The Faces of Feminism

in #feminism8 years ago (edited)


When reading these quotes, it becomes a mixture of funny and sad that these people fantasize about brutal violence towards men because men want to oppress women by.. working hard and bringing food on the table for his wife?

Don't be fooled: it's not the truly oppressive, abusive violent relationship that these people oppose - if it were, they'd be against islam, but they're not - it's the happy family where the man is the breadwinner that these people hate.

That's why it's so important for them to paint even consensual sex as rape. It's important to convince women that even when they're happy with a man, it's only a mere illusion.

These people don't want what's good for women; they want want satisfies their own ideologies and egos, and if that's done through breaking up families, lying and promoting violence towards men, that's what they'll do.

The idea that feminism is just about equality has never been true. And stating that has nothing to do with woman hating, just like opposing feminism has nothing to do with woman hating.

Don't be fooled.


To be honest, I think that feminism (the radical or the smooth version) hasn´t ever lead to anything good. The obsessive try to make equal what won´t ever be equal is causing nothing but trouble.
Don´t get me wrong. I am totally against oppression of women like we know it e.g. from parts of the Orient. But that Western companies have to hire a statutory 'ratio of women' in excecutive positions is simply ridiculous. Like that women demote themselves. Who wants to achieve a certain position by being a number? What if men generally are the better managers e.g. because they are less emotional?
Call me antiquated or whatever, but I am a huge fan of certain role models. And: if you REALLY want to achieve something whether in business or personal life, you will get it - independently from your gender.

I also think that feminism gets to take credit for a lot of good things. It's true that things like violence towards women are frowned upon - which is a good thing - but is that a result of feminism, or simply the evolution of the concept of "human rights".

Also, there are women who are happy being women.

In fact, I know a few of them, and they are frustrated in this society of gender neutrality since they are finding it hard to find men who are, well, men. You know, men who take the role of a man in a relationship. They talk about it with me quite often.

Men have bought the doctrine of the gender neutrality and I think it will have negative consequences.

Yeah, these relationship problems are a quite good example for the negative impact of gender neutrality. And that´s exactly what I meant by 'role models'. At least in relationships we won´t be able to change what evolution has formed during thousands of years.

Do you really think men came up with that?

Feminism gave us fewer but fatter children and women just keep whining no matter what.

This illustrates well the dangers of becoming possessed by an idea. We all do it. I think it is important for us all to realize are capacity for evil and tyranny. I didn't really appreciate it when I first heard it spoken, but someone once said to me, that even love can be a tyranny. In the name of compassion, feminism has transformed into an evil tyranny.

I'm skeptical of whether feminism was even born out of compassion, but be that as it may. Maybe it was.

But you're very much right. An entire book could be written about what you just said. I agree.

I think the whole left wing of politics is built on the psychological trait of compassion. They seek to love all, but in doing so, become a tyranny of love. Primarily this is through the group think of ideology. The right of the individual to have an idea of their own is lost.

The entire left wing of politics is built on the idea of it hurts to watch others hurt.
So, one could argue that it is purely selfish.

Add to that the idea that taxation is theft. And you have a recipe for evil.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

As an entire class, the left is bad with money. They don't know how to make it, and they don't know how to budget it. But, they have never gotten with the right on how to actually finance the helping of the poor, they have an attitude of just throw money at the problem. The lack of money is their entire isse.

These are all radical feminist, except maybe Linda Gordon and Solana that was an abuse victim and had major psychological problems (she tried to kill Andy Warhol). They are the feminist version of DAESH, and in essence they are simply sexists. Most of them have attacked transsexuals for being - crazy paranoid shit-heads as they are - male infiltrators. Most often they work together with ultra-conservative Christians as their goals in prohibiting prostitution and pornography are the same, and in essence they are Christian conservatives themselves. In Sweden you have a strong radical feminist organisation called ROKS that believe in satanic rituals. Watch this documentary made for The Swedish State television by the brilliant journalist Evin Rubar.

But before you go completely paranoid, it is worth to remember that many liberal feminists battle these crazies and I think that to condemn all feminists is plain stupid. Support the sane feminists instead. They are the toughest opposition the radical feminists have, and with all the bad craziness coming out of Sweden we need opposition here in Scandinavia.

I just dislike the term feminist altogether. I find that people can support equal rights and self ownership without identifying themselves as feminists.

I know that there are people who call themselves feminists, but are not feminists in practice, but they shouldn't skew things.

A person can call himself a nazi but never do anything that has anything to do with being a nazi, in which case he simply identifies himself wrong - it's not that he proves that being a nazi is a good thing.

He just isn't a nazi.

I'm just a big believer in words having meanings.

I haven't seen any women petitioning against book stores that carry the S.C.U.M Manifesto.
(Society to Cut Up Men)

I hardly think that you can have these women represent feminism. I consider myself a feminist and I value the roles of everyone, race, gender, religion in society. There are areas where women are exploited in society, especially financially and by the media.

I am a mother of one girl and two boys. I have told my daughter to always be independent. Financially and emotionally. That way if she is in a relationship, it will be because of mutual love and respect. I have told my boys to look for independent women. They too must be part of an equal relationship and not be subject to society's expectation of being the breadwinner.

I am married, I don't hate men, but I do recognise that society has work to do. I find it strange to find this pocket of rather virulently anti-feminist men on Steemit, which I regard as a slightly more educated social platform than most.

I don't think for a moment that you're some man-hating bigot. And I'm sure you do call yourself a feminist.

But that's largely due to how feminism has been marketed to people. Yes, positive things can be painted with the feminist brush to make it look like that's what the movement is about, but at its core there lies a very sinister, dark ideology - one that gets supported when people identify themselves as feminists.

Feminism has been marketed extremely well in the sense that people equate feminism with simply wanting equal rights, and who doesn't want equal rights. Everybody does. So, following that logic, everybody is a feminist.

Then it gets easier to sneak in the more outrageous stuff because people have already accepted the narrative.

You may have indirectly answered your own question, @onetree. Men who have educated themselves have realized what is at the core of feminism. I've followed the feminist line myself for many years. It took me a long time to realize that what started as good intention has turned into something ugly.

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To quote a sociology professor: these women promote political lesbianism. They simply was to reverse rule and have a gynarchy.

I consider myself a feminist; men and women ARE legal equals. When my grandmothers were my age in Quebec, women had the legal status of children, i.e. basically incapable of living autonomously.

But the #frustratedfeminist above are monsters, period.

Feminismo es la idea radical que sostiene que las mujeres somos personas. Como toda idea tiene muchas interpretaciones pero en esencia clama por respeto, igualdad de oportunidades, autodeterminacion. En mi país la alta tasa de asesinatos cometidos por hombres a mujeres convierte al feminismo en la única oportunidad para devolver confianza y empoderar a las mujeres. El sistema es patriarcal y dentro del sistema muchos hombres abusan de sus privilegios, lógicamente mujeres abusadas darán respuestas cargadas de odio, ira, dolor. La lucha por la igualdad no parte de asumir que el hombre es malo, parte de asumir que tiene privilegios y que en muchos casos abusa de ellos y la sociedad está estructurada para soslayar a la mujer.

Feminism is the radical idea that women are people. As every idea has many interpretations but essentially cries out for respect, equal opportunities, self-determination. In my country the high rate of murders committed by men to women makes feminism the only opportunity to restore confidence and empower women. The system is patriarchal and within the system many men abuse their privileges, logically abused women will give answers loaded with hatred, anger, pain. The struggle for equality does not start with the assumption that man is evil, part of assuming that he has privileges and that in many cases he abuses them and society is structured to avoid women.

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