Food Fight Friday Food Tour De Force!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fff5 years ago (edited)

Hey triple F fanatics, how’s it goin?

Why do Fridays tend to rush at you full speed, acting as if Monday thru Thursday doesn’t even exist? What? Just me? Well for us every day is a Friday but only one day is @foodfightfriday, which means I get to catapult my food as fast and as hard as I can right at your blog… ready, set, FOOOD FIIGGHHTT

We got to our new location on Monday and first things first, @dandays located his gym. I was feeling particularly staticky earlier this week, that’s what happens when I’m not running regularly and I have to adjust my routine monthly, so to remedy this I went in search of a yoga studio. A quick question to the right local and I was peddling my bike to yoga at 8:30 am, Wednesday morning. It’s been a few years since I’ve practiced and I fully intended on being the sucky one in class but to my surprise I took to it like I never stopped.

After an hour and a half of balancing my inner energy to my outer energy, I left class feeling light as a feather. This is despite that extra gain of 10 pounds I built on my rear last month 🥶… (I shit you not… yes, I just dropped the “s” word).

I even made a friend the first day of school 😍. Since I always forget to get a Food Fight post together until I realize there is #fff blogs flying at my face, I thought I’d take you with me to yoga and all the way up through dinner. Shhhhh 🤫 spoiler alert!


This may look like a sugary, carby (is carby a word? 🤷🏼‍♀️), candy like fancy latte but it really isn’t. Which, by the way, iced coffee, the size of which I’m used to, does not exist down here. I’m used to pulling up to 7/11, Starbucks or any other California coffee vender and having the option of walking away with a bucket of coffee, not in Costa Rica my friend. In Costa Rica when you are lucky enough to find a joint that makes iced coffee and you order one Togo, you are often handed a slightly larger mini Dixie cup filled with mostly ice. I seriously truly thought that the world ran on coffee like the United States does. Sometimes I’m tempted to order two and just double fist it like the savage I am 😉.

Today, I had yoga in the a.m. where I peddled my bicycle the short mile and half to center my namaste 🙏. Dandays took off to the gym at the same time as me so we peddled together. When I finished class I walked my bike to the nearest coffee shop with my new yoga friend. She said this place had the best coffee and if you couldn’t guess from my bucket gripe in the previous paragraph I’m sort of a coffee addicted snob, brat, connoisseur, aficionado, a professional drinker of coffee if you will. We both ordered an iced latte with coconut milk and this is what the barista created (barista is a fancy word for coffee art-teest). There is no added sugar or added guilt, just pure caffeine and pleasure in this cup (okay, it’s topped with shredded coconut but who’s counting).


The perfect after class treat and it even came in a normal sized cup. Still not as large as I prefer but at least I’m able to take the appropriate 7-10 minutes to finish it rather than the two slurp cup I’ve been getting acquainted with. My friend had to run off so I hopped on my bike and peddled the rest of the way home.

Upon opening the door I was able to quickly beat Dandays to the shower even though he’d been home for awhile. Gotta love Steemit working with me on that one 😉.

My after yoga meal was a half mason jar of gluten free over night oats accompanied with 9 almonds and 5 peacans… I already know I’m a freak for counting out my toppings 🤓. I did not get a picture of this but I did snap a picture of my morning smoothie topped with gluten free gogi berry granola from the day before… please accept this in place of my over night oats…


I technically had a smoothie similar to this one before yoga so it totally counts guys. Usually my smoothies consist of 3 strawberries, 5 chunks of freshly cut pineapple, a handful of stemmy spinach (the spinach in CR has some strong stem action going on), 1/2 tablespoon chia seeds, 2 teaspoons maca powder, 2 teaspoons moringa powder, 1 heaping scoop of sunwarrior chocolate plant protein, and 3-5 small ice cubes with about a cup and a half of water. The only difference between the pictured and my Usual is the toppings and the almond milk I used to make the smoothie bowl a little creamier.

Anyway, I had soaked chickpeas in water the night before with the intention of making falafel for dinner. Yesterday I whipped up and am working on perfecting a simple hummus recipe and with the left overs I thought falafel would make a good contribution to the hummus party.

