~FFF~ 64 OZ Protein Bomb ~FFF~steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fff6 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: ~FFF~ 64 OZ Protein Bomb ~FFF~


Damn dude… that is so much protein. How many calories do you think were in there? I bet it was delicious though. You’re a savage Splatts, a totally Sav!

I have no idea!!! Maybe just a couple hundred....or...thousand...maybe even a million. Who knows 😳😳😜😜

Good luck in Round 23 of
Food Fight Friday
May your contender survive and not be placed in a permanent food coma.

Nice #tag. I dig the mixer with the peanut butter. I like to leave it in the fridge one night and then mix it real good with a butter knife. Mixer.. good one.

Happy Friday, chef.

I’m tempted to make a custom bit to put in my cordless drill. Ha ha ha.
Oh ya, get it nice and thick and really put some elbow grease into it. Get yourself a good workout. Lol

I was tooled up with a brother out of Local 18 some years back and he would always say he likes “thick girls,” he likes em “thick” was his thing. His saying was: “Thick like peanut butter in the freezer!”

Haha!! That’s thick.

Oh ya, that is Thiiiiiick!!! LOL!!

Protein lots and lots of protein. Good job getting it down the hatch.
Fast metabolism, that is a gift not all of us have.
Your posts are so creative, funny, and instructional as well, totally enjoy the read.
Watching you chug brought back some great memories.
When I first started dating my wife, I met one of her Uncles.
He was only about 5 or 6 years older than us and he had some advice for her.
He had recently graduated from college and he said if you want to meet some real men when you go to college, learn to chug beer.
I'm not sure if he even realized that a real man was already sitting right next to her.
As taken back and rattled as I was by his total disregard for my feelings, you know men can be sensitive too, we all don't have to be such brutes, and yes I also wore nail polish back in the day, I knew in my heart she was without a doubt, no questions asked, sitting next to a real Man.
Well that advice paid off in spades.
You may be able to recall some of those youthful beer chugging days.

My lovely wife could chug a 7 oz glass of suds quicker that any guy at the time.
I would be in the back-round laying the line and collecting those little plastic shot cups they give you, signifying that the establishment owed you a drink.
The advice given to my wife by her Uncle Dick, is some of the best advice I have ever heard an adult, granted not a very responsible one, give a teenager.
Most nights when we went to our local hot spot we would drink on any unsuspecting macho beer chugging wanabee.

Stop...stop your giving me flashbacks. My brothers were the influencers in my life. Then there was this...The Man Show
With Adam Corolla and this Beer Chuggin’ Champion. After many attempts at this, I just ended up with stinky beer down my shirt and a nasty headache in the morning, what happened in between....never happened because I don’t remember. Kidding, I really am I wasn’t that bad...well I don’t think I was anyway.

It’s so awesome how something like this can spark memories. How cool is that!!! So your telling me that your wife chugs better than you...really...thebigsweed himself gets out-chugged by his wife??? HA HA HA that is a match made in heaven. Lol

Not much of a chugger myself, but back in the day, lets say 40 years ago, my glory was in consuming enough suds to float a boat. My friends would always ask me the same question when inebriated. Aren't you drunk yet?
These days it's a couple of cold ones and I'm good to go. I find that indulging in other recreational habits, not to be as devastating to the following day's activities.

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