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RE: Grandpa Gotta Cook—Mexican Casserole

in #fff5 years ago

Hey, @themanwithnoname.

Well, you're welcome to make the drive anytime, except this particular meal is long gone, along with about six days worth of other meals. :) I'm usually a week behind as far as when I actually cooked to when I post about it.

I'm sure your imagination could be put to work and you could just make the drive and then savor how it tasted and how great the company was. :)


The company still sounds good. That's a ways to go tonight though. Maybe one of these days. In the meantime, enjoy being full with whatever you made tonight. Next week we'll find out what it was!

Probably not, so I'll just tell you. My wife made baked potatoes with the choices of sour cream, bacon bits, cheese, onions and cilantro. :)

Tomorrow I'm grilling some pre-seasoned pre-packaged ribs, which I think I've already written about. I'll have to check. If not, that might make it for next week. :)

Both of those sound good! I guess that's what happens when it's been more than 30 minutes from dinner. Ha ha. Thanks for the inside scoop (of sour cream) on the dinner happenings.

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