Cardinals and Red Finch Birds

in #featheredfriday6 years ago

Here are two different cardinals in two different locations.

Did you know that it is illegal to own a cardinal as a pet or to kill one? That is because they are a government protected bird. This is one time that I am glad that the government is involved.

Keeping with the red theme, here is a Red Finch.

I am not sure what this bird is but it kept diving at me and making a lot of racket. No time to get good photos because this bird had me running all over the place. Maybe it is a Red-winged Blackbird or a Red Shouldered Crow?

Thanks for flying by!

#featheredfriday by @keithboone

Image Source: All photos are my own. Can't you tell? I do have better ones for future posts.


ha! running all over the place! lol...that presents a funny image, I suppose you were screaming too? Good photos though, is that a state law about the Cardinal?

I was dodging that bird and yelling at it to stop. LOL! I didn;t like those photos at all but added them because they had red on them like the others. That is a nationwide law.

well well well...look who we have here...after how many weeks? lol..good to finally see you Butterfly!
Well I used to shoot those things because they were easy to see! don't tell no one.

Good to see you too jonboy! : )

OMG! You better not shoot them anymore or you will have to deal with me cowboy!

haha! no, I was just joking. I mean when I was a kid I shot alot of different kinds of birds just because I was a stupid kid but I don't nowadays. How are you feeling today and is it getting ready to snow tomorrow? one last snow of the season, hopefully?

Did you use a sling shot? That is what the mean boys used when I was a kid. I am glad that you grew up and became a gentleman. : )
Yes, more snow tomorrow and I am praying that it will be the last snow. Come on spring weather!

slingshot? ha! what an insult. I was a gunslinger when I was just a kid! For real, I grew up shooting. I amazed people with my shooting skills. Now I just shoot my mouth off! lol.
yeah I was a shooting maniac from a little kid age. I stopped using birdshot to hit birds with because it was too easy so I used a handgun.

You started young. So that is another reason why you liked these outlaws so much.
OK. Stop talking about killing those poor birds. I bet sir Keith wouldn't like to hear about your ways with the birds when you were younger. It is a good thing I wasn't around you then or I would have shot you with a sling shot. LOL!
I can't sit here anymore because of the pain so I will bid you a good night jonboy. Hope to talk to you on #featheredfriday. : )

I had no idea that it is illegal to keep cardinals as pets, thank you for letting me know!
Some of the other birds ought to fill in the one that chasing the poor photographer isn't a good way to get a closeup.

Yay! You learned something from me again. Love that! : )

Chasing the poor photographer...HaHa! If only you could have seen me. LOL!

I have photographed that blackbird also, red wing so least I think it's the same bird...awesome


Yes it is the same bird and your photo is amazing. I went to your blog but I don't see any recent posts and I am looking forward to them. Please let me know when you post something. Thanks for stopping by! : )

Great photos! Love the cardinal, and I would say that is a red-winged blackbird. Thank you for posting in feathered friday. Voted and resteemed.

Thanks for the info. It is good to know what bird that is. : )

My gosh amazing shots of these beautiful red feathered birds @whatisnew

Thanks @simonjay! I am not very happy with these photos so your kind words are greatly appreciated. : )

Nice bird pictures. Not easy getting good shots. Especially when they are flying. :-)

It sure is hard to get good pictures of birds and almost impossible for me to get them in flight. : )

Hi partner, looks like freewrite hell today;) Seems everyone has something to say about minivans!! I'm working from the bottom up. CU....

HaHa! I will see you at one of the minivan stops. : )

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