30 Something Birthday by: HER- Food Fight Friday

in #fff6 years ago

Happy triple F you food freak lovers! It’s so nice to be back in attack on this lovely Friday. Who else missed all of the fish slappin, @jlsplatts -in, debauchary of #foodfightfriday? 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏾‍♂️🙋🏾‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏿‍♀️… that’s a lot of hands.

Well then without further adieu, let’s get this road on the show (I mean show on the road). @dandays and I spent our week off celebrating. We celebrated our little butts off. No not by drinking booze and hiring hookers, we are much too refined for that nonsense, but by (did I just say butt-bye?) taking a tour of our nearby cities.

What’s this have to do with food? Well, I’m known to get a tad bit hangry when I’m hungry so @dandays never has us drift too far away from a restaurant. What? You thought vegans (plant-based eaters) don’t eat out? Psssst!


I’m reminded of a joke:

What do you call a fish with no eyes?

Phshhhhh… huh? Huh? … get it… say it out loud, it’s funnier that way.

First stop on our city celebrating tour is American Junkie. Our nearby junk food restaurant bar on the pier of Redondo Beach. One thing a vegan can always order is French fries with chips and salsa 😋.


Don’t mind the guacamole, that’s off limits for him. The poor guy has had an allergy to it since he can remember. Shhhooottt … “your life crazy”! Only because we are in the midst of celebrating will I be scarfing this green goddess dip down without betraying my ever so loving husband. It’s cool, he indulged on his sodium benzoate drink of death while I rubbed avocado all over my face.

I know what you’re thinking… what a cute couple… haha… well thank you for the thought.


Excuse me? Do I have anything on my face?
Nooo… I didn’t kill that ramekin of dip all to myself, nope.…not me.

To avoid the finger pointing and laughing of the other patrons, we quickly paid our tab and jumped back on our harley’s (schwinns) and peddled on out of there.


“This way Batman, we are losing them”.…
Now that we are all nice and fueled up let’s check out what we see…


Let’s take the secret path… the route of the ancients. Cruising between houses and the sand, you can hear the water crash with each wave. Actually, it was quite an invigorating ride. People walking, running, dogs sniffing, volley ball players yelling, the sun is shining and the wind blowing all so we can have the perfect celebration.


Okay, maybe the volley ball players were taking a break, but you get what I’m cooking. Would any of you believe this was on a Friday? Mid-day? Like 2:00 pm Friday? I’m often impressed with the amount of people out and about during a weekday on the beaches. Apparently, LA is full of independently wealthy humans 🤷🏼‍♀️

Just check out this persons succulent wall…


That is strategically placed on the front of their house, which sits on the edge of the boardwalk, that runs along the coast line… living the life.

And I think this person wins the best water feature award…


Can you tell the water surrounds their patio? Is it a fancy bird bath? Is it a foot tub? Baby pool? Nahhh, it’s to block out those noisy ocean waves… stupid ocean!

C’mon, let’s go check out some more stuff…


This is the pier heading back up into Manhattan Beach. We cruised the boardwalk the entire way… water on one side, fancy homes on the other, then came the battle of the hills…


Needless to say I was walking my bike up that little iron man course. Would you look at the gorgeous flower I captured along the way…


Don’t worry, I only fell once and it wasn’t that bad…


Hey, @sivehead, can you stitch these babies back up for me? I can still get a few good wears from them.…

Dandays and I attached our bikes back up the car and finished day one of celebrating with some nice tunes. But first this little gem:


I look over and see this spiffy Porsche with a license plate that reads “Brrroke”… immediately the music is turned down and dandays is alerted to the breaking news.

Maybe not a big deal to some, but I’m already a firm believer that Porsche drivers tend to be douches’ (douches’ said in an accent is less offensive) not to be confused with the douchery of a corvette driver but a douche all the same.

Manhattan Beach happens to border Compton and the glaring realty of gentrified and wealthy Manhattan Beach to the back drop of poor and impoverished Compton, by comparison, is undeniable. To sit in traffic next to “brrroke” was to sit in traffic and talk **it!

Dandays and I quickly noticed the surf board rack that lacked a surf board and made quips about “how cool” this guy must think he is.

Then an elbow pops out of the window and @dandays, without hesitation, says “who does this guy think he is… Travis Barker or something?”

All the while I’ve now snapped two photos and spent at least 3-4 minutes sizing this dude up to another narcissistic, Los Angeles sleeping at the wheel, ultimate douche bag and then the light turned green.

As the Porsche driver turned right, we went straight and with one more look saw that he wasn’t a he at all… it was a girl driving that Porsche, with a surf rack on top, tattoos covering her elbows and a license plate that read “brrroke”.