Dandays and I chilled at the beach this after noon listening to the thunder and predicting when we were going to get rained on. Yesterday we were so relaxed at the beach, relaxing in that “I’m not quite asleep but I’m definitely not awake” state when without warning the tide decided to help us wash the sand out of our ears. I jumped up and grabbed our back pack faster than if a spider fell on me and we both collectively laughed at our now sandy and soaked beach towels, clothes, and shoes. Today we made a point to not get wet!

Around 3:30 I rushed us off the sand to the nearest grocery store to grab a pod of garlic (what do you call those flowers of garlic anyway? I know the Clove is the individual so would the group be called a gang? A pod? An AA meeting?), an onion, and a Diet Coke… stop judging me. I’m quite aware it’s an aspartame extravaganza in a plastic party I’m consuming, Nancy! We got home and I immediately got to work on the falafel.

Half a bunch of cilantro, red onion, 2 cups of chickpeas and 3 cloves of garlic later I added several secret spices and viola… perfectly seasoned falafel was born. Because I didn’t have flour I added almond meal and sesame seeds to help bind the batter but it didn’t work too well. I also had to bake them being that I didn’t have any other oil other than olive oil on hand. This tactic proved to work out well with the freshly baked Camote fries complimenting the pita I was about to make.

I had a bowl of hummus I made the night before, baked falafel, camote fries, left over gold potato fries, left over broccoli and carrot medley, tomato cucumber salad and a tahini sauce to make pitas out of. Also, I didn’t take a picture of this either because I suck a big one so instead I offer a picture of the hummus Mediterranean plate I made for us the night before…


Instead of the purple cabbage slaw here, imagine a whole wheat pita stuffed with baked falafel and that hummus, and instead of those pita chips, imagine a layer of tomato cucumber salad in the sand which, and instead of a plate, imagine a pita pocket, and you’ve got a picture of our dinner tonight.

I was able to grab a shot of the aftermath…


It doesn’t look like much now but before stuffing our soup coolers all of those bowls and plates were filled with fixings to build the perfect pita. There will be more to come on that “hummus perfecting” I’m up to. Dandays is going to help me with my first recipe video so I have to get the recipe just right. Also in Costa Rica yellow lemons are very difficult to come by and when you do encounter them they are more expensive than you can imagine so my recipe utilizes something other than lemons… stick around my blog to find out what it is.

Thanks for the opportunity to entertain you for a minute and happy Food Fight Friday to everyone reading this and everyone who is just skimming this, you know who you are 🤡. I’ll be off going around not reading and not commenting on your Triple F contenders now 😉.

Pura Vida ✌️




That ALL sounds pretty dang delicious! Nice to see you getting your Namaste on, as well! I seriously need to add some more of that back into my life once my half marathon is done. I won't be running quite so much then, so I'll have some more time to split between my other athletic endeavors.

I'm glad I'm not the only one not making time to take pictures of everything! Well, either that or I take food pictures but then don't have time or energy to share, haha. I'm catching up with cooking today after being gone all weekend, so maybe I'll get around to sharing a few things this week. I'm still not quite up to video sharing level yet, so can't wait to see yours when you guys get it up! Can't go wrong with some perfect hummus. 😉

We just finished edits yesterday so both of us are pretty excited to share it. Hummus is such a perfect recipe share too. Now I just need to perfect another easy yet delicious recipe for next week. …

I love yoga! This week has been incredible for my spiritual balance. I don’t know why I took so much time off from practicing but I’ll try not to do that again. Running is also my thing but it is definitely a whole new run when you jog on sand. I’m still not convinced I like it. Haha. Two days ago the tide pushed me into a bush and I had no where to go but in the water. I ran all the way back home with wet tennis shoes and dry sand sticking to them. Haha… not as meditative as I’m used too 🤦🏼‍♀️

On my way to check out your recent creations now @plantstoplanks. When is your marathon again?

So that's where you've been. ;) I'm hoping the big reveal is on the menu for FFF? Can't wait to see it! (I guess I better come check to make sure you didn't share it yet since I came right to comments before scrolling my feed...) Ok, good, didn't miss it, haha.

So happy you have found a good balance! I can totally understand how running would be challenging in those conditions. I fall off the routine in the summer here, too, because it's just not as pleasant. I have a friend training for a fall marathon here and I just don't know how she's going to be doing those long runs through the summer heat and humidity! More power to her. My half is coming up a week from Monday (Memorial Day). I'm excited for it, but then also getting happy to knock it out to move on to the next challenge, as well. Now just keeping my fingers crossed for good race morning weather...

