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RE: Grandpa Gotta Cook—Salad Buffet

in #fff6 years ago

Yeah, me, too. I mean, if you're going to eat a salad, you might as well make it worthwhile is what I figure. And no one said you can't have a variety of proteins to go with your salad, a la steak, shrimp and black beans.

I guess there's some protein in cheese, too. Don't want to forget that.

It's when it's all greens and half of those were once classified as weeds that you simply did not eat before is where I run into issues. I don't care how good they are for me, they taste like weeds, and they're always going to taste like weeds.

I probably should have taken a close up of the steak. It did look good, and was even tastier than it looked. :)


sir Glen! oh that steak looked wonderful even as small as it was in the photo! lol. Weeds! ha! once a weed always a weed! lol.

Is that the first time you've done a salad on your Friday post?
Is your wife back from Mexico?

Good question. I couldn't find it, but I do believe I've made a post about Taco Salad before, but I can't remember if it was before Food Fight Friday appeared or after. At any rate, since I can't find it, it's possible that I didn't even post about it, period. That would be the only other salad I've made this year.

My wife came home from Mexico a week ago. Flew in late, plane was delayed, had to go through customs, etc. We got home close to 1 AM last Saturday.

She seems to be doing well. She's wishing she'd stayed in Mexico though. That usually happens. :)

sir Glen! oh...well is that a problem? I mean that she wishes she stayed in Mexico? She means if you could come join her right?

But at any rate, that feeling wears off after awhile I'm assuming.

Is customs a pain to go through?

It can be. Depends on what you'd like to take back. We've had them take stuff out and throw them away before. Food stuff, mostly, just because they felt like it, not because it posed one iota of a hazard.

Just dumb really. That's what I feel about the entire TSA deal. It's dumb. Terrorists can still get on. They need to be a little more inventive in some cases, but if they have people who will vouch for them, they'll get waved on anyway.

So, it makes no sense to herd the rest of us through like criminals in waiting while they let the bad guys in through the back door.

re: join her

Um, maybe? :) I think she would eventually miss me. There's just a lot of stress on her right now because she's the only source of regular income right now.

She'll still want to go back, and I'm sure she will in the not too distant future.

sir Glen I didn't know the TSA were that stupid although I hear people complain about them all the time. But then occasionally they do a story where someone tests them and gets all kinds of weapons through or something!
So they're just typical federal employees who don't care that much or enjoy being able to tell people what to do. wonderful.

But come on sir, your wife "would eventually" miss you?
I don't believe that for a second, she might think she could stay away from you but she'd start missing you right off if she thought it could be permanent. I have no doubt.

Well, Mrs. J is moving at a good pace toward that county jailer job. she had her background check come back clean of course, she goes next week for a physical and psych test so I think in a couple of weeks she'll be bossing inmates around! It's pretty remarkable. I'm still a little stunned.

When she gets a full time position and set hours I may have to get a job opposite her hours. I'd have to go very part time here unless the price of steem shot up.

I'm not remember exactly which bomber it was that got on the plane—probably the underwear bomber—but they were vouched for by some person. They convinced airport security or someone at the gate to let them on. Fortunately, the bomb burned him but did not explode.

The bomber was a person of interest, and he was still let on. I've also heard of people taking all kinds of things through the checkpoints. My wife can't make it home with all of the bottles of orchata she bought one time in Mexico, but others can get guns into the main cabin of the plane.

So, anyway. I'm not a fan.

They apparently don't get paid a whole lot—$25,000-$35,000 a year—they don't carry weapons and they have no authority to make arrests, which I would hope means they have no authority to detain you. I'm also wondering how they have authority to do any screening or searching whatsoever.

re: Mrs. J

Quite amazing. And if you're stunned, well, I am, too. So her pay wouldn't be enough? Hmmmm. Hate to see you go part time here, but I guess we all end up doing what we have to do. I'm ready for the cost of STEEM to go up.

sir Glen! I wonder how many people are on steemit on a Saturday night? Well probably alot of people who work all week and then try to spend as much time on here as possible during the weekend.

I also wonder if the new system is strangling growth. I know 6 people who have quit and so if little old me knows 6 people how many is that over the entire platform? hundreds?

Anyway, yes my wife. well, she will make good money and that would be enough for us to make it but not have any surplus so it won't be enough so if the price of steem takes off I'll be safe but it it don't I'll be in trouble. lol.
Yeah she hasn't even started her training yet and they're already warning her about people spitting on her and stuff like that!
So we don't expect it to be a cake walk. It's not a fun job but she thinks she will only have to be a jailer for one year and she will move up fast with other opportunities fast, we just don't know what those will be but she'll be in contact with many different branches of the legal, court, enforcement and justice system.
for instance parole officers make good money. lol.
The important thing for us is that she can start meeting judges and people of influence and God with do the rest as far as making the right connections happen.

It would all be great posting material but she doesn't want anything to do with steemit.

Well, she can tell you the stories and you can post them. Probably won't have any pictures, though. :)

I'd say there's probably a fair amount of people on Steemit on a Saturday night, those who don't have somewhere else to be or something better to do.

I don't know if the new system is strangling growth or not. I know the reward pool is the highest it's ever been and my upvotes are worth more than they have been with the low prices, so that's something. I don't know of anyone yet that has quit. At least I haven't spoken to anyone since the fork who said they were going to and then stopped. Most of the folks I've known did it well before the fork.

Well, if God is directing all of this, then she will definitely make the contacts she's supposed to make. I would also imagine that there's going to be plenty of personal growth going on, since that seems to be what God primarily cares about. So, not sure what kind of personal/spiritual growth you or your wife may need, but watch out—you're going to find out. :)

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