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RE: FFF-SOS 'Patient Zero' Petitions @randowhale

in #fff-sos7 years ago (edited)

Like so many people have said: just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

Can syrian government wage war against their own citizens? YES! They can.
Can whales kill steemit altogether? YES. They can.

Is someone trying to end this syrian massacre? In theory, maybe, it's complicated.
Is someone trying to save steemit? YES. Bernie.



I hear you, I wonder though in his efforts to "save Steemit" if his account is losing value, or gaining value? Is anyone tracking that? I seen a post of his the other day it was like two very short sentences.

The post was set to rake in about 700sbd. We also have to make sure that he's not like one of those race pimps who thrive off of controversy in order to enrich himself. I don't track his account enough, to know if this war is proving lucrative to him or not.

One thing I do know, that's even more dangerous IMHO. Sure lets say the whales tried to kill Steemit. All that would happen is more people would receive lower rewards. I think without big rewards people would continue to Steemit.

However, with these voting wars, it results in posts getting dithered out, and hidden, something that looks very similar to the censorship that the larger socials are engaged in. I think if you fear driving away the Steemit userbase, that censorship, especially at this time, might be a bigger detriment than the issue of smaller rewards. In order to stop the censorship, we have to encourage Steemians not to downvote.

Sneak (a dev) for example downvoted this guy the other day called @iamstan, and apparently he's launching an organized campaign to just completely destroy his reputation. It really smacks of censorship, especially when it causes posts to be hidden and dithered out.

That type of downvoting behavior is more likely to drive away users, than the inability to receive large rewards. Money is always going to be finite, and there will always be somebody who gets more. Technically, if they have more, and you have less, that doesn't necessarily mean, that if they had less, then you would be well off.

Apparently the only way to get well off in Steemit is with hard work, creativity, and persistent posting on topics that you are passionate about. I know that Bernie is probably passionate about his dislike for haejin, but where is it getting them?

I really don't think he's getting anywhere, the whole thing seems like a shitshow to me, akin to rich people flying around in their private jets, trying to encourage people to lower their carbon output, by paying them more in taxes on carbon credits, so that they can in turn buy more private jets.

The reward pool exists because of steemit investors. If they decide it's not worth it anymore, they'll move on to something else and we get zero rewards. No profit, no posting, no steemit.

We try our hardest here and we love to see how it pays off. But most of us try hards need the money. We'll be forced to do something else to (help) pay our living expenses.

I hear you, I just don't think that you're going to be able to get people who do that kind of thing; if that's what he's doing, to quit doing it. I used to play a video game Halo, just the trial map of the first game.

For some reason I would just keep playing that one map over and over again, eventually light years later I bought the whole game. Long story short, on that one map 'Blood Gulch' there were Banshees (flying machines) and Rocket launchers.

Nobody liked the Banshees, or Rocket Launchers, or Team Killing and flag stealing. So people would all try to agree ahead of time. No Banshees!, -or- No rocket Launchers! Etc.

Forever, I would try to accomplish an enforcement of these rules. Yet there would always be that one guy who would play according to the existential rules (or natural law) as opposed to the made up ones, and so long as those items were in play, that one guy would use them.

It got to the point where I got so frustrated with trying to create rules that people would inevitably not follow, and I adapted to the game. I learned to shoot down the banshees, and snipe quickly people who went for the rocket launcher.

Or I would use those items myself and concede the fact that, they are in play, so long as they are in play. I even learned to modify these items out of the map and make teleports to other locations on that map that nobody knew existed. That was mostly just for fun though.

Long story short, lets have a killer whale rewardpool rape festival for a week. Necessity is the mother of invention, and if the Devs are worried that it will kill investment they'll be forced to make the necessary changes, or watch it all go bye-bye.

Do you think they'd intervene to protect it, or do you think, maybe they don't care? Or maybe there doesn't need to be any intervention at all. Maybe no matter how much so called 'reward pool rape' that happens, the platform will grow regardless?

It's been very interesting talking to you @felipejoys!
We might have to agree to disagree, but maybe we'll
both walk away from this understanding the other side
of the argument(s) better!

Gotta run for now,

P.S. Thanks for the great dialogue!

The reason the halo analogy is not good is... you'll still be able to play the game, no matter what people do while they're playing.

This isn't the case with steemit. If nobody wants to use it anymore because SBD drops too low, most people won't use the site. It's not equally enjoyable on single player or over an instanced multiplayer session. You've got better apps and sites to do that. What we've got here is unique.

Also I don't think the devs care much for it at the moment. This is also very worrying to me.

Yeah, that is really concerning! They seem to be real interested in the smart tokens though, I'll have to look into that and see what it's about.

I think you're wrong though, for me personally, Steemit has inspired me to be creative in ways that other social media platforms have not.

I think allot of people would stay for it's communication/and sharing value. I mean the level of creativity here, it's almost beyond belief.

I probably would not have written any of the things that I've written on here were it not for Steemit motivating me to do so.

Not that my posts are all that special, but it's allowed me to access a creativity that I didn't know I had, or had been neglecting for too long.

First it was about trying to earn, and it still is to some degree, but for me now, it's more about the communication.

The back and fourth you get with people is real good. Just like our conversation, I think that it's been really productive and we're both starting to understand each other better.

More than we would if this were say; fakebook, twatter, or utube. Maybe it's because there is less censorship here, than on those platforms, for now anyways. God (, and or, dog) only knows, what the future may bring!

Well, a lot of forums already offer a good social home. But some of us can't spare the time without the monetization incentive. Like me.

Being financially rewarded really ignites a spark, though. We make that extra try-hard effort to come out with the best we can and expand on it. Nothing other than steemit can do that for us.

You should consider making meme's for my contest. I think that you are probably against the downvoting in most cases, when it hides genuine well-thought-out-content.

I'm commissioning these memes, so that when people are unfairly censored they have tools by which they can retort effectively. By using these tools it will help to shed light on abusive downvoters.

Forget team Edward and Jacob for a moment, there are definitely abusive down voters who down vote content simply because they disagree with the opinions. Anywho first place 11sbd, second 7, and so on, and so fourth.

Good luck!

Also, randowhale and bernie are the same person afaik. His own rewards get voted down in this war, so no wonder he has to use his resources and self-upvotes to put up a fight. It is draining to him.

If he wanted to rape the reward pool too, he wouldn't need to go into this flag wars. He could simply be an a-hole and abuse the system too.

I wish i had the ability to figure out which alleged scheme earns who more. That's some math, that's simply beyond my ability.

Just because people are rich doesn't mean all of them don't give a damn. If they just had get rich schemes, they wouldn't have to battle against each other. This war lesses both of their profit.

It sure does.. I think..?

Voting down uses vote power but doesn't give any rewards.

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