I think we just came in close contact with the coolest girl in the world, not to be confused with the ‘most interesting guy in the world’.

Seriously though, we felt like ants and were semi tempted to follow her to another stop and tell her just how cool we thought she was. Haha… as if our opinion matters 🤦🏼‍♀️

Anyway, more about food…


I woke up on day two of celebrating and found a crazy creature in my kitchen. My husband was frying up some potatoes and peppers for breakfast. This was my “happy, happy, birthday” breakfast and he got it just right. How can anyone go wrong with po-tates in the morning 🤷🏼‍♀️

Similar to the day before, we threw our bikes on a rack and headed to Newport Beach. I have never spent much time there so the idea of exploring this unchartered city via bicycle was right up my alley.

Upon stepping out of the car and watching Dandays struggle to get the bikes down, I realize I’m hungry. Yes, hungry again… it’s a full time job feeding me, I swear. He knows the drill so we head out in search of a vegan friendly, gluten free, sandwich joint… sounds easy enough right?!??


We found our spot… “Sessions”! It might not sound like much of a sandwich place now but you just wait until our food comes. Nom, nom, nom, nom 😋.

With my husband locking up our bikes, I’m guided into the restaurant with this little invitation. I love a good quote on the wall (or in this case, ceiling).

As soon as it’s our turn to order our food through the cashier we realize he’s hella ripped. Not lightly toked on a Friday night ripped but Cheech and Chong take over LA ripped. Haha… these situations are always my husbands favorites 🤦🏼‍♀️

Getting through level one, I skip off to find a good seat to devour our goods.


This looks nice! Everything looks so eco friendly and welcoming. So far so good :)

I’m glad we got there when we did because the place started filling up and without any more seats it was evident we had picked the right place.


This sandwich was stuffed with so much yumminess I’m afraid I’m about to forget something, but here goes nothing: a brussel sprout, pickled onion, shaved carrots and cilantro sandwich stuffed in gluten free bread and drizzled with a sweet teriyaki maple glaze that brought the whole thing home, accompanied by homemade rosemary seasoned potato chips.

I didn’t pay much attention to what @dandays got because I was dripping maple glaze all over my face. Apparently I have a hard time getting things in my mouth and they end up on my face 🤷🏼‍♀️ Can’t take me anywhere.

Yes, I’m aware there is a mixed green salad there but who cares when you have homemade potato chips, I mean c’mon.

Like the nice people we are we finished our, not messy at all, sandwiches and passed our table to the next unsuspecting victim of the saucy sandwiches. With a full belly, I’m rip roaring ret (ready) to go.


Check it out, another fancy shmancy boardwalk with mansions on one side and water on the other. Oddly enough we didn’t see a whole lot of people enjoying their very nice and expensive beach patios. Maybe they were all at work 🤷🏼‍♀️

The houses stopped for a moment and an elementary school appeared right on the sand. It was made up of classrooms, basketball courts, recess areas and an outdoor grassy area build right on the sand. Definitely not what my elementary school looked liked. So cool!

We peddled across the basketball courts to get a better look at the view.


Can you tell that’s a pirate ship or does it just look like a run of the mill sailboat? Well it’s a pirate ship alright.


Look… we found our chill spot.


The paddles are for us to get our smash ball on. Have you ever played smash ball? It’s so much fun. Dandays likes to run me all over like I’m Serena Williams or something.… such a turd !

Shortly after we settled in, a group of whales frolicked the wave line for our viewing pleasure. I’m blind as a bat so for them to come up close enough for the birthday girl means they were pretty close. They hung around for a minute or two and then disappeared into the vastness of the ocean. A very cool birthday sighting indeed.

All I brought on this chill moment was an apple from my local farmers market. After sharing it with @dandays I was left only half hungry. This means we had about 30-40 minutes before The Hulk strikes again. We took to higher ground :)


A quick detour through the marina and a thank you to Mr. Look Out…


… and we arrived at Manoaw, Thai food for anyone.


A very modern and Jetson-y ambiance. With two menu’s, one for vegans, we ordered an appetizer and two meals.


The spring rolls were some of the longest I’ve ever seen. We only sword fought with them briefly before inhaling the plate.


My Pad Thai, without egg and fish sauce, made for a good celebratory dinner. I think @dandays got the Artichoke Green Curry but didn’t get a picture of that. Hopefully you’ll accept this slightly different angle of Pad Thai instead 😉


After all of this food, sun, and more food, I was pooped. We headed home where my Mr. perfect went out and fetched us some local dairy free hazelnut chocolate chip ice cream.


It took all of 2 minutes to fall asleep that night, but after (did I just say butt-after?) a good rest we woke up deciding to hang kind of locally for Sunday’s celebration.

