RE: Feelgood Friday: Entry Closed .. Feel Free To Upvote
Hey @thoughts-in-time this is really cool! I like his voice and use of words .. really compelling and thought provoking.
We might not be perfect, yet, we can always strive to do better daily.
Yes I couldn't agree more .. with the rising of each new sun we're granted the opportunity to transcend the mistakes of days gone.
I do not necessarily endorse each and everything he says. However, I
do vibe with the general gist, feel, and direction that he's headed in.
I'm going to write a few words on this at some point, there are many people that I support but don't necessarily subscribe to everything they say or believe .. I support them because I know that their intent is good and intent has the power to unite.
Thank you for your submission my friend I very much enjoyed listening to this .. sorry I haven't been around as much over the last few weeks, I've been really ill plus I'm packing to move house so it's all been a bit of a balancing act .. but I'll get there :)
Thx for reading/watching, good luck on the move!
I agree with you about intent, a lot of times that can
be a key unifying factor for people to rally around.