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RE: Sexual Liberation vs the War on Objectification

in #feminism8 years ago

You've got me wrong here. Perhaps the thumbnail suggests it but I'm not saying we're being exploited. I am aware that a woman who has sex for money (just as example) is no more exploited than the mechanic covered in grease and oil. If sexuality was indeed a "powerful talent", then why is it women resort to this talent while men resort to others?

Personally I feel women are clutching for the only thing we can find power from when we resort to sexuality. If it truly were powerful, you would see just as much male sex appeal in the world as woman's.


Quite the contrary. Any book on evolutionary psychology will explain to you why women are desired (in part) for their sexuality while men are desired more (in part) for their brawn, etc.

In short, women are sexually pursued (rather than men) because evolution. Female eggs are scarce and precious (and thus to be pursued sexually) while male sperm is cheap and plentiful. The more rare thing is always there more valued/desired. A female competing for access to male sperm makes about as much sense as competing for air.

There are a few species of animals (birds, frogs, etc.) where the roles are reversed--where the female's eggs are cheap and plentiful and the male sperm less so. In those species, the females invariably pursue the males for sex rather than vice versa.

Men are actually pursued by women, just for different reasons (brawn, resources, etc.).

To diminish a women's ability to market her most evolutionarily valuable asset would be like denying men the ability to market their's--their brawn. What if we were taught to believe that selling our labor (brawn) was shameful while selling our sex appeal was commendable? Silly, right? But only as silly as the reverse.

Women don't have to "earn" their way in the world as much as men do. They already have what most every man wants. So...who is zooming whom here? Females only lose when they are shamed into giving away their most valueable asset rather than selling it like everyone else does.

And actually, they do sell it. They just sell it secretly, and in ways the men find acceptable because they can manage and control it better.

See I don't buy that "because evolution" at all. What I buy is history. If what you say is true that it is women and not men who are more sexually appealing, then why in Pompeii were women paying to have sex with male prostitutes in the brothels? I recommend a visit to "the secret collection" in the history museum in Naples if you'd like to open your mind to a very different perspective on sexuality.

you don't see anything but what you want to, and when someone asks you to explane something you mute them and run off after flagging all their posts. your a cunt

And some women can dunk a basketball too. But VERY few.

But on average, and in every culture and at every time in history, men have pursued females for sex far more than the reverse. Of COURSE there are instances of the reverse, but the averages are far apart on this one. There are actual statistics on this. Well known ones. And it's not even close.

I have to disagree with you here. Women definetly have to "earn" there way if they want to achieve success , probably much more so than men because they have this sexual barrier they must get past.

your a stupid cunt. go virtue seek on tumbler cunt

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