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RE: Human Processor Black Bean Burgers: Food Fight Friday

in #fff6 years ago

Though I do always love your food posts, I am sure I would no doubt enjoy your Costa Rican adventures, as well! One of my girlfriends has started hosting wellness retreats, and she's doing one there in June. I would love to go, but it's not quite in the budget at the moment.

I love black beans, but I think I've had better luck making burgers out of different types of beans. It really is an art to find the perfect balance of moisture so they don't dry out, but not so much that you feel like you're eating dog food. 🐶 I can definitely imagine some Popeye arms from the fork method, haha. 💪

I did take a picture, so you can see my 💩 curry sauce. It's definitely one of the most unappetizing-looking sauces I've ever made, but at least mixed up with the veggies and some black rice it's not toooo terrible. 🤣


At least I bounced back with a killer breakfast bake using your favorite root veggie. I'll try to get it up today. I may actually start working on it now while I wait for a huge rain storm to pass before I head to get my driver's license renewed....


Haha… you aren’t kidding, that sauce looks horrible. I’m sure it tasted delicious though. What bean do you have the most luck with while making burger patties? I’ve thought about using lentil but decided against it believing it would be hard to counter all of its moisture.

Where is your friend doing a wellness retreat? Tell me about it if you don’t mind… I love things like that and they do have quite a few here but it would be cool to check one out ran by a fellow steemians friend.

Blahhhhh… the dmv sucks!!! Good luck with that. Wishing you a speedy line 😉

It really looked terrible, didn't it? At least I got a good laugh out of it. 🤣

Luckily my license renewal trip was fairly speedy--20 minutes in and out! Though I was lucky to make it out of the parking lot alive--I almost got run down by a BMW speeding through as I walked to my car. 😲

This is where she is doing the resort:
It looks stunning! She focuses more on the paleo end of things with food, but takes major control to make sure all of her retreats meet her standards for good food. She teaches some yoga and fitness classes, then I think on this one she'll have an excursion or two planned, as well. I don't think she has this one up on her website yet, but I can put you in touch if it is something you would like to know more about! She loves gangsta rap, too. 😉

20 minutes? At the dmv? Damn! That would never happen in California. Good for you sista! What a douche driving that bmw. I’m glad you got out of there unscathed. When we first met weren’t you telling about a friend of yours that got ran down walking or riding her bike? People drive like morons.

I’ll look into her retreat. I’m just interested in general. We recently made a trip to Arenal Volcano and you’d be surprised at how many vegan/veg restaurants I saw. The discovery made me stop and realize that there are many wellness retreat type things happening all around us here. Just interested is all. I really need to get back into yoga. It’s so good for balancing everything out. If you ever want to come to Costa Rica for a retreat, you have a place to stay with me sista! 😉 P.s. who doesn’t love gangsta rap 🤷🏼‍♀️

That's one of the good things about having weird work hours--you can go do unpleasant things like a DMV trip at a time of day when most other people can't, haha. Oh my gosh people just seem to be getting worse and worse with not paying attention! I was running with a group last week and a guy I ended up cruising along with for the second half was telling me about a member who got hit last year while running. He was on the sidewalk, too!! It was actually my friend who is hosting the retreat who got hit at a crosswalk in downtown Atlanta!

It seems like Costa Rica is definitely one of the hot spots for wellness retreats. Awesome that there are plenty of veggie spots, too! I'll be curious to see how her retreat goes this time since it is the first one she's done out of the country. She just started doing them last year, and is already killing it. I think if this one goes well she'll go ahead and book it again for next year. Maybe I'll be able to jump in and join then!

Omg, that would be so awesome if you joined her. I’d make a trip to meet you girls for sure. Wellness retreats do seem like a big thing here. I’m totally into it; yoga, veggies, meditation, releasing old ego and welcoming new light, totally into it. Ummm ummm

In Long Beach people used to drive like nuts. It’s almost as if they were intentionally trying to hit cyclists. We always peddled on the sidewalk if we could even though pedestrians would give a side eye. I’ve heard way too many stories.

Oh, and I think the easiest time I've had making patties is with the fresh lima beans and pinkeye beans from the farmers market this past summer. Maybe because they were fresh and not dried? Or perhaps it was just my favoritism for my market goodies, haha!

I like the fresh beans from the market too. Oddly enough I only realized farmers markets had them when we got here. I’ll have to try a pink burger bean sometime.

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