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Happy Feathered Friday Everyone! #featheredfriday is hosted by @melinda010100. Check her post Here for more info.

I was wondering what bird to post about this morning when I looked out and was surprised to see two seagull landing by the back deck quickly eating the food I had put out for the other birds, such as, blue jays, juncos, grackles and the raven.

This Seagull is making sure there is nothing left.


Here’s one on the roof of the shed. Seagulls mate for life. They can live 15 years or so in the wild and I am thinking this couple has stopped here before knowing there are easy pickings.

Gulls have a strong social connection to each other. They will gang up on a intruder, to their nesting colonies, with up to a hundred gulls and drive them away.


Seagulls are sometimes called Shit Hawks but they are an important part of the ecological system.. They clean up all the scraps and I often see them at the fast food places waiting fo someone to drop a French fry.

I was surprised these two were inland on the property as most gulls stay close by the sea. I often see them on the Montague River.


This seagull is crusing down the Montague River.


In closing, an photo of the Mallow flowers, the ones I call Grandmother’s flowers...but that’s another story.


Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada

Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T6

Photos & Text by @redheadpei. All Rights Reserved





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I didn't realize that they live so long or that they mated for life. Some neat facts there. We're too far inland here outside of Atlanta to have any, but it's not a trip to the beach without seeing them. Just hearing their calls lets you know you are getting close! :)

Yes they can live quite awhile in the wild. Apparently there are different species of gulls and some do go inland but, like you, the ones I see are around the water.

Lovely post! I also love mallows, yours I would call Marsh Mallows but I don't remember quite where I got that name. They come up every year in my garden, but never ever in the same spot. I have to keep an eye out for them when I am weeding so I don't yank them right out before they've had a chance to do their sweet thing. Sure wish I could take such lovely photos!

Thanks @oswasco! The mallows like to move around. They make such a nice display of color. I used to have white ones but now only the pink color.

Great bird photos! I live inland, but I see seagulls on the river all the time. They follow the grain barges up and down the river, looking for snacks. I do like them, even though a lot of people think they're a nuisance.

Thanks! Smart birds.They know where the food is.

Seagulls always look so peaceful when they're cruising over open water. It's neat to watch them find a shell and repeatedly drop it to get to the food on the inside. They do know what they're doing.

Yes, the ones here I usually see flying over the rivers or ocean but they do come inland where here’s a food source.

Beautiful sharing, seagull and the flowers.

Thanks @roselifecoach for the lovely comment. 😊

We have a lot of seagulls here in Edmonton, far away from the sea.

You’re in Alberta? Sweet.
Being on an Island, I’m surrounded by the sea.

Never thought seagulls were like that. I thought quite the opposite. Thank you for helping me see that they are more than just shit hawks lol.

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Welcome and thanks @foxyspirit. They have their place on this earth and eat up a lot of our garbage.

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Lovely post! Your gull photos are great. I don't see them very often around here, but I love taking pictures of them when I travel to the lakes! My grandmother had mallow. I've tried to grow it but haven't found a sunny enough spot for it.

Hi Melinda and thanks! It was nice to see the gulls as they mostly hang around in Montague by the river.
The mallow is hardy and it does like the sun. It grows best on the south side of the house here.

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