@bnt on Money #6: Become An Adept Adapter

in #money7 years ago (edited)


Hello there! This is my sixth essay regarding money and I'm quite happy to share it with all of my fellow steemians. I will talk about the value of adaptation when it comes to being and becoming wealthy.

All feedback is welcome, appreciated and WILL be upvoted!

Adaptation, as you know, is the primary and most important characteristic of evolution. That much we know, but how does adaptation really affect us in our every day lives? Well, it's the only reason you are where you are today in all areas of your life. Allow me to elaborate. As we grow up within our respective environments, we come to pick up the quirks, philosophies and styles of the people around us and all the media we consume. This can be incredibly beneficial or detrimental to our developments since its these same characteristics that determine our adaptability.

History doesn't have to repeat itself, but it sure as hell seems to rhyme a lot of the time. In other words, we seem to repeat the same cycles that our parents, caretakers, friends and the rest of our closest associates make. Whether said cycles are productive or destructive is not relevant, they are definitely reproduced, sometimes without knowing. In other words, we have kind of an echo chamber going on at all times, but specially when we start growing up.

If I'm writing this as if it is gospel reality, it's because it is. 99.99% of people will continue along a similar path as that of their parents, just in a different line of work.

With that in mind, we can conclude that environments tend to be permanently self-preserving. If we let them become so, that is.
All of this is quite relevant within the context of adaptation. See, adaptation doesn't just have to be your reason for survival. It can be the reason you thrive in every environment you're put in or any environment you decide to put yourself in. The question then becomes, how do we become better at adaptation? How do we become more adept adapters?

I believe it all has to do with the level of comfort that we have around change. For change to be the only constant guarantee in life, we sure have a difficult time learning to be comfortable around it or, even better, just embrace it for what it is and use it as leverage. The norm is to be thrown off from change immediately, ignoring whether the change itself is beneficial or not, in favor of keeping the status quo alive for as long as we can.

And I am completely emphatic with our natural instinct to keep things the way they are. I actually see that kind of thing in myself all the time, but I try to sway it the other way. I see some new redesign on a website, a new kind of branding in a product or a new structure in something I already like a certain way in my life and I sigh or groan. That is my natural instinct, sure, but I've learned to let that moment pass and embrace the new change and make it into an advantage for my own cause or enjoyment.

Embracing change is about realizing the reality of circumstances and using them as a propeller for your goals. Being comfortable with change might feel a bit weird at the beginning, but making a habit out of it is what will ensure you keep yourself on the proper track.

The honest truth is that you might as well get accustomed to and happy about change. As much as we all like the status quo and for things to be steady and stable, there are no guarantees in life. You will grow, your likes and dislikes will change and so will the people around you. Your environment tomorrow will be something you don't necessarily think about today. The common denominator here, and in life in general, is change.

Please do not let this fundamental truth get in the way of your planning, however. Remember how useful and effective a tool planning is, specially compared against the alternative which is just going at it (whatever it might happen to be) in an unorganized and unprepared manner. Instead, use change in your favor, even when planning. How? Simple, as circumstances come about and your plans start to pan out, make the necessary changes in your plans without losing sight of your primary goal.

Embracing change will give you an edge over everyone else. It also gives you an increased sense of freedom over your environment and your life. Since you're willing to welcome whatever comes your way, you know you have free range to do with your actions as you see fit.

If you experiment constantly, you will find yourself shifting perspectives constantly and adjusting your preferences accordingly. In other words, you will change. I'm also big on loving yourself and having high self-esteem, so you need to integrate what comes your way readily into your life and move on to the next thing.

To borrow from Dr. Seuss, do what you're going to do because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter. Constantly keep your eyes on the road you're blazing and don't let change deter you from your end goal. Adjusting your approach constantly is not only valid, but necessary.

This will enable you to become good at embracing change and using it as leverage for accomplishing whatever it is you want to accomplish. As you might be wondering, financial freedom and independence are certainly within that reach.

Keep this in mind and you will inevitably become an adept adapter.


  • Adaptation is a prerequisite for financial freedom.
  • The wealthy are constantly adapting.
  • You can adapt in order to create change in your life.

Thank you SO MUCH for reading this all the way through. I'd be trilled if you could help me out by following me and/or if you could spare 2 minutes to share what your thoughts on my piece are... I'll love you forever!

Previous Essays On Money:

  1. The Essence of Abundance: https://steemit.com/life/@bnt/bnt-report-1-the-essence-of-abundance
  2. Frugality Is Overrated: https://steemit.com/life/@bnt/bnt-on-money-2-frugality-is-overrated
  3. Experimenting Your Way To Riches: https://steemit.com/money/@bnt/bnt-on-money-3-experimenting-your-way-to-riches
  4. Greed Is Moronic: https://steemit.com/money/@bnt/bnt-on-money-4-greed-is-moronic
  5. Poverty Is A Mental Disease: https://steemit.com/money/@bnt/bnt-on-money-5-poverty-is-a-mental-disease

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