
I’d like to think I would, at minimum, continue the pace I’m at now by releasing something early in the week, most likely on mondays and then again of #fff.

But I’m also secretly hoping life and my surrounding elements are so exciting I’m inclined to post, at minimum, once per day.

Did you get your new computer yet?? What’s taking that thing so long? Have you and Mrs. J been able to spend some time together between now and Christmas?

Howdy sir dandays! I'm sure that your life will be so interesting and exciting that you'll want to post every day, whether you'll have time to is another question. I think you'll have more important things to do though.

No computer yet. Well when we ordered it we opted for the free shipping option and they said it would take something like 2.5 weeks to get here. Unheard of these days isn't it? lol. I think once I get it I'll be able to spend less time on here so it'll pay for itself in no time. Plus Mrs. J will be thrilled.

On the days that she works we don't spend much time together because of the 12 hour shift length but on the days off we do although I'm tied up here on steemit too much so like I said it will be nice to free up some time, I might not be at the top of the League chart as much but who cares.

Oh, I wanted your opinion about the theory that the big institutional investors are waiting on the sidelines until the price of cryptos bottom out and then they'll jump in. I've heard that from some big names in the business and from people like Glen Beck. Does that sound logical?

2n1/2 weeks shipping huh? Your new computer is already outdated and it’s still in the mail! Ha. Free up time? I bet it’s more like requires more of your time. ...maybe not. If you don’t mind, I’d like to see the computer you’re currently working on, yay? Nay?

As far as the crypto market, I got nothin @janton! I know I don’t use logic and rationale when trying to decipher it though. The more I learn, the more I realize just one or two guys is controlling that whole thing too. Who knows what direction they’re going? I honestly try not to care, my mentality has, and is still, banking on the end of 2020. Whatever happens between now and then, I’m just going to enjoy the ride.

ha! howdy sir dandays! this comment is totally confusing to me. lol. One or two guys is controlling ..what...the crypto market? Do we know who they are? And you're banking on the end of 2020..what does that mean? what happens in 2020?

As far as my computer, I should be able to do what I do now in an hour or two less per day so I'm at least hoping that it frees up time. How can you see the computer I'm currently working on? I don't know what you mean by that either sorry! lol.

I think you should be about one week from leaving. You got your passports and everything all set? I don't even have a passport.

Everything is set, yes’ir 8 days.

Take a picture, janton. However you uploaded that picture of yourself for your cover image, just take a picture of the dinosaur you’re working on and paste it in this message.

Of course we don’t know who they are. The 2020 thing is just a hunch I’ve been hanging onto since 2014, It’s only An opinion.

Just Craig Wright alone was able to sway the market $30 billion in 12 hours, that’s an amazing feat for one man. And since we all know his name, he’s definitely not on top.

Howdy again sir dandays! Are you talking about the crypto market and Craig Wright?
The 2020 it a good thing that you have a hunch about or a bad thing? Can you get anymore cryptic? lol. I mean that's fine if it's intentional and if not it's me.
8 said you have no parents or siblings?

Correct. I’m all out of family.

I don’t mean to be cryptic, sorry about that. And honestly, I’m not even trying to be, that’s how little I know about the crypto market. Whatever I have to say about the market is guesses and opinions.

Who needs 2020, right?! Let’s have a green market right now!

howdy sir dandays! I'm sorry you're all out of family but I'm sure your wife has some? What do they think about the move and have you had anyone try to talk you out of it? I'm ready for a green market!
I thought maybe you were more of a professional investor but I guess my guess is off!

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