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RE: Burger & Fries - Food Fight Friday

in #fff6 years ago

Howdy today sir dandays! no way! Your early retirement and success can't be that simple. You're saying that all you did was make the right choices and options in the high-paying electricians union pay plans? And you could afford to do that because you were single. That's sounds exactly like Mrs. J. She's constantly looking at the future and how to invest wisely, sacrificing today for tomorrow's gain.

Well then if you did that well and built that kind of retirement in just 22 years were you tempted to go another ten or so years, even another 20? Think what it would be then! I knew Electricians were well paid but I'm sure it took being in the right company, state and union to get those kind of annuities?

You were in the right place at the right time and made the right decisions. And that job had the option of funding 4 different pensions...and no one else took advantage of that but they were baffled that you alone were able to retire? lol. That's brilliant.

So are you just playing around here on steemit since you don't need the income or do you have a strong belief that it will succeed? What about puravida, did she have a career before you ruined everything by telling her you were running away to Central America? lol.


Income? I’m a big fan of #steemit, I’m not going anywhere. I’m betting on Steem. The people I’ve met have already surpassed everything I could’ve asked for.

Right place at the right time. I ran around for a year and a half and the moment I hinted toward the question, my grandfather drove me down to the union hall. God bless him.

People still think like that, janton, and they do ask the question about.. ‘but you could make x more in 5 years or x more in 10 years.”

I don’t know man, call it what you want but when someone tells me 10, I give them 10. Not 9, not 11, 10. Everyone agreed on that deal, it’s self greed that extends your served time. I, personally, like the view from this side of the screen.

Where my picture of that computer you’re working on? Is it a tower? How old is it do you think? You have high-speed and all of that, right?

Howdy sir dandays! sorry for the long delay, I've been delayed all day because I worked on getting the new computer set up last night and a little this morning. Self greed can extent your served time or some people are forced into it by no choice of their own of course.

In our case, we are looking for more income because we don't have a retirement and we need large money to fund our dreams to help others. Mrs. J is learning how desperate a halfway house or some type of facility is needed in our area by talking to the inmates and fellow guards. Heart breaking stories and we know we can help, but we need funds so probably we won't consider retiring from working. Shoot, she just started a new career. lol. And I'm looking for one.

But I'm looking to make some money online. Steemit would work if the price comes back, I love to hear these "old timers"..steemit time is so strange, one week is like 2 months in the real world...anyway you ever heard the old timers talk about making 2 or $300 per post? haha! A friend of mine is doing pretty well selling books on Amazon and he wants to show me how to do that, I'm thinking about it.

My old computer is a Lenovo, a tower yes. At least 10 years old but a beautiful case. I can still take a picture if you want, it's boxed up and in the storage room but could easily be gotten out. It still runs, just gets slow, freezes up and stops for awhile which slowed me way down but it's nice to have a back up if I ever need it.

The internet service out here in the country isn't great, it goes out quite often and isn't the fastest. But we don't have hardly any options. We see the ads for internet service, the company claims they cover everywhere, we call them, we tell them where we are, they look it up. No, no coverage there! lol. everytime.

How is it going with you guys? You commenting alot this week? I suppose you want to break into the top ten? I really stepped back this week but I suppose I'll be in the top 5 maybe? not sure, top ten for sure. The numbers are pitiful compared to what they used to be. The top ten now days wouldn't have made the top 20 a few months ago!
The hardfork killed commenting and smaller or newer accounts.

I knew there had to be some loop hole for me to be in the top, no new votes! I don’t think I’ve been too active on Steemit this week, not as active as normal at least. But we’re ready to go janton! ‘Welcome to your life’

Howdy again sir dandays! oh you guys are really all ready? You're just waiting around to leave? your one suitcase is packed? lol. That sounds insane! I can't wait.

Sorry sir dandays I forgot to address the League situation. Yes, all the great commenters are gone, it's strictly amateur hour now! lol.

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