Yay!!! That’ll be a good time. I bet the first meal after the race is complete will phenomenal :). I did jog this morning. It’s also more difficult when I don’t have a set route. We move so much that my route changes all the time. Yoga has been really good as a meditative substitute though.

I’ll be looking for your food fight tomorrow too. After your visit with miss niece-y pants of course 😉

Oh yeah, I get totally thrown off when I have a lot of changes in my routine. I'm definitely a creature of habit. But at least I've gotten a bit better at adapting over the years as I used to get totally paralyzed when someone moved my cheeze. 🤣

I'm hoping to crank out a post today. We'll see how long the little blonde one keeps me. Last week she didn't want me to go so she decided to have us read my shirt to delay me leaving. (It was a t-shirt with a lot of words--smart kid. 😆) Gramma is there today, though, so I play second fiddle when she's around, haha.

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Grandmas always win, hands down! Haha… sorry Aunty :).

I’m such a habit creature too… @dandays keeps me on my toes with change. Sometimes it’s important for me to insist on some grounding though, just to maintain my sanity. Don’t get me wrong, I do love this nomadic lifestyle though, I just need a touch of routine for me. I’ll get back at you later this evening @plantstoplanks. Have a great visit 😉

Oh yeah, I don't begrudge my mom any of that attention. This might very well be her only grandchild! At least I have a few "nieces" of friends, so I can get my kiddo loving from a few places. ;)

No, you just wait… aunties are like builtin best friends, grandmas are the top, the head, the best, but aunties are our equals, our mates, our secret keepers and our sounding boards for the personal questions we have growing up. I’m sure you’re as rad an aunt as you are a Steemit friend, and you’re a pretty stellar Steemit friend 😉

How to respond a new response unlike anything I’ve already said?
I could punch along this keyboard of mine expelling words inside my head. 🤔
I could initiate a conversation like this and start a brand new thread?
Or I could just rhyme the last four lines and throw in an I love you instead.



Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 42
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck

I love reading your posts, they are so fun @puravidaville. I can't wait for your video!! Not sure if I'm more excited about the video or the falafel and hummus...You will rock it! Sunwarrior Protein powder, hmmm do you like the taste? I don't think I have seen it. I use Plant Fusion, the cookies and cream version is pretty tasty :)

The flavor is great. I used to drink raw organics vanilla or chai flavor and it was bomb. I loved how thick it got and the ingredients are super clean. Sunwarrior’s ingredients are pretty good and the flavor isn’t bad especially being that it’s one of the only plant based proteins we can find in CR - 🤷🏼‍♀️

We just finished edits today so launch day is a go 🥶

I will wait for the video version of your recipes @piravidaville 😉 and that hummus mediterania looks more amazing than before 😅... yeaahhh... I can see how the foodfight going on table .. not the kitchen right now!

Haha… the food fight was definitely on the table. Haha. Thanks for the compliment @cicisaja. The video won’t be ready for a bit. I am close to perfecting the recipe then I will record it and Dandays will edit it. Hopefully I’m the next week or so. 🤷🏼‍♀️

That is a super yummy meal my sweet Pura, but I didn't know you were such a big ice coffee drinker, lol.

Yes, iced coffee, iced chai, hot coffee, hot chai, pretty much any semi healthy coffee drink. If I could find matcha here I’d try it out but I haven’t been able to locate any 🤦🏼‍♀️

keep us feel hungry with your photos lol

Wait until you see my video this week… it’ll make you run to the refrigerator :)

lol waiting for it ;)

See you Friday 😉

Thanks for sharing your day, sounds like you had a great one. Anytime you have yoga, coffee, and the beach all in the same day, that's a fantastic day! I went to my weekly yoga class last night, each time i go i find myself craving more! The food looks and sounds delicious and colorful. I've always wondered what falafel was but never had any, lol. Namaste, Cleo

Oh you need to remedy that falafel dilemma ASAP. It’s only the best thing since avocados :). Yoga has definitely reinstated some much needed zen into my life. Coffee, yoga and beach should be a religion- it’s so good for the soul. Thanks for stopping by @cleopatra54… Namaste!

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