A Whole Month of #FFF? ~ #busyforrealsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fff5 years ago (edited)

Fellow foodies, I've been lagging in my Steem game, overall, not just on the good eats. I get 50% of the way through and then life limits me from being able to make a post. So I am slamming this one out which in reality is like 4 weeks worth of #fff. So lets get to it because life is calling me back again...


My birthday. Well, technically, the day after my birthday. It was about 1 in the morning and accompanied by none other than Mr. Old Fashioned himself. T'was a Ribeye seared on a cast iron skillet to medium rare perfection.


Happy birthday to me.

Next up was a vegetable and marinated beef and rice stir-fry.




Life is so busy now days that I don't even have the time to take pics of the finished product, or my content and happy face. Needless to say however, I am happy and content.

"Beef Tails". That's what they're called apparently. The tail ends of premium cuts of meat. The corners, rounds, and bits not deemed worthy to be considered prime. A discounted nice piece of meat for a deep flavored chili.



You know what's really tantalizing? Seeing a picture of a cast iron skillet simmering with butter...knowing that Beef Tails are about to get seared off in prep for a bomb chili...………


But then realizing that your so busy you don't take pics of the beef, or the rest of the process and chili....which was ridiculously good btw...I promise :)

Did I say there was going to be 4 weeks of #fff here in this post? I've done 3 so far, and I'm fairly certain I didn't get pics of the fourth at all because...why again? Oh ya, muy ocupado.

Take my word for it, it was good.


Eh... 🤔 three, four, who’s counting?? I’m with you about the cast iron skillet—depending on the duration it’s been in use adds the perfect flavor.

Great to see you in the kitchen again @intothewild.

The cast iron skillet is my go to for almost everything. I do prefer my wok for stir fry and really high heat stuff, but the skillet definitely adds such a rich deep flavor. You can also throw it in the over for a perfect mid-rare filet mignon after a quick 2 minute sear on each side...to. die. for...ahhhhhhhh, and now I wipe up my drool.

Thanks for swinging by yourself, @dandays!

Happy belated Birthday @intothewild 😉 and I agreed with you.. this worth for a month #fff though you win so many fights against the beef ... and nothing left for us to see 😂😂😂

Hey! I’m making my rounds now and you’re one step ahead of me everywhere I go!!

Dang, you’re quick. 😉

I waited till you fall asleep and use the help of ginabot 😂😂😂

Thanks so much for the b day wishes, it was a great day!

I'll be sure to save some beef for you next time!

Hey, @intothewild.

Congratulations on cramming three weeks worth (almost four) of #fff into one post. That's one mean feat, especially since it all looks very good and I would eat any of it in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately, I don't have the excuse of being muy ocupado when I failed to take pictures of the meal I prepared for Monday, causing me to call an audible and go with a breakfast I made Thursday.

Monday's dinner was pretty good, too. I guess if I make it again, it will still be fair game.

Is it going to be four weeks before we see you again? I hope not.

Thanks so much @glenalbrethsen!

I sure hope my time away isn't that long again. I am here everyday, even if it just manually upvoting some people or reading a few posts that pique my interest. Tough to find the time to sit and write when I have so much going on. Wish me luck I can find more time to be more active here!

I do wish you luck. We all have our lives to lead, and while many of us would love to just spend it here (with some variety of course), that's not reality. The main thing, obviously, is to do what you can and let that be okay until more can be done. If this were a high paying enterprise, well, that's different. Here, we're hoping for STEEM value to rocket at some point, so all the activity only really matters if the markets deem STEEM worthy enough of greater attention. Otherwise, financially, at least, we're better served doing something else. Socially, well, I guess that depends on the circle you keep here.

I do wish you the best, though, and that you might find the balance you need between what's keeping you busy and what you would like to accomplish on STEEM.

Thanks for the words and wisdom and for the well wishes.

I wish you the best right back, and cheers to Steem, now, and in the future.

Such a meat eater you are… haha. Lately I’ve been so consumed with discovering that I often forget to take pictures of our food too. It’s probably a good sign- means we are enjoying life in the moment rather than from behind a screen. Happy food fight @intothewild. Eat a vegetable every once in awhile, it’s good for the mornings 😉. Haha

Such a meat eater you are

HA! Would you believe it if I told you within the last year for a solid 6 months my wife and I went vegan?! True story. Now I work at a restaraunt where we have lots of protein and it's just to easy to eat it. I wouldn't dount another round of veganism in my future (especially if they keep innovating with new fake meats like they have been lately), but for now, it's not in the cards.

means we are enjoying life in the moment rather than from behind a screen.

ugh, I wish I could say this more often, but I still find myself a slave to some sort of screen on the daily. Not sure if that will ever change...a good question to ponder for sure though...

And I do eat some veggies!! hahahaha, I just didn't post any pics because veggies usually aren't as sexy as beef/any protein, know what I'm sayin?

That’s great! Dandays and I have eaten vegan (we would rather just say plant based) for a couple years now. I just started incorporating eggs, fish, and butter into my diet. I did so to help heal my gut and well, if I didn’t then the only thing I could live off of would be veggies… that wasn’t going to work. I do feel healthiest when I’m eating a lot of fish and veggies and some starchy carbs once in awhile. Hopefully I can heal quicker and start eating grits again. That would be nice. I don’t know if I can ever eat meat again, I think I had cheese on a salad a few days ago that I didn’t mind so much. Anyway, I’m rambling.

Whatever works best for ya, I say go for it. In my ideal world, I would be able to grow everything I wanted to eat and raise my own animals for sustenance as well. Hopefully get there some day.

Oh yes, us too. We dream of a home where I can plant avocado trees, citrus trees, fruit trees, peppers, herbs, veggies, with chickens running around and whatever else shows up to our door. Hopefully some day we’ll all be there. :)

Love cast iron. Man that ribeye looks perfect 🤤


Cast iron for the win. It's the mark of a seasoned chef....see what I did there?! ha!

The rib eye was perfect, thank you! I just wish I remembered it more. It was 1 something in the morning and I had been drinking most of the day in celebration of my birth. I woke up and forgot I had even made it...woops!


Oh yeah i forgot that part (slaps myself), HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!🎉

haha, all good, and thank you. It's been over a month now so you could say I'm over it ;)

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