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RE: Feathered Friday - A couple of Crow visits in June 2017

in #featheredfriday5 years ago

Thanks, @tattoodjay! And that pretty much sums up the articles I read...LOL! It's a "terrible" thing to admit, but I still shoot on Auto mode, and still haven't spent any time figuring out how to work my Nikon manually. Digital has made me a lazy shutterbug... 😂


Now I feel bad saying what I did but let me clarify
I may shoot in RAW mode instead of jpg but I do not shoot in manual very often at all only fir the long exposures sometimes
I mostly shoot in aperture or shutter priority mode so the camera is doing a lot of the work for me
Shooting manual mode isn’t all it’s cracked up to be as it’s so easy to get it wrong lol

Oh, don't feel bad in the slightest, @tattoodjay! Now I feel bad that you feel bad that I sounded like I felt bad... wait, now I'm confused instead! 😂

In all seriousness, I appreciate you sharing your process. I was more poking fun at my intentions when I first got my digital Nikon - I saw it as a great opportunity to refresh my photog brain on the intricacies of f-stops and shutter-speeds without wasting film and processing costs. Yet here I still sit, all these years later, with the setting still on Auto. 😜

But I do appreciate your clarification, you dear and kindly gentleman... oh wait, don't want to mar your tough guy repution again - my bad mister. 😊

Oh now I feel bad that you feel bad that I feel bad that you feel bad that I feel bad that you feel bad that I feel bad dang now I have lay track who feels bad and why lol 😂

Let’s both agree to feel good and have fun 😎👍😎

Oh now I feel bad that you feel bad that I feel bad that you feel bad that I feel bad that you feel bad that I feel bad dang now I have lay track who feels bad and why lol 😂

Let’s both agree to feel good and have fun 😎👍😎

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