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RE: Grandpa Gotta Cook—BIG BREAKFAST

in #fff5 years ago

I was following 29 users and realized after the hardforks that I wasn't seeing a whole lot in my feed. So, I when I went to go look, there were 13 that weren't really doing much in the way of posting (some for months, so before the hardforks). So, I unfollowed most of those. There's another 3-7 who don't post regularly either that I decided to wait on because of one reason or another.

I was telling bashadow that it's like I'm starting over again. Which means this will be the third time (if I count when I actually started, the first time I felt like I was starting over, plus this time), and hardforks have been involved in at least two of those.

I also feel like I'm constantly going through people I associate with. Most of the folks I came in with are gone or curtailed drastically. A couple of them have picked up a little bit in the last few months, which is nice, but that's about it. You and I haven't necessarily corresponded as much over the last several weeks, either, for one reason or another.

In my case, it's lack of availability, and it's frustrating. For others, there's a cost benefit to work ratio that's not being met. I may end up another casualty of that one myself.

Work is going. I don't really hear directly how people think I'm doing. I did get a raise, however, which I think is ahead of schedule, if there ever really was a schedule. :) So, I guess that means they want to keep me around. I know I'm full into ATMs, and when the general manager was gone a week or so ago, I was the person who covered the weekend in my route area. I haven't had to do that before, and thankfully, it wasn't much.


Howdy sir Glen! So you think you may reduce your postings too because of the low payouts? That would feel weird normally but since you are so busy working it would fit better in your schedule probably.

I'd hate to see the platform shrink significantly but it may be doing so, I don't know what the real numbers are. I don't like people talking about suddenly being downvoted when they never were before, that just pisses them off and discourages them.

Your job is a strange one! lol...but kind of nice because you are basically independent and it sounds like you won't have any problems if you follow the schedule and assignments they give you. I like that idea. The lack of feedback is odd but obviously they really like your work!

I don't have any plans to reduce at this point. I think it's just happening from the fact I've got 8-12 hours of work Monday through Friday that I'm sometimes too tired to think straight for a post. Doesn't help that I don't always have a subject in mind. The other issue is, since STEEM is hard to come by through posting, I've been mainly powering my way through the evening posting because of SNAX—but they haven't had a scoring round since August 27 (HF 21 day), because they had to replay the blockchain on their node more than once, thanks to the issues the both HF 21 and 22 have had. They're probably another five days away from being back up and running, providing they don't have more problems.

People need to do what they need to do. If that means leaving or curtailing their time here, than they will do that. Nothing new there. The downvoting is something I guess we're all going to need to get used to if we end up with any kind of success, or, if we happen to have something controversial to say.

Which is another reason why I managed one post last week. I have something controversial to say. It's a jumbled mess, though, so it's not coming out very coherently, so I haven't done it yet. That would be fine, but it's crowding out my desire to post anything else until I work through it.

So, I'm essentially chasing my own tail here and getting nowhere with it. :)

lol! chasing your own tail! well this is the time to do it since you have no pressure to post as often until Snax gets back up. I look forward to the controversial one, I wonder if it will get alot of downvotes?

You haven't had time to look at other investments either have you? I just found out about NeoxianAG yesterday, it looks like a tremendous investment right now. Here's a post about it just in case you want to check it out:

People have to see it first. Most of the people who should see it won't, so it's likely to sail on through without much fanfare at all. I'd rather not go down in flames, anyway.

I've been earning NeoxianAG somehow. Someone must be upvoting me with them or something. I have a boatload of different tokens in my wallet on STEEM-Engine (as you probably do) that have just showed up there because of airdrops and miscellaneous other reasons.

I'd rather do a little diversification away from STEEM with SNAX because it's based off the EOS chain. It was delisted off of a pretty small index recently, which is fine because my state didn't allow me to buy SNAX and the feds won't let me buy EOS. Not sure how I'm able to do it on STEEM-Engine, but I did. :)

The feds won't let you buy EOS? Because of Oregon state laws or how is that?

No. EOS can't be bought from the US currently, so it doesn't matter where you live in the US. It's prohibited on the federal level. People get around it by using VPNs, but I don't need that kind of hassle.

State law in Oregon apparently prevents me from buying SNAX on the open market, but for some reason, I'm good on STEEM-Engine. Don't know how that works. Hopefully, I'm not in trouble. :)

oh I didn't know that about EOS! Good thing I never tried to buy any, do you know why that is? Are you getting ready for work? I didn't think I'd hear from you until tonight!

The earliest a place opens on my route today is 10 AM, so I will probably start getting ready to go here in the next few minutes, so I can leave by 9:30-ish.

Some tokens are considered a security, and if so, they're regulated under that. Others aren't, and so they're treated differently, and some haven't been decided, and they're sitting in limbo. I'm not sure which EOS is. I haven't really been that interested in getting any, but with VOICE supposedly launching toward the end of this month, I might be looking into it and EOS a little more. :)

I doubt that I will go whole hog and abandon STEEM completely. It will probably be check it out, see how well it's doing and split a percentage of time that I have between the two. It also depends on how quickly SNAX gets back up and running.

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