I also woke up hungry (surprise, surprise) so we headed to our favorite falafel shack.


One basket of falafel balls and French fries later (yep, I said falafel balls) and we were ready to rock and roll again.

See the people in the background of this picture? They were chatting it up with the guy right next to us and passing a weed pen back and forth while comparing their best vegan dining experiences. To avoid joining the smoke sesh we left them to it and headed, guess where, to the beach :)


But first, yoga in the park. You can’t tell from this photo but the ocean is to your right so really it’s yoga on the beach.


Heading down the railway we peddle on the boardwalk to find a good place to play dominoes.


Pit stop on the pier and it doesn’t look like there is a spot here…


… c’mon, let’s peddle further this way…


Uh oh… I have a good feeling about this one…


… a little further…


… taaadaaa…


We made it. Now it’s time to kick butt and take names :)

Thank you all for joining today’s food fight tour celebrating my birthday. I know it was ramble heavy and calorie light but that’s why I made the chips and salsa picture the cover shot… so it would fit perfectly with my #foodfightfriday peeps… I mean, it’s about food a little bit 🤷🏼‍♀️

Pirate Vida ✌️

(I mean, Pura Vida).


Happy Birthday :creepy voice:
Looks like you both had an amazing time out and about. By how old are you, 27-28 @dandays must have robbed the dang cradle holy crap, that old fart 😂😂😂

Don’t mind be young lad with the knife. He isn’t crazy I promise.

First I just like to say a belated Happy Birthdaysssss @puravidaville

It's good that you managed to get those photo uploaded to steemit. I've heard that your Mr. Perfect's thumbs can be a little clumsy with photos sometimes.

can you stitch these babies back up for me?

Consider it done...


There... good as new 😁

Haha… yeah he has clumsy thumbs for sure… Mr. Perfumsy (a cross between perfect and clumsy). Haha… hey those pants look good as new, thanks @sivehead. I have a closet full of others that could use a patch job as well 🤦🏼‍♀️

Thank you for birthday wishes :)

Haha that's a lot of photos! Thanks for sharing!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the support @crypto.talk. It was a lot of photos indeed… I actually held a ton back for the sake of the post. Haha… maybe a part two is in order.

Got it! I would keep it short because people don't have patience these days haha.

Posted using Partiko Android

Happy belated birthday! That were lot of food, all yummy :-)

Thank you @icybc - it was a good birthday celebration with lots of food and lots of adventure. :)

Happy Birthday my friend! No wonder you were hungry, peddling all around LA beaches and back....You enjoyed some seriously good eats! Yum Yum! Sounds like you had an amazing birthday adventure. Oh btw...did I ever tell you Mr. Bird was born in Compton? lol, seriously! The hospital is gone now...hehe

Thank you @birdsinparadise! It was a fun weekend traveling about and eating our way through LA. So Mr. Bird must be familiar with our area then… very cool! Hope you’re having a great weekend :)

I'm not sure if this is a food post with some traveling in it or a traveling post with some food in it, but either way, it works. Happy belated 30-something birthday. Nice to see you managed to keep photos long enough to put then into a post, unlike someone else we know. :)

I think you had the better choice of Thai Food, too. :)

I guess it never really serves to judge someone, even if they run around in a Porsche. I mean, what's the odds of pretty much the one scenario that would redeem the driver in your eyes actually being the one you find?

I got to hand it to you both. Southern California is a spendy place. My wife and I didn't last more than five years down in Orange County. We moved up to Oregon after that, where I'm from. That was 25 years ago this month. Hunh. Just realized that. :)

Thank you @glenalbrethsen! 30 something isn’t so bad, in fact it feels like things are just getting started :)

I actually have a ton more pictures but it of street art mostly so left those out for another post. Poor @dandays deleted all of his proof from the weekend but that’s the learning curve we are on when it comes to technology. Lol. Both of us just kind of fumble our way through.

You are 100 % right, what are the odds of finding the one redeeming instance? Love how things work out to constantly hit you in the face with lessons. We were totally being turds anyway… I love how the universe stands to correct me… “good job universe”. :)

I am actually born and raised in San Francisco area and only moved away from there after graduating college. Before that, I thought it was normal to pay $1800-2000 for a studio and $5-6 for strawberries. In comparison, Southern California is much more affordable. Although, @dandays and I live pretty minimally, the biggest bill is our grocery bill. Of course, this is due to all of the ingredients I need to make some of these scrumptious dishes… but we figure it’s better than spending it on “hookers and booze” or anything else, really :)

I’ve never been to Oregon yet have always heard how beautiful it is… I believe it’s one of Dandays favorite states. Maybe one of these days we’ll get out there.

Thanks for stopping by @glenalbrethsen… it’s always good chatting with you.

It really depends on what you like as far as Oregon goes. We do large metropolitan areas, but Portland and the suburbs are as about as big as it gets. The rest of the state has a couple of cities that are near or over 100,000 people, but those are few. The towns are spread out, there's countryside in between, and depending on what part of the state you're in, it's either farmland, trees, ranchland, mountains, valleys or sea. Some in combination of that. Beaches are not warm sunny places, not most of the year, anyway.

I like the west side (or west of the Cascades) more just because it's green most of the year. Most people live on that side all up and down the state. The rest is higher desert, so more like living in Idaho, or Utah, and for me, not nearly as appealing.

We do get the rain, though. East side gets much more snow.

Rent is higher than it should be, but you can probably find a one bedroom apartment for $800 in most of the state, and if you want newer, probably closer to $1,200. I'm not sure how easy it is to find Vegan restaurants, or even ones with Vegan offerings, but again, larger cities will probably have it. Best places for that would be Portland and Eugene, and possibly Corvallis, since it's a college town.

Awesome! We love country lands but also like city life. $800-1200 doesn’t sound bad at all but then again I’m from the land of ridiculous so wouldn’t know better.

I’d like to visit somewhere along the coast- I’m quite accustomed to putting on a hoody and jeans before heading to the beach. Southern California has made me also appreciate bathing suit beach weather, but the ocean has always been somewhat gloomy, cold, and powerful in my experience.

As of right now visiting the snowy side sounds like a lot of fun. I’m sure it’s much more burdensome to live with it than to play in it. I’m not sure if we will get a chance to see Oregon before we head out but it sure would make for a good time I think. California has just gotten so expensive and everything is taxes upon taxes; taxes are taxed. Haha

We probably average some kind of snowfall once a year here. Last year we didn't have any other times it's snowed a couple of times. More often than not it's an inch or so and lasts two or three days, max, which isn't bad. The other side of the Cascades gets much more.

You probably have to go fairly south into Mexico before you start finding warmer waters. Cancun side, so Caribbean actually, very warm. Hawaii wasn't too bad, either, with water temperatures.

Oregon, not even close, a lot like what I imagine the Bay area is like.

I'm afraid the entire West Coast has managed to come up with new and improved ways to tax the heck out of its residents. Still, what's amazing is, you can live in Washington and not pay income tax, and shop across the border in Oregon and not pay a sales tax. I'm looking for warmer weather, not cooler, or we'd be living in Washington by now.

Haha… have you guys ever been to Tennessee? It’s our favorite state in this country. The people there are so nice, you can’t meet a stranger, and it’s really green. I’ve never seen myself living in a landlocked state but Tennessee has so many pros and I guess a fair amount of lakes, that I would live there in a heart beat.

Although Cancun, with its Caribbean waters, tends to call my soul a little bit more.

Hey, @puravidaville.

If it weren't for a lot of corruption on all levels of government, where people have more of a tendency to look away than do something (probably because it's too easy to end up missing and/or dead), and then the drug cartels, which have pretty much taken over everywhere now down there (where they used to stay away from the tourist areas), along with other logistical issues, Cancun would be great.

Funny thing is, my wife has mentioned Tennessee a couple of times. We know a family who lives there, but they're more friends of friends. Plus, it's a little farther east than I'd like to go. But if you like it, I probably should look into it more. Except for Utah, I've not lived in a landlocked state myself, and while we might make it over to the coast two or three times a year, it's still nice to have the variety.

Along with mountains, lakes, rivers, streams, forests, valleys, etc. If they'd stop taxing the daylights out of things and allow people to use their property more and some other things, we might not leave Oregon, just go somewhere that's a little drier. My wife has sinusitis and allergies and could probably stand a little drier weather and more sunshine.

Haaapppyyy birthday!! Perhaps it's belated, but we can always celebrate another day, right? @dksart and I are kicking it in the mountains this weekend, so I'll raise up a bite of roasted potatoes in your honor tonight for dinner. 🥔🥂

Ahhh thanks @plantstoplanks… cheers to another year filled with laughter and food (clink). Send some of those tates my way… I’ll take em in French fries, hash browns, mashed, country, seasoned, not seasoned, baked, sweet, double baked, roasted, boiled, or whatever you think 🤷🏼‍♀️ Haha

I hope you guys make lots of memories in the mountains and get off your Steemit, it’s memory making time :)

Oh No 🤦‍♂️ so much good food! And I forgot to enter it again 😅🙉!! Hopefully I remember myself next Friday. I made now a memory in my smartphone :-)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Food, food, everywhere the food, food. We will be here every Friday @avizor… no worries my friend! I look forward to your opening triple F entry now :).

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