Mix up your Edible Paste and pull out those tortillas. This is where I ran into a hiccup.


Normally, samosas are folded into triangle type pastries but as some of you know, gluten free tortillas don’t always behave how you’d like them to.

I wet them, heated them, tried to make these flakey flakes pliable but nothing worked. I decided to salvage as many as possible making Samosa cones (what? It’s a thing 🤷🏼‍♀️) and flautatype taquito wraps (I told you this was a fusion).


Thank God for toothpicks and my always on hand secret stash of corn tortillas, otherwise I would have been in big trouble.

Pop everything in the oven for 30 minutes, turning them (if possible) half way through.


Quickly assemble the salsa.


Tada! Now place in the fridge for cooling and take a seat, you’ve been standing long enough.


Check out these multi cultural somosas that I promise will not disappoint.


This is the shot my Mom gets. I like to call it The Enticer which is similar to but not the same as being that annoying bee buzzing health research into your ear. You know you all have one of those in the family.

… what Chu going to do
With all that knowledge
All that knowledge inside your brain
Imma a a get you get you drunk
Get you love drunk off my brain
My brain my brain
My brain my brain my brain…

Haha… have fun with that family member this holiday season 😉

Thanks for playing Food Fight Friday with me, again, today.

If you like food, eat food, make food or just talk about food then what are you waiting for? Jump on the triple F train and toot toot your way to some extra SBD.

See y’all later!

Pura Vida ✌️


Took some time looking at your entries in #fff, and it looks like you set the bar in this contest. It is obvious you can cook, and I also like the fact that #dandays called you out on posting additional content. Your writing just flows off of the page, painting a 3d picture in my head.

" I think it’s time to dip into the arsenal." and create additional creative, funny, and instructional posts that we can all enjoy!👍👍👍

My wife looks for new dishes to prepare all the time. I never get board of eating each and every meal she prepares, but she gets board of making what she refers too as, the same old shit.

#fff provides so many different choices that look scrumptious, and you get all the ingredients and instructions for preparing.

She is presently in NJ for a baby shower and I am excited to have her get involved. She loves to cook and I love to eat. What a great team we make.
It is now time for her to team up with the #fff gang and enjoy everything the tribe has to offer.

Early this morning I got a hold of my son @ryan313 and he walked me through opening another account for his mother.
She doesn't know it yet and has been a bit reluctant to get started, in fear of messing me up.
With her own account I think she will jump right in.
@farm-mom is where you will be able to find her.
She still needs to fill in all of the blanks in profile and go from there.
I cann't wait to see what her reaction is. I have transferred some SBD to her account and we will beef up her account if she goes all in.

This should also break the streak #dandays has going with not following anyone with a score below 30 for the past several months. That is of course, at his discretion.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️.

Wow! Thank you so much for the compliments @thebigsweed. My husband is pushing for more content unrelated to food, which takes more time for me to put together. We’ll see how it goes… i still have a comedy post that needs to be put out due to @sivehead’s nomination. (I haven’t forgotten sivehead)

The food fight Friday family really is incredible. Everyone brings different things to the table each week, not all being recipes, and it’s great. This is the place @dandays git me to get really involved with Steemit. It sounds like your wife will fit right in :) The beauty being she will be brand spanking new so her “same ole shit” will be our first time evers…

Speaking of @farm-mom fitting right in, when will we see that mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich my husband keeps talking about? We love new faces on fridays (nudge, nudge).

Thanks for reaching out and we’ll keep our eyes peeled for farm-mom’s debut.

It will be very interesting to indulge in your first comedy post. If it is written as well as the couple of #fff posts I have read, you may give #dandays a run for his money as the comic in the family. I find his stuff laugh out loud.

It is really sweet of you to invite my wife into #fff with open arms.
Once she gets comfortable with it all, I think you guys will hit it off just fine, she is also a good soul.

I’m excited to have her. There are so many food competitions too. I just don’t have the time to enter all of them but she might really take off with it.

I’ve written a comedy open mic once before. When I finish the current one you might be able to identify a reoccuring theme 😉. Dandays makes me laugh out loud in real life constantly. In fact, that’s the reason I could never stay mad at him-he’s too funny 🤷🏼‍♀️

Thank you for the support @thebigsweed. It won’t be too long now that my comedy obligation will met. :)

All I gots to say is @dandays better be pumpin out some serious foot massages!! Wait wait, a way to a Man’s heart is through his stomach. Lol

Foot rubs? I’ll let @puravidaville tell you about them because I believe the picture is already painted how spoiled I am.

He gets both 🤷🏼‍♀️

Dang Holmes!!! Please tell me he is not getting a foot rub while he is eating your delicious cooking because that would just put me over the edge. 🤣😂🤣😂


Excellently crafted as always your highness. I have to ask, have you considered compiling your recipes in to an ebook and uploading it to sell on that Amazon Kindle place. Not sure of the details, but I'm sure you'll make a killing... uh, as in sell loads, (nothing what so ever to do with food poisoning.)

Oh and well done for teaching @dandays a few culinary tricks. Watch out though, judging by his post this week, he'll soon be hot on your heals. If you let him wear them that is. Lol

Haha… I’m so technologically challenged. I don’t even know how to work a kindle. I’m still flipping pages of my book over here 🤷🏼‍♀️ I did have the thought of compiling all of my recipes. If for nothing else to have them all in one organized place.

Don’t be silly… his feet are much too big for my heels, he has his own 😉. Thank you for the compliments @sivehead !

E book is a fantastic Idea!!

Well, that's what I thought too. 👍

Mexican/Indian fusion Samosas with fresh Pico, did I say that right? Yeah, that’s what you posted. And you made it sound like it was just some extra pictures you had in your phone like.. “fusion shmewsion.” Bravo, chef. Your cooking deserves all of the recognition it’s getting.

Thanks babe! You know, add a lil bit of this, a lil bit of that, and you’ve got “fusion”. A meal fit for my King…

My dedication to you on this day, yesterday, tomorrow, the next day...

Not many things better to wake up to. Muah muah all over your face.

🤪🤪🤪 😋 😋😋🤩🤩🤩😀😀😀
The above says my reaction better then words

💃💃💃🥳🥳🥶🥶… because the last one is funny.

Fusion, I said it. Wow that looks awesome, you would love it in Durban South Africa, everywhere you go samosa and bean bunnies, oh and warm sea.

Yes!!! Bean bunnies are the same thing as bunny chow, right? I would love to do a tour o food in South Africa 🤤

Yeah it is a bunny chow

Totally dig some food fusion! Maybe because as an American I'm a bit of a mutt with ancestors from all over. Who says you can't make one big cultural melting pot of a meal? 😋

Those darn gluten free wraps. Definitely a solid save with the toothpicks! @dksart would totally dig the taquitos. Looks like a win in my book, too! You know you had me at potatoes...

Potato taquitos? I’m in all the way, every time. Haha

That’s what great about melting pot families, everyone brings a different flavor to the table. Can you say “professional eater”? At least that’s what I’d be if my family were so rich with culture.

Hey, how was the race? I’m sure you did great!

The weather is so hot right now here in SA, and that type of dish would be perfect! Super Yum!!!

It’s your guys summer then? Fresh salsa in the summer is always perfect. I’m such a salsa fan, you can put that stuff on anything :)

OH MY GOODNESS! I need a napkin please! No... I am not drooling 👀

This is the kind of food I love! Now I somewhat informally met you, through @dandays. Talking about food and writing. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE????

I must say thank you. Thank you thank you thank you! I have been going through some sort of spell where I just don't know what to make for supper anymore. I am going to take the time to go through your posts for ideas. I don't care if the others in my house don't like it. This is what I am making! I mean, they probably will but kids and veggies..... 2 out of 3 of my kids don't like veggies. Eat up kids cause this is happening!

Haha… “eat up Kids cause this is happening”. That’s right, you show those little tyrants who the real boss is. I mean, carefully employ your knowledge of psychology to manipulate them into loving fruits and veggies 🤷🏼‍♀️

I’m so glad @dandays led you to me. If you start making some recipes you should start joining us on Fridays. Our @foodfightfriday crew is really cool and there’s never any pressure, super lax. Can’t wait to see what you got Ms. @foxyspirit 😉.

I'm not so much on creating recipes. Depends on the cake I guess? When people allow it I can make whatever I would want with cakes. That rarely happens. When I got something I will share :D

My psychology on manipulating my kids into loving veggies is weak. Kids-100 Mom-0

Ahhh you’re just out of practice is all. 😉

That’s the beauty of food fight Friday, people post pictures of food from restaurants, farmers market hauls, recipes, even informative write ups about what’s hidden in our food. Pretty much anything food goes… plus I’m kind of a cake whoraaa (whoa, whoa) so would love to see your cake mastery :)

Oh cool! That's good to know.

I am no master of the cakes. I am still learning, there is no culinary schools here so everything is self taught, videos, and hands on experience. I wrote a post about my latest adventures. Oh! Perhaps you can help me with something. White chocolate is the devil! I can never melt it properly. The only way I could get it to start melting is if I added cream to it. But as I looked through the internet, nobody does. What am I doing wrong? I tried microwaving it, on the stove top in a pot, in a glass bowl on top of a pot of water ( I don't have fancy lol). I cannot get it to be melted super smooth like I would with regular chocolate. The best way is to do it the steamy way but white chocolate has a mind of its own.

Check out the post if you have time :)

None of us are culinary experts, swear. In fact, I just taught myself how to cook about 5 years ago. I love it, it’s very therapeutic for me. You could whip together a peanut butter and jelly sandwich getting into a story of it reminds you of your grandmas homemade jam and the triple F peeps would eat it up (literally).

White chocolate…hmmm 🤔. I don’t work with white chocolate much because it usually has some form of dairy in it but I’d try my hand at it with the microwave. Maybe start at 30 secs, taking out to stir and then nuke at 15 sec intervals 🤷🏼‍♀️ Why is adding milk bad? Do you want it to harden and stay hard at room temp once you’ve worked with it? I sometimes just make snacks (candy really) with melted chocolate and added almond milk so they need to be kept in the freezer or they melt. So good in the summer 🤤

I'm just thinking there's some sort of sorcery that people do when it comes to melting it as they say there is nothing else added lol.

When I do use it, it is to make decorative items and I need to solidify to hold its shape. I will get it right one day. I don't work with chocolate much other than to melt regular chocolate for certain recipes... not for decorative purposes other than drips and drizzles on cakes.

I wonder instead of adding milk if adding butter would help… interesting problem you have there @foxyspirit 🤔

woop, woop! Bingo, you win! This is the meal of the week, yikes I can't wait to make this. I love both Indian and Mexican food...can't get enough of it. I get it about those darn gluten free wraps....they're rough. I'll have to think of the brand I found that worked better than others...let you know! Epic recovery in the kitchen- the toothpick....oh how we love that little invention ;) Well done my West Coast friend!

Why thank you my magical kitchen sister! The toothpick comes in handy a lot in my kitchen. The inventor was definitely a genius! Let me know about those gluten free wraps. Every one I’ve tried just sucks. I wait a few months, forgetting how bad they suck, and try them again just to find that they suck even harder. Haha

Thank you for visiting today @birdsinparadise :)

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