Pizza for Breakfast...Well, Second Breakfast...{Food Fight AND Market Friday!}

in #fff4 years ago

Happy Friday friends! I've got a quickie for you today since it's been a darn busy week and tomorrow is my next local nutrition event! But, as I am the queen of being prepared, the prep for my event is pretty much in the bag so I figured I'd jump on the @foodfightfriday and @dsiwgle's #marketfriday for the first time in a while.


As my title suggest, I'm bringing some absolutely banging pizza to the table this week. Though I pretty much always serve up my own goodies, occasionally I venture out in the wild and snag something that someone else lovingly made. In this case, I stopped by the relatively new Strive location on Wednesday to grab a few bites of some plant-based goodness to help me power through my crazy week. You might recall me sharing some of their absolutely delicious vegan donuts a few months ago, but I'll make your mouths water again just in case you forgot...


Strive is run by a really rad woman who is a total inspiration with how much she hustles to make her business thrive. She started out selling her delicious and totally nutritious goods at the farmers market and just a few local stores, but she has slowly expanded to stocking even more locations and even finally snagged a local commercial kitchen and small retail space to be able to service even more customers. Lucky me picked back up one of my in-home training clients who just so happens to live right near the store. Sorry Denise, I should have snagged some pictures of the actual store, but I think given how delicious this pizza is, you won't hold it against me. 😉


As my title suggest, I totally scarfed down this slice for second breakfast--one of my favorite meals of the day! With a gluten-free crust made from cauliflower and flax seeds, among other healthy ingredients, and toooons of plant-powered toppings, it's one pizza you can have zero guilt eating any time of day. However the flavor from the Buffalo sauce on the cauliflower and yummy hummus below the veggies leaves you thinking it is anything if not decadent. I've tried a few different varieties of her pizzas, and they have all been good enough to buy again. And again. And again.


I just enjoyed this yesterday, but now I'm already drooling again! Though I don't often eat out since it is rare to find restaurants or other prepared food that hold themselves to the same nutritional standards I do in my own kitchen, I totally support the goods that come out of Strive. She even gets a lot of her produce from the same farmers I buy from at the market on weekends. As always, I'm much happier using my hard earned fiat to support local businesses, ESPECIALLY when they themselves support the local farmers. Of course I still buy way too much at the market usually to need to grab any food on the go, but it is really awesome to know if I need a healthy and satisfying meal or snack, I've got somewhere I can easily go!


If you want more inspiration, check out her Instagram feed for all the latest goodies she and the staff are whipping up! Even if you aren't local, I can assure you it will make you get excited to eat your veggies. 😜

Happy weekend my friends! I'll try to pop back in as soon as I can to share how my event goes tomorrow.

Banners by @woman-onthe-wing, @dksart and @bearone for @steemusa


Great idea! What better way to start your day - with a delicious slice of deliciousness - so yummy

Very nicely prepared and looks so yummy i will have some of that pizza...Thank you 😊

I would happily share! She makes big trays of them, so one would be enough to go around and treat everyone! 😊

Awesome i will drop in next time i am down that way 🤣

WOw that is a loaded and amazing looking pizza

I almost had to eat it with a fork, but then I just dug in and got messy with my bare hands. :)

I probably would have used a fork myself, I am one who often uses a knife and fork even with Pizza shocking i know LOL

That's a Pizza and a half we would say, one starts feasting with the eyes and then with the taste buds, looks amazing as do those donuts, remember seeing them a while ago!

Absolutely! All her stuff makes me drool as soon as I see it. Kind of like looking through Steemit...🤤

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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Thanks so much @freedompoint! Happy to share a "slice" of my week with you all. ;)

That looks totally delicious!

To the very last bite! I have a slice of her Mexican variety waiting to be enjoyed tomorrow afternoon. I would have finished that one off today but we had a lovely lunch to send off one of my co-workers on a new adventure across the country with his family! It should fuel me well for my nutrition event I'm hosting, so perhaps it worked out well in the end to be able to save it. ;)

I am sure your event will be a great success. That pizza: a well deserved reward!

Everything looks delicious and I will definitely check out her IG. 😊

She will definitely make you drool! I think her loyal following locally and online continues to grow, and it's no surprise why!

Even after having my avocado toast and not being hungry, I am drooling by looking at this decadent pizza and all those donuts, lol. By the way, I would love to try vegan donuts because I haven't have one yet. And this place is definitely the kind that would not disappoint me 😍

Right? You would love her stuff. Just like we cook, it's delicious but with care to the ingredients and health content. A treat with no guilt! I need to get there earlier in the day to snag some donuts as they usually sell out really quickly. 🍩

What about the prices? I am always wondering that having vegan place with truly healthy products must be pretty expensive to make. So how do they make money? I know retail prices are a lot cheaper, but they have to pay rent and utility bills.

These pizzas usually go for $7 a slice I believe. Though she may charge $8 at the market since she has to pay for the booth. Some people consider it pricey, but given the amount of ingredients loaded in it I think it is right on as far as the price point. Definitely a treat as I couldn't afford it every day, but hopefully enough for her to make some money off of. A few of my clients stop by every week now! Makes me glad as it means it is even easier for them to eat healthy plant-based foods when they don't have the time or energy to cook at home. :)

I haven't seen a loaded pizza like that! Wow oh wow!

Totally packed with all the best things! That cauliflower was pretty fantastic on its own, but a bite with everything on it was pure delight!

I can just imagine!!! 😋😋😋

That looks good!
And a little healthier than your average pizza :D..

Definitely no regrets when it is packed with this many healthy goodies! Always great when you can really enjoy a meal without feeling gross afterwards. :)

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