@bnt on Money #8: A Father Provides (Father's Day Special!)

in #fathersday7 years ago (edited)


Hello there, I decided to write this essay to celebrate this wonderful day! We don't all have the great fortune of having great father figures in our lives, so those of us who do should count ourselves lucky. In this essay I will talk about the importance of being a father who provides for his family if you ever want to become wealthy. This essay is specially relevant to you if you're thinking of starting a family or if it's within your life plans. Enjoy!

All feedback is welcome, appreciated and WILL be upvoted!

Today I woke up with a headache. I couldn't get a lot of sleep last night, though today seems to have better prospects. This is rare since I've been sleeping so fantastically lately. Yet here I am, on father's day Sunday, writing my eight essay on money for my Steemit peeps. This is just par for the course for me, and I’ve been going at it like this for a long time now. I'm writing because I care about my production rate. It's important that I keep producing every day, the benefits are just too numerous and significant to ignore. And you should be doing the same too.

Production. The word itself might seem weird within the context of this series of essays, but it's actually one of the most relevant concepts that has to do with wealth-generation. Most of us, unfortunately, do not have a habit of production. Sure, we might go to our workplaces, do our jobs diligently and be constant enough to keep our jobs or even climb the corporate ladder for a little bit or even a lot. But that's not the kind of production I'm talking about. I'm talking about production of something you care about.

I'm talking about music, paintings, literature, videos, web apps, money or whatever else your mind is interested in, daily and only for its own sake. Fuck the money, do it as if nobody is going to ever pay you, do it because you love that particular activity. Do it to keep your muscles flexing.

Take this essay for example. I created this and all of my other essays for myself and I'm using the kind of language that I like to approach these subjects with, just because it's for me. If I ever decide to write a book or do something else with them other than posting them to Steemit, I plan on selling a boatload of those books, but that's not where my focus is right now. My focus is and will always be on production. Whatever other activities I choose to do are secondary. It's a very selfish pursuit, mind you. I'm only doing it to enforce my own goals, but if somebody else can benefit from it, I'll only be too happy to help.

The kind of joy that you get from producing and enjoying your own creations is unlike anything that you could possibly buy brings up. And yet, this kind of production habit is amazingly rare. Believe me, I'll get off my high horse in just a moment, but wouldn't it be fair to say that most people focus on purchasing goods and services, not providing them?

A father provides, he has to, that's his role. He does it regardless of if he is loved, respected or even liked. That's what fathers do. Don't become an addict to your own kind of production just because you think you're a genius, do it for you own people. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to provide for your family thanks to the work that you do based off of something you actually enjoy doing. You cannot ask for much more than that.

In the same way, you'll be hard-pressed to find any father figure whose proudest moment involved a purchase. We feel proud about accomplishments, moments and goals that we attain because of the sincere effort that we put towards its realization. At that moment, we recall our moments as producers. As creators. As inventors. As providers. As fathers.

It's not that I dislike consumption. Quite the contrary, actually. I like buying things as much as the next person. It's just that I've been on both camps several times and camp producers always has the edge and wins as far as giving me the most happiness and genuine joy.

And even if I'm advocating to produce only for production's sake, production can have a curious side effect. If enough people enjoy what you're producing, you can use what you produce as a success vehicle. Exploiting our passions and deriving value from your creations is a wonderful feeling to have, though it isn't always necessary. In fact, profiting from what you produce as a hobby is an exception and should not be the focus of your production process, but you can keep it under your hat as a possibility and definitely pursue it if you’re serious about it.

I've talked about how production and consumption compare before and I'd like to go a little deeper into it. In a lot of ways, consumption tries to emulate the feelings that the creations of a producer get. A simple example of this would be cooking. Sure, eating out and enjoying a nice meal in the town can be a fun occasion, but you'll find that eating what you cook for yourself will hardly ever be topped in terms of pleasure and enjoyment. Same goes for everything. Being 100% self-sustaining and producing everything we consume is a bit hard to fathom (albeit possible) but that shouldn't deter you from pursuing and enjoying something that you enjoy to produce.

Another interesting caveat about constant and consistent production is the quality of the end products. Indeed, what you create might start out a little bit rough. Unless you have natural talent (and talent is no excuse either way,) your initial creations may very well stink. That's okay. You have to be willing to go back to those school days -even if we're significantly older than that now- create a crappy concoction of clay, call it a mug and say "here daddy, this is for you!"

The reason why this is not only okay but actually expected is because it's not a permanent condition. You will inevitably develop a connection with your chosen form of production and get better at it. If you keep your production constant and your fun at high levels, quantity will become quality.

Indeed, if you create for yourself and after enjoying the ever-expanding quality of your products, you might have no choice but to share them. It's the same thing that we experience after using a really great product that we buy - we feel naturally compelled to tell our friends and family about them because we know that it will add value to their lives. The only difference is that you will be talking about your own products. The results of passion, dedication, practice, love for your craft and attention to detail will seldom go unnoticed if shared, even if with just a few people.

Keep your production with high standards, be industrious, be prolific, get creating and have fun. Happy father's day, everyone!


  • Be a producer first, a consumer second.
  • Pursuit interests that can lead you to provide for your family over time.
  • Provide no matter how you feel, how lazy you think you are or how inept you think you are, that's what good fathers do.

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Thank you SO MUCH for reading this all the way through. I'd be thrilled if you could help me out by following me and/or if you could spare 2 minutes to share what your thoughts on my piece are... I'll love you forever!

Previous Essays On Money:

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