Hey Splatts, Chew on This! ~ #potroastcrockpotsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fff6 years ago


The local Cub Foods must have had a new guy doing their meat order this past week since they had a ton of beef labeled Manager Special. The sell by date wasn't for another three days, so that was fine with me. Even though I'm a rib-eye kinda guy, I couldn't turn down a half pound filet mignon for less than 5 bucks. Add in an almost three pound pot roast for 8 bucks (originally $18!) and I was one happy dude!

I thoroughly enjoyed the filet earlier in the week, a perfect medium rare in my book, damn was it tender and delicious.


But before work yesterday, I browned up the roast and threw that baby in the crock pot for a nice slow and low cook for 10 hours. Man was the house smelling good when I got home!!!!


The roast was melt in your mouth perfection. The carrots and potatoes were cooked just long enough (added them in with 3 hours to go) and the onions and mushrooms were tossed in the last hour.

All in all, it is scrum-diddily-umpcious!!! My almost 2 year old daughter went back for seconds for lunch today, so if she approves, I'd say it was a winner.

Happy FFF everybody! Have a great weekend and Steem on!!!


It looks like the perfect meal on a cold day too. I’ve never worked with a slow cooker before but wouldn’t mind creating recipes in one. Hands down if the two year old likes it then you know you did it right. Welcome to the food fight family @intothewild.

Thanks man!
You've never cooked with a crock pot? That is blasphemy where I come from. I order you onto Amazon this instant to purchase one!! haha, but for real, low maintenance, home style cooking, you can't get any better than a low and slow crock pot meal. I look forward to seeing your new kitchen device soon and what your first meal will be!

I’d love to order off amazon but first i would need to research if it even worth it. We are in Costa Rica where the import costs can be high. Today, we’ll be in the city looking for a good food processsor, I’ll keep my eye out for a slow cooker too. Haha

Ah, I didn't know you were in Costa Rica, you lucky duck. We just got dumped on with over a foot of snow and it's a whopping 4 degrees out right now, so enjoy your beautiful weather!
Did you have any luck finding a food processor? Is it the same price for an import regardless where it comes from? For example, would it be cheaper if I could send you a crock pot instead of ordering one off of Amazon?

We did get a food processor. It’s actually about double for the same processor I’d find in the states. If I had one shipped I’d then have to pay a heavy import tax. You can only bring in $500 worth of items every six months. I think it was just cheaper to buy it here. Although, you don’t get the same selection here. The high end would be considered the mid-low end in the states. I kind of settled on my juicer because I just wasn’t finding the one I wanted. As long as it juices I’ll be alright. Crock pot is nextvon the list 😉

Well congrats on the food processor! And I wish you luck and good fortune on the quest for the best crock pot you can find! Keep me posted!

Haha… thank you @intothewild, it seems I’ll need it.

Oh dang! Very nice :]

Why thank you!

Looks delish and yeah when something we like goes on sale/special...I buy as much as I can and put it in my freezer, vacuum sealed. Saves time and money. Happy FFF all my foodie friends

I try and do the same! :) What type of sealer do you use? And how much longer can you keep things for vs. the normal way of freezing?

A low and slow pot roast is a great meal for these frigid Minnesota winters. Makes the whole house smell amazing, and helps warm up the house, too!

Dude, you know it. I kept nibbling at it throughout the day as I passed through the kitchen. This was of course after a hefty bowl or two, lol.

Roast in the crockpot had to be on the top of my list for delicious smells to come home to. OMG!! I love it when the little ask for seconds. That is a sure fire way to know it was the BOMB!!!

Thanks for joining us on FFF

Posted using Partiko iOS

The little's are our little taste testers, no doubt. If it doesn't pass their test, you're in trouble. Luckily this time I was in the clear. Crock pot for the win!

Great entry @intothewild. Gets called out and responds—I love it! Your title rocks and your screen name is especially cool. Great to have you aboard, chef.

Chef?! I appreciate that! I did want to be one when I was younger, and I am a restaraunt manager, but I have lots to learn before I would qualify myself as a chef....lets go with decent cook, ha!
Have you seen the movie with Emile Hirsch, Into the Wild? If you haven't, it's a must see. Or read the book :)
Thanks for the welcome!

Of course I’ve seen it, decent cook! 😉 Otherwise your handle would’ve gone in one eye and right out the other.

You seen Alexander Supertramp around here?

I haven't! I don't think he exists yet on this platform. Might be good handle to stash away for a while.

Food on the Second picture is looking good. But first looks like shit :D but I am sure this taste good

Posted using Partiko Android

Tastiest shit you'd have ever eaten ;) It's not always about the look.

When asked, where is the beef, this meal has that question answered in spades. Nothing like a slow cook to have the beef melt in your mouth.

HA! Not too many people younger than myself even remember that commercial. I don't ever remember seeing it live, but for sure in shows doing flashbacks of it, and then the cultural phenomena it held, regardless. There was no doubt that the beef was the main attraction in this dish. But I couldn't be happier about that and it turned out sooooooo well. Melt in your mouth is right!

Good luck in Round 27 of
Food Fight Friday
May your contender survive and not be placed in a permanent food coma.

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