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RE: Burger & Fries - Food Fight Friday

in #fff6 years ago

Everything is set, yes’ir 8 days.

Take a picture, janton. However you uploaded that picture of yourself for your cover image, just take a picture of the dinosaur you’re working on and paste it in this message.

Of course we don’t know who they are. The 2020 thing is just a hunch I’ve been hanging onto since 2014, It’s only An opinion.

Just Craig Wright alone was able to sway the market $30 billion in 12 hours, that’s an amazing feat for one man. And since we all know his name, he’s definitely not on top.


Howdy again sir dandays! Are you talking about the crypto market and Craig Wright?
The 2020 it a good thing that you have a hunch about or a bad thing? Can you get anymore cryptic? lol. I mean that's fine if it's intentional and if not it's me.
8 said you have no parents or siblings?

Correct. I’m all out of family.

I don’t mean to be cryptic, sorry about that. And honestly, I’m not even trying to be, that’s how little I know about the crypto market. Whatever I have to say about the market is guesses and opinions.

Who needs 2020, right?! Let’s have a green market right now!

howdy sir dandays! I'm sorry you're all out of family but I'm sure your wife has some? What do they think about the move and have you had anyone try to talk you out of it? I'm ready for a green market!
I thought maybe you were more of a professional investor but I guess my guess is off!

Not a professional investor at all, I rely on lock lick whatever it’s called! Besides that, I don’t think full time investors have time.

Funny you should ask. Nobody has tried talking me out of it, I think they know they don’t stand a chance. Surprisingly, however, and I’m going to write about this, everyone asks the same two things just in different verbiage:
“Aren’t you sacred? Be safe!”
“Did you already get rid of your furniture?”

Interesting isn’t it? Those two question, I received them from friends and strangers.

haha! howdy again sir dandays! ha! are you saying people are insinuating that you can give your furniture to them if you still have it? lol. Not a professional investor. ok. well I thought maybe you made some great investments that took off and that's why you were able to retire so early.
No guns there but what about cross bows? That IS interesting about the safety issue but they just don't know the country. They don't know its ten times more dangerous here!

They don’t know it’s ten times more dangerous here!

Very few people will admit that, janton. They won’t even contemplate it.

Haha! Maybe they’re just asking to have my furniture?? Laugh out loud, I never thought about that.

Investments. Oh, sir, I did indeed make some investments. I didn’t start investing into crypto until 2014, the first ‘big crash.’ All of my crypto are still pension plans, I don’t plan on touching them for at least a couple more years. It’s a very neat literal tongue I say “they’re just for fun.”

But I stacked investments. I’ll write about that, too, the amazing part of the story is I didn’t have anyone to assist me or guide me or even suggest how to invest. But, I’ve always been single and I don’t have kids and what that means is: I’ve always had time to think. I just did what I believe to be good at the time, while my peers and elders insisted I was making a mistake and here I am today.

Being in the IBEW since 1995 I was always able to control my weekly and future finances. All of my brothers would continue to do things like add raises to their paycheck, I never did that. We were always given the option of tiered annuities. I always banked ‘Plan C’ (the highest one) so by the time 22 years was a wrap and I had enough hours to retire... fellas who got in around the same time as me only had abou a 1/4 mil. In their tiered annuity. Well, I was maximizing both my and the contractors contributions so over 22 years time, when all I ‘needed’ to do was collect 37,500 hours, I also stacked that annuity 10 and 15x greater than all of my peers.

Add 4 different pensions to those 37,500 hours and a young, 42 year old man, walks away and finally people are starting to ask questions. The only problem with that is, if you wait until you’re my age to begin asking questions about life’s future paychecks, you’ve completely missed out on the past 22 years.

(Dang dude! You draw the longest responses out of me)

Good morning @janton, always a pleasure going back and forth with you.

Howdy today sir dandays! no way! Your early retirement and success can't be that simple. You're saying that all you did was make the right choices and options in the high-paying electricians union pay plans? And you could afford to do that because you were single. That's sounds exactly like Mrs. J. She's constantly looking at the future and how to invest wisely, sacrificing today for tomorrow's gain.

Well then if you did that well and built that kind of retirement in just 22 years were you tempted to go another ten or so years, even another 20? Think what it would be then! I knew Electricians were well paid but I'm sure it took being in the right company, state and union to get those kind of annuities?

You were in the right place at the right time and made the right decisions. And that job had the option of funding 4 different pensions...and no one else took advantage of that but they were baffled that you alone were able to retire? lol. That's brilliant.

So are you just playing around here on steemit since you don't need the income or do you have a strong belief that it will succeed? What about puravida, did she have a career before you ruined everything by telling her you were running away to Central America? lol.

Income? I’m a big fan of #steemit, I’m not going anywhere. I’m betting on Steem. The people I’ve met have already surpassed everything I could’ve asked for.

Right place at the right time. I ran around for a year and a half and the moment I hinted toward the question, my grandfather drove me down to the union hall. God bless him.

People still think like that, janton, and they do ask the question about.. ‘but you could make x more in 5 years or x more in 10 years.”

I don’t know man, call it what you want but when someone tells me 10, I give them 10. Not 9, not 11, 10. Everyone agreed on that deal, it’s self greed that extends your served time. I, personally, like the view from this side of the screen.

Where my picture of that computer you’re working on? Is it a tower? How old is it do you think? You have high-speed and all of that, right?

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