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RE: Are We Asking For It?

in #feminism9 years ago

All I got from his message was "I don't know how to control my own urges, and I'm going to blame women for it". - Makes me see him as a sad existens.

  • And yeah. I would probably shove a barbwired bat up his ass, and feed his dick to the crows. If I caught him rape someone. No matter what he tries to use as an excuse.

I think women and men, should wear what ever they want, even if the laws says otherwise. The only place I can tell you what to do, is on my own property. (That goes for politicians and police as well.) I'd probably not trade with someone, if he or she were completely naked in public. Since I think it sends the wrong picture to children. But using violence to stop them, naah, not really my thing.

Besides, not all men get a boner from ze feminine body. Have he never heard of gay people before?

  • And sapiosexuals like myself, are more interested in the brain. <.< (Sure, I can enjoy beauty, but I can't really have a two way conversation with a pair of boobs.)

Exactly! A lot of people that disagree with my articles only make hetero-normative arguments. It's quite reductive. I definitely agree that (in my opinion) intellect matters a lot more in a sexual partner. But, we're not really talking about consensual partners here.

Either way, some people still think that way! Thus why I'm bringing it up for discussion.

He sure is talking a lot about chicks, in his own posts. - I just skimmed them briefly, and really. I can say for a fact, that his type, is a dying breed.

You're absolutely right, we aren't talking about consentual partners. But then again, there are grown men and women, that rape children. That's definitely not for the feminine body either.

  • And yeah, unfortunately, some people still think the way he does. And I think they should be shunned for it as much as possible. And I enjoy the way you take it up for a discussion, most feminists would blatently have used him as an example of why all men are evil. (Hell, I've been banned from so many feminist pages on facebook, for that exact reason.)

He sure is talking a lot about chicks, in his own posts. - I just skimmed them briefly, and really. I can say for a fact, that his type, is a dying breed.

He's not a he, his type doesn't exist and never did, not in the real world.

I know people wish they did. Perhaps we just have this desire to have villains. Feels good to have an enemy, someone to hate. Makes it easy to point and say look some folks are just evil!

No they aren't. No one is binary, we exist within a spectrum, and literally no one lives at the far end of the spectrum like that. This is how you know it's fake.

This person is just a troll, playing a game like a little kid. Role playing a character to the point of being nothing more than a caricature. Causing everyone who buys into it to respond to flame bait.

This character is being portrayed by someone who is getting their willies from playing provocateur and trapping everyone into some bs "good vs evil" dialog based on some seriously flawed assumptions of what good and evil really are.

Best way to deal with it is the mute button, first time you see it, every time you see it.
Don't even waste the effort playing. Each time you do, you're giving them power.

Welcome to #gamergateredux
Don't feed the trolls please, it leaves an unsightly mess.

The way I see it, I'm being rewarded by "feeding" them. While I agree with your sentiment, I have no problem calling people out. It actually motivates me.

He's not a he, his type doesn't exist and never did, not in the real world.

  • I have met his type before. So, yeah. I only skimmed through the rest of your comment.
    ^ I'll feed the trolls as much as I want to, as long as it's either entertaining me, or bringing me money. So don't tell me what to do. ^_^

Well, I don't see you mentioning vera profiting from the false assumption that women in the west are opressed.

Doesn't that bother you at all?

You are a marvellous psychoanalyst, Will! I would like to retain your services for all future posts I may be making, and you're welcome to let me know your current rates.

The analysis is simply superlative, only marred very slightly by the fact that it is completely wrong.

Well, I don't see you mentioning vera profiting from the false assumption that women in the west are opressed.

Why should I mention that? Why should I care, @somedude ?
Doesn't it bother you, that soccer players get paid millions a month, while children starve? Doesn't it bother you, that politicians and cops get paid for ruining lives? Doesn't it bother you, that soldiers get paid to kill innocent people?

So many questions.

I didn't bother checking his account, I was actually just getting back to replies on my own articles and felt like this one was long enough for a response. I do hope that people stop this mindset soon.

I always ask questions and give the community a topic to discuss. That is always my main focus. I won't call you out unless you are absolutely malevolent and harass me. :)

Eey, @veralynn On a sidenote, but kinda the same topic, then I made a post earlier, you might find interesting. Since it's about some Danish guys tricking young women(girls) into sharing nudes of themselves, and then they publish them publicly.

  • It's a sad thing to see, but they ain't gonna get away with it...

Ah, yes, thank you for pointing that out. Oops. Corrected.

It was a waste of time really, he even copy/pasted one of his own posts. Not really worth the time I spent.

I can definitely appreciate that. Though I asume you mean "malevolent"? Unless you want to call out people for showing you goodwill and kindness. :D
^ Then again, "good" people don't really get much attention these days. It's always about the bad things. So that could be what you meant.

Dear Misty, I feel you'll have a hard time with sapiosexuality, considering that you are obviously a violent female imbecile.

Mayhap you should consider a different kink - cowboy hats or, better - baseball hats worn backwards, that would be more your own gangsta league to aspire to.

Dear Mr. Cornholio. I'm a guy, and I'm pretty docile. But good guess with the "obviousness" of who I am. ^_^

Does sapiosexuality offend you? Been rejected too much, for being a dumb dick, maybe? Anyway, nice try,

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