Friday Night Eats! | The Whole Enchilada! Verde Hot!

in #fff5 years ago

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It's Friday my foodie friends!

This will be a long weekend for some of you as we celebrate Memorial Day on Monday! I hope you all have a safe and relaxing weekend! Summer is definitely showing the heat around here with 91 degree temps! The Bird house is certainly heating up as we prepare for another road trip!

Dates, times and destinations…unknown! Yes, really!

This will be the first time we have taken a road trip like this.You know how it is, life always seems to tie us to schedules, clocks and agendas. Not this time! Finally!

We plan to see our daughters but the dates are shall we say, fuzzy at this point. We’ve decided it’s time to just go and explore! There is so much to see all across the USA. If you have watched the Smithsonian you would know every state holds so many treasures!

Today was the first of many food prep days. Traveling on the road can be both exciting and tiring. By the end of the day I don’t always want to cook! Today I prepped foods to freeze! And, because today just happens to be Food Fight Friday….I knew I would want to share at least something with my friends at #fff! A big thanks to the folks hosting and sponsoring this weekly food fight, it’s a super group of food loving peeps, all sharing their favorites! Each week the fight gets better, so if you haven’t already, jump into the fray! The more the merrier!

Meanwhile back in the Bird kitchen…

Food is flying! I’m making 5 different dishes all at once (definitely an all-time high for me) I was so busy multi-tasking I had to stop a few times to remember which dish I needed to work on next!

Geesh! Roasting veggies…

Chayote Squash, Sweet Peppers, Red Onion, Parsnips and of course Garlic, drizzle the Olive Oil, salt, pepper and a nice sprinkle of Cayenne! Into the oven at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes, oh that sweet onion and garlic smell!
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Not one, but two…

orders of enchiladas! One for tonight, one into the freezer for the trip! After wrestling with the corn tortillas for 10 minutes…I was able to successfully make two different pans. For some reason, they all wanted to fall apart on me today.

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Verde Hot Enchiladas
  • Kobe Beef
  • Onion
  • Wowzer-Hot Seasoning
  • Bird’s Fresh Verde Sauce
  • Cheddar (Dairy or Dairy free)
  • Corn Tortillas
  • Organic Olives
  • Avocado
  • Bird’s Fresh Salsa

Bake it…

for about 30 minutes. I did manage to whip up a nice guacamole before they were done.

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Layer it up and don't forget the roasted veggies!

Perfect! Add a little spice to your Friday Night! Enjoy!

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Oh I have to tell you, I went a little heavy on the spice today and I was afraid it would spell disaster with Mr. Bird. He surprised me with " Wow, this tastes authentic! " Yay, a win! I'll always take a win! lol I know I'm gradually winning him over to the spicy side! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
Thanks for stopping in!

And as always, blessings to you all




The STEEM Engine


WOw five dishes at once thats impressive I sometimes have done two or at a stretch three but never 5 so Kudos to you

I love unplanned adventures most of my private traveling and trips were elike that just go with the flow and see what you find I find more often than not they become the most memorible trips

We're really looking forward to it, having always planned every trip down to the day the change will be fun for us. I'm sure I'll share with you all! :)

You will have a blast trust me :)

Yea, these look horrible said no one ever. Sooo so yum!! I miss enchilada night and why is it that those stupid corn tortillas wouldn’t work? I find I have the same problem sometimes. Well played Mrs. Bird. Happy food fight my friend :)

lol, thank you @puravidaville :) You're always so kind, truly appreciate it! Hope you guys are doing well and enjoying those beautiful beaches! Love your videos, keep them coming! As for the corn tortillas, they may not look pretty but they worked! lol

Sometimes the uglier the tastier :)

Your entries are always so awesome! Thanks for continuing to hang out with us on Fridays. And good for you guys getting out of the house. 👍🏿

Pura and I did a road trip across the US in 2017 I think it was. Started in Ca, cruised the 10 all along the southern part of the country through Texas, Alabama, Miss, (it’s the time we ended up in Columbia, Ga. @plantstoplanks) all the way to Florida staying with different Union brothers of mine along the way. Up into Chicago and Michigan, into Kansas, through Oklahoma and eventually made our through Wyoming, Utah, Co. on our way back to Ca along the northern part of the country. I can’t remember exactly how many days it was now but, by the time we started making our way through Nevada and into Ca, it ended up working out to where we hit one state per day for however long we were gone... like 20 days I think it was.

Good times.

Have a great weekend @birdsinparadise. God bless you guy during your travel. Well... all the time actually. 😉

Wow! That was quite a trip @dandays! I would love to hear more about it! I don't know if we can cover that much area but we're kind of leaving the calendar open to go where we feel like we can go. Sounds like you saw it all! We'll be staying is state and national parks so that's always fun. Our little van is pretty sweet, just big enough for the two of us and our 2 cats, lol (We can't leave them alone for that long) You're too kind, I love following you and Pura, your adventures are so refreshing and beautiful. Keep sharing, hows the language immersion going btw? I think about that, it would be quite intimidating I bet. God bless you two, be safe and enjoy the dream!

I'm still waiting for that story...😉

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 44
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck

oh my goodness, where did you find this, lol Love it! Thank you @foodfightfriday! May the food be with you :)

Ooh, sounds like some fun adventures ahead! Those roasted veggies look fantastic! I'm going to have to get some more chayote soon. I really enjoyed using it when I grabbed some a while back. Though I might have to wait until I use the patty pan and zephyr squash I grabbed at the market this morning!

Zephyr squash...hmm I haven't tried that nor have I seen one! I'll have to do a bit of searching this summer. I love the chayote squash, so tasty :) Yes, adventures are on the way! We're looking forward to it, our first free-style trip, lol We'll see....stay tuned! :) Thanks my friend!

Looks very good, I know it tastes awesome freshly cooked, but how does it hold when defrosted?

I'll have to let you know! I baked it so I'll just be warming it for dinner. (Typically it never lasts long enough to freeze anything!, lol ) Thanks @starjewel!

The Verde Hot Enchiladas you made look delicious! I hope y'all have an amazing time on your trip and seeing your daughters :) I'm not ready for the Texas heat here in Irving. I sweat so easily and working in the heat is no fun. Take care!

Thank you @artbyclark! It's really hot here already, so perhaps if we go north it will be a bit cooler, lol I think my daughter in Colorado said they had 6 inches of snow last week, so we'll definitely take a jacket or two. We'll head toward the mountains as well, we love hiking in the mountains :) I'll be sure to share! Say cool my friend! Sweating while you work is nooooooo fun! :) Thanks so much!

I feel for you @birdsinparadise dealing with that heat 🥵 it’ll be great that y’all can cool off in Colorado 👍😁 Will y’all be skies or snowboarding as well? Me and some friends went to Breckinridge a few years back to go snowboarding. We had a lot of fun and it was my first time there and first time snowboarding. It was a very beautiful place.

Posted using Partiko iOS

@birdsinparadise, thank you for this great recipe. I never thought about adding roasted veggies on top. What a great idea.

I know, the chayote squash was sooooo tasty. I was actually making it for another meal but it smelled so good I had to have some! :) Thanks @paleotwist!

@birdsinparadis, looking at these photos make me very hungry. Need to try your recipe.

lol, thank you @rosatravels, kind of one of those comfort meals! Can't eat them too often :) Tasty and easy!

I did not even heard about half of the ingredients but it really looks good.

I love looking for veggies and fruits I haven't eaten before! I hope you get the opportunity to try some of these some time! You would enjoy them :) Thanks for stopping in today